I have something that might interest you.
I am looking at a 2 page report that I got last Friday called BPCS File
Statistics Growth.
It is a list of BPCS files that grew in size last week, sorted from biggest
percentage growth to smallest, then I have another similar one, sorted from
biggest growth in number of records to smallest. I am sometimes interested
in what files are exploding, and which have masses of disappearing records.
The lists show name of file, library, description of file, number records
at start and end of week, change in number records, percentage change,
change in number of members. Other stuff can be added.
Our file that grew the most was ITH with 20,000 new records last week.
I get this thanks to an *OUTFILE directory of all our BPCS files that GO
CMDSCDE sends to JOBQ in the wee hours of Monday morning, then another one
that runs late Friday afternoon, then another job runs to generate Query
comparisons of the two.
I could send a copy to someone via snail mail.
Although you probably more interested in the actual CLP program code that
is doing it, so you can get your own statistics.
This may belong off-line.
I need some help about a particular topic.
Anyone has a list with all BPCS files names and description.
For example:
SIL invoice detail
SIH invoice header
IIM item master
Juan Pablo Aliaga S.
Al Macintyre
BPCS/400 Computer Janitor at
See Al at
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