Dear all,

Thanks for the advise.
Now the problem is solved.
The message "Invoice not found" not appear anymore and now user can input
RMA for invoice BB 9339.
Cause of the problem : Invoice no. BB 9339 not exist in RAR.

Again, thank you so much !

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpcs-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:00 AM
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: BPCS-L Digest, Vol 1, Issue 671

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of BPCS-L digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Moving BPCS to a different machine  (Milt Habeck)
   2. Platform Percentages (patrick rigole)
   3. Re: Platform Percentages (KASP6281@xxxxxxx)
   4. BOM Reorg in Conversion (Al Mac)
   5. RMA problem (Surya Lolo)
   6. Re: RMA problem (KASP6281@xxxxxxx)
   7. R: RMA problem (Roberto Bussani)
   8. R: RMA problem (Roberto Bussani)
   9. RE: Purchase Price Variance Against Outside Operations
      (Rob Stagis)
  10. Re: Platform Percentages (jcorey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:09:58 -0500
from: "Milt Habeck" <mhabeck@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Moving BPCS to a different machine 

If you're being forced into a new box for reasons 
like Srikanth's three-site consolidation below, it 
makes sense to archive your BPCS data. Why? 
Because you might be able to order a smaller 
processor for that new machine if your 
historical data have been archived. 

Please consider reading this information about our 
new archiving software, Locksmith for BPCS: 

If response time is forcing you to consider a new 
box, archiving is a much less expensive alternative to 
try first ... especially if you consider the eye-opening 
cost of a new key typically quoted by SSA-GT. 

Warm regards,

Milt Habeck
Unbeaten Path International

North America toll free: (888) 874-8008
International voice: (262) 681-3151


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Tom Jedrzejewicz @ San Pedro 
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie to BPCS

[ ..... ] 

Option #1 - One iSeries, 3 BPCS instances.
This is probably the easiest and cheapest solution, because BPCS really
doesn't have to be touched.  This should essentially be a save/restore
solution, especially if you put the three instances on separate LPAR
partitions.   [ ......... However, ] If you move BPCS to another machine, 
you will have to obtain a new license key from SSA.  Unless you 
are on support, that is not likely to be free. Good luck.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Srikanth Seshadri 
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: June, 2003  
Subject:  Newbie to BPCS

Dear All,

[ ..... ]  I need to plan for system consolidation in the 
next few days. We have 3 different BPCS environment 
with versions 3.7, and 4.5CD running on AS/400
platform at 3 different locations. I have been asked
to look into the following consolidation options:

1.  Consolidate 3 BPCS instances running in 3 boxes
into one single box running AS/400 but still BPCS
running as 3 separate versions. [ .... ]

Best regards, Srikanth


message: 2
date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 19:14:11 +0200
from: "patrick rigole" <p.rigole@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Platform Percentages


Can anybody tell or point me to a document where the BPCS platform
percentages are stated.

Par example as/400 90% - unix 9% - NT 1%

Thanks in advance,



message: 3
date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:26:37 EDT
from: KASP6281@xxxxxxx
subject: Re: Platform Percentages

You would probably want to contact someone in SSA sales as they probably 
track those types of numbers for sales purposes.


message: 4
date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:24:08 -0500
from: Al Mac <macwheel99@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: BOM Reorg in Conversion

Can anyone tell me if BOM900 in 405 CD corrects all the IIM fields related 
to BOM linkages, or if there are any fields that are missed?

I checked the archives and see that BOM900 updates IIM.ILEVL low level code 
but what I want to know is if it also corrects IIM.INSEQ which supposedly 
tracks volume of MBM items related to any given item.

We are 405 CD and our situation is that due to long recession, foreign 
competition, and other factors, we have developed excess capacity and are 
closing another factory.  This means that I will have list of customers 
whose business was done at facility 30 moving to facility 20, and another 
customer list moving from facility 30 to 40.  We need to write a program to 
go down the BOM in facility 30, for end items linked to relevant customers, 
which I can do, and copy those records into the other facility.  So 
basically I will be dumping records into MBM FRT MPN and perhaps the cost 
files, hoping that a BOM900 at the end of it will fix any IIM fields used 
for navigating those records.

I can't just substitute another facility for 30 because after I get done 
with the engineering, other people will be moving requirements so that the 
production will continue in facility 30 until closure, while MRP will be 
planning the same stuff in another facility effective some cut-off date.

A related issue is down the road when we start deleting stuff from facility 
30.  I am hoping that if we blanket delete stuff in facility 30, that 
BOM900 will clean up our BPCS data base for us when we are finished.

Al Macintyre
Find BPCS Documentation Suppliers
BPCS/400 Computer Janitor at


message: 5
date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 15:40:45 +0700
from: Surya Lolo <surya.lolo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RMA problem

BPCS ver 6.0.02 mix mode, AS/400

I would like to create an RMA on : 
        - Customer no.  : 11064
        - Prefix                : BB
        - Invoice no.   : 9339

The message appears "Invoice no. not found".

When I check into SIH & SIL file, invoice no. 9339 is exist.
Why this message appear ?

Thank you
PT. Indonesia EPSON Industry


message: 6
date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 19:45:57 EDT
from: KASP6281@xxxxxxx
subject: Re: RMA problem


This can be for a couple reasons.  One reason is that the prefix is
(changed or inactive?).  The second is that the sold to customer and and
to customer are different and you are putting in the wrong customer number.

