Hi Dennis,

We are on version 8.1 of BPCS and also uses Inovis Trusted Link version 
6.1. Can I  find out why you are trying to migrate from Inovis?


Sumit Rohatgi

Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces+srohatgi=mother-parkers.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
02/25/2005 01:01 PM
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        To:     bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        BPCS-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 42

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Today's Topics:

   1. RE: Fix that SSA *Allobj Security Exposure! (DeeDee Virgei)
   2. EDI (Dennis Basiner)
   3. RE: EDI (Steve Segerstrom)
   4. RE: EDI translator (Steve Segerstrom)


message: 1
date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 09:46:27 -0500
from: "DeeDee Virgei" <DeeDee.Virgei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: [BPCS-L] Fix that SSA *Allobj Security Exposure!

Hi Again,

Darryl, you just made me realize something...  If all the security 
programs are set to adopt the owner's authority and BPCSMENU is owned by 
SSA (or which ever single group profile is selected) then I should be OK 
-the step of adding 'CHGGRPA GRPJOB(SSA)' to BPCSMENU is overkill.  The 
only thing is I don't remember which program parameter takes precedence, 
'Use adopted authority' or 'User profile' (all the security programs are 
still set to *USER) or if it's collective...  Time for me to read up on 
this some more.  Actually, since Genyphyr supplied me w/ the 4.05 CD BMR 
#s,  I'm all set.  Thanks Gernyphyr!  Thanks Darryl!  Clare!  And everyone 

FYI, I do agree that SSA doesn't need *ALLOBJ authority; just would like 
to also remove it from my users' group profile settings (at least those w/ 
ODBC access).

And I agree w/ Norma, this discussion is somewhat nerve racking!  Thanks 

DeeDee Virgei

-----Original Message-----
From:            bpcs-l-bounces+deedee.virgei=nelsonstud.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces+deedee.virgei=nelsonstud.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx]  On 
Behalf Of darryl frankel
Sent:            Thursday, February 24, 2005 5:31 PM
To:              'SSA's BPCS ERP System'
Subject:                 RE: [BPCS-L] Fix that SSA *Allobj Security 

Matters are different when accessing the database using tools such as ODBC

In this instance, you may be advised to:
- Revoke all authorities and simply grant authority to a single group
profile with all rights required to run BPCS such as SSA. ALLOBJ authority
is not required at all.
Change your initial program such as BPCSMENU to adopt the owner's 
In this manner when you sign on, you will not have access to BPCS, until 
user has passed BPCS Security, under program control starting with the
initial program BPCSMENU.

- Create a new user profile for ODBC users to sign on with. This user 
then at most have READ rights only to BPCS data libraries. In some shops,
you may want to restrict the access to a few files only.

Darryl Freinkel

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces+darrylfrankel=assignment400.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces+darrylfrankel=assignment400.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of DeeDee Virgei
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 3:35 PM
To: SSA's BPCS ERP System
Subject: RE: [BPCS-L] Fix that SSA *Allobj Security Exposure!


Removing *ALLOBJ authority (or changing it to *USER) does not resolve the
issue w/ ODBC and some other PC software; if you have all your users w/ 
group profile then you are still at risk.  Keep in mind Genyphyr's 
"Nor do we any longer require or recommend that the user enrolled in BPCS
should have an SSA group profile for any currently supported version of 
product..."   If my memory serves me correctly,  the general solution to
this problem is to perform a few steps:
1st (and most relevant)  set all BPCS program's USRPRF setting to *OWNER 
I believe USEADPAUT setting to *YES (can change w/ CHGPGM command). 
2nd verify all BPCS objects are owned by SSA (if not, can change w/
CHGOBJOWN command or use TAATOOL as suggested - should have shipped this
3rd for all BPCS files, verify SSA authority is set to *ALL (should have
shipped this way), and *PUBLIC authority is set to either *USE or *EXCLUDE
depending on how much access you want your users to have outside of BPCS 
the green screen (I believe shipped w/ *CHANGE, can change w/ GRTOJBAUT

