- wikipedia: a BOT to automatically edit POWER6 and IBM i articles
, jde iSeries
- wikipedia: a BOT user account for making repetitive edits, eliminate tedious manual editing
, jde iSeries
- wikipedia: IBM_i article needs new content added automatically
, jde iSeries
- wikipedia: the FREM2 article added by a BOT
, jde iSeries
- source code for Java-based bot that can create wikipedia stub articles on IBM topics
, jde iSeries
- wikipedia: Bot updates wikipedia articles with info from public sources
, jde iSeries
- Microsoft loves Apple
, Trevor Perry
- Found midrange.com, an Undervalued Asset. Fix It Up. Flip It, reselling for far more than paid
, jde iSeries
- Isuzu lifts productivity with Web portal
, David Gibbs