I think that it will be one of these reasons.

John Kasper
J.D. Kasper & Associates, Inc.
(847) 644-1042


message: 7
date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 12:51:35 +0200
from: Roberto Bussani <roberto.bussani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: R: RMA problem

Perhaps because it wants that invoice is for this year. In the key of search
there is also the year and type ( this should be 1, invoice))
Your BB 9339 is of 2003?
I hope this helps.

Roberto Bussani

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Surya Lolo [mailto:surya.lolo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Inviato: marted?24 giugno 2003 10.41
A: 'BPCS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx'
Oggetto: RMA problem

BPCS ver 6.0.02 mix mode, AS/400

I would like to create an RMA on : 
        - Customer no.  : 11064
        - Prefix                : BB
        - Invoice no.   : 9339

The message appears "Invoice no. not found".

When I check into SIH & SIL file, invoice no. 9339 is exist.
Why this message appear ?

Thank you
PT. Indonesia EPSON Industry

This is the SSA's BPCS ERP System (BPCS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: BPCS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: BPCS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives


message: 8
date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 12:56:17 +0200
from: Roberto Bussani <roberto.bussani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: R: RMA problem

An other possibility is that it's check RAR file, in version 6.1 there is a
BMR MR0044167 that remove it when order type affects inventory.

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Surya Lolo [mailto:surya.lolo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Inviato: marted?24 giugno 2003 10.41
A: 'BPCS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx'
Oggetto: RMA problem

BPCS ver 6.0.02 mix mode, AS/400

I would like to create an RMA on : 
        - Customer no.  : 11064
        - Prefix                : BB
        - Invoice no.   : 9339

The message appears "Invoice no. not found".

When I check into SIH & SIL file, invoice no. 9339 is exist.
Why this message appear ?

Thank you
PT. Indonesia EPSON Industry

This is the SSA's BPCS ERP System (BPCS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: BPCS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: BPCS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives


message: 9
date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 07:54:07 -0400
from: "Rob Stagis" <stagis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Purchase Price Variance Against Outside Operations

Got it!!!  There were no bugs.  My wife works in A/P (24 hours/day - ain't
life grand?) and she's been saying that the variance calculation was
'spotty'.  Sometimes it worked and other times it didn't.  It turned out to
be vendor type.

Vendor points at a vendor type
Vendor type points at G/L accounts, including a variance account. (The
vendor type we were using didn't have a variance account set up and that was
our prob)
Routing is coded with a 'C' (for cost) and contains the cost.  (I wish BPCS
allowed more than $999, which we need occasionally)
When the PO is keyed, the purchasing agent fills out the 'Y' outside
operation, shop order number and route step.
Purchasing agent returns to line entry and blanks out the cost and hits
<ENTER>.  The line cost (PECST) is then filled in with the route-step cost.
A/P enters the invoice against the item which has been received with a 'OO'
(outside op) transaction and ensures the PO# is entered on A/P entry.
Quantity and invoice cost are filled on the next screen.
Ignore the next screen
Last screen has the A/P G/L distribution and it works like a champ!!!  I
earned a kiss from the A/P person :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Kohlndorfer [mailto:kohlnbob@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:46 PM
To: stagis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Purchase Price Variance Against Outside Operations


I would be very interested in your findings.
I have a someone working on V2 of BPCS that has the Outside Operation marked
as 'Y' on the Purchase order and the Price Variance still goes against the
complete item cost.

Bob Kohlndorfer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Stagis" <stagis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'SSA's BPCS ERP System'" <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: Purchase Price Variance Against Outside Operations

Ah, hints.  Hmmmm.....  We've got all the t's dotted and i's crossed (or
something like that) so I'll go back at it and hope a previous generation of
programmers didn't change something.

Thanks, Bill.


-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 5:17 PM
To: SSA's BPCS ERP System
Subject: Re: Purchase Price Variance Against Outside Operations

Rob Stagis wrote:
> The question:  When the invoice for the outside op is keyed, BPCS
> tries to generate a dollar amount into the variance account, but the
> variance is calculated against the item's total standard cost.  Can
> BPCS generate the variance against the routing's outside op cost?


We found the problem here (and we are 405CD); the Outside Processing Flag
on the PO Detail Detail screen was not Y, thus the shop order and operation
number were zero as well.

If that's not the case for you, I've heard a rumor here that if the
contract is no longer valid it won't price correctly either.


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message: 10
date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 07:10:01 -0500
from: jcorey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Platform Percentages

I've submitted this query to SSA-GT... will post response when I hear 

Jeffrey P. Corey
Regional Sales Manager
Computer Configuration Services
317/403-1611 - Cellular
317/823-7535 - Office Phone
866/249-8184 - Fax

"patrick rigole" <p.rigole@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
06/24/2003 12:14 PM
Please respond to "SSA's BPCS ERP System"

        To:     <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
        Subject:        Platform Percentages


Can anybody tell or point me to a document where the BPCS platform
percentages are stated.

Par example as/400 90% - unix 9% - NT 1%

Thanks in advance,


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To post a message email: BPCS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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End of BPCS-L Digest, Vol 1, Issue 671

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