The final step is to start removing SSA Group profile from your users'
profiles...  I've really over simplified this fix.  First off, you won't 
able to change all the BPCS programs in the 1st step due to the attribute
settings on some security programs.  That is where OGS comes in play;
support can send you these programs w/ the *OWNER setting.  Although I'm
still not sure what releases they will do this with...  A work-around is 
change BPCSMENU (the BPCS startup program [CLP]), add "CHGGRPA 
This will provide you w/ traditional green screen security where users 
SSA authority, but are limited due to the "Limit capabilities *YES" 
in their profile.  Since this added command only changes the interactive
session authority, ODBC and other PC software should not be a threat...  A
few last points, you will have to adjust file authority (3rd step) if you
have other programs/applications that run on the iSeries or other 
updating BPCS files; !
 possibly add additional group authority.  BPCS programs (1st step) 
modified and out-of-the-box programs.  File authority (3rd step) also
applies to non-BPCS files used by modified BPCS programs.  Hope this 
I've gathered this info from the archives...

DeeDee Virgei
Project Leader

Nelson Stud Welding, Inc. 

 -----Original Message-----
From:            bpcs-l-bounces+deedee.virgei=nelsonstud.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces+deedee.virgei=nelsonstud.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx]  On 
Of Clare Holtham
Sent:            Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:36 AM
To:              SSA's BPCS ERP System
Subject:                 Re: [BPCS-L] Fix that SSA *Allobj Security 

But Tay,

It works as shipped. In other words, the SSA Group Profile (which is not
shipped as *Allobj, or never was) owns all the BPCS objects, and all the
BPCS users are members of that group. *Allobj is a red herring and is not
required. In Europe we (when I was with SSA) have always created a 
profile called SSALOAD which DOES have *Allobj, AND is a member of the SSA
group profile (which only needs *USER), and has owner *GRPPRF. This 
can be used for installing BPCS, for installing PTFS, for creating new 
environments, etc etc. It is because some consultants have used the SSA
group profile to do these jobs that it has been left on customer boxes 



Clare Holtham
Director, Small Blue Ltd - Archiving for BPCS
Web: www.smallblue.co.uk
IBM Certified iSeries Systems Professional
Email: Clare.Holtham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <tay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "SSA's BPCS ERP System" <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [BPCS-L] Fix that SSA *Allobj Security Exposure!

> I am using 4.5CD version BPCS, my idea are same as what SSA
> *ALLOBJ). Otherwise, you need to individual(or group) define BPCS files
> authority use right and also need to study the individual user run
> related files and individual grant the authority right accordingly.
> that if you have over hundred of users and each user have to run
> different(or same) programs(such as ORD500,ORD600, PUR500, INV500 and 
> and something the user was quit and replace new user.
> It will make you crazy !!
> >From :Tay
> -- 
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message: 2
date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:29:02 -0500
from: "Dennis Basiner" <dbasiner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [BPCS-L] EDI

                 I am using Inovis Trusted Link for AS400 for EDI and SSA 
Commerce Manager for portal into BPCS 6.0.4 and 6.1.02. I am considering
changing EDI packages and have looked at True Commerce. I am running V5R2 
a model 810. Anyone using True Commerce or recommend another package ?
Feedback ?

Dennis Basiner
Information Systems Manager
Cains Foods L.P.

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.8 - Release Date: Monday, 
14, 2005


message: 3
date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:36:34 -0600
from: "Steve Segerstrom" <SSegerstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: [BPCS-L] EDI

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces+ssegerstrom=intermatic.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces+ssegerstrom=intermatic.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of Dennis Basiner
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 10:29 AM
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [BPCS-L] EDI

                 I am using Inovis Trusted Link for AS400 for EDI and SSA 
Commerce Manager for portal into BPCS 6.0.4 and 6.1.02. I am considering
changing EDI packages and have looked at True Commerce. I am running V5R2 
a model 810. Anyone using True Commerce or recommend another package ?
Feedback ?

Dennis Basiner
Information Systems Manager
Cains Foods L.P.

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.8 - Release Date: Monday, 
14, 2005

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Delivered-