am not, by any stretch of the imagination, an SQL
http://archive.midrange.com/rpg400-l/200806/msg00219.html> expert.
There may be a way to do what you outlined in SQL, but I must ask, Why?
Why did the chicken cross the road? I guess because it was there.
I am stuck for work and this is kind of a test bed to see how hard or
easy the problem is. I am incorporating it into my trigger utility
programs and this gives me a good way to test theory.
In any case, the same reason always applies to use SQL. Database
independence. If I write a program using file I/O, I am locking that
view of the database into my program. With SQL, I am not and early
indications are using SQL with a user space may actually turn out to be
simpler than using file I/O. Still working on that one. The code will
be available on www.think400.dk/downloads when I get it finished.
In the end, I may decide SQL isn't worth the trouble but no way to find
out except cross the road. I guess the trick is not to get squashed.
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