Depending on what your goal is with the distribution of reports,
Help/Systems Robot/Scheduler or Robot/Reports could be helpful.
If you want to run jobs on a regular basis and distribute the resulting
reports to one or more people, this product has a feature of the scheduler that
allows for this. We use it and it works very well.
This product will do all that the previous
message mentioned, but will also archive reports to short-term storage on disk,
optical, or tape. The newest version will also create Adobe Acrobat (.PDF)
formatted files. This would allow for sending your BPCS documents to
anyone, anywhere via e-mail.
We also use the Robot/Reports product and find it very useful in archiving
financial reports to tape.
>Yes, We have had tremendous success with
spool file distribution using
>Help Systems ROBOT/Reports product.
It takes the operator completely out
>of the report business. It can
bundle reports for a specific user and
>deliver them to the closest
printer OUTQ.
>We use almost all of HELP Systems products and are
very happy with this
>For additional information,
go to their web page, or contact their sales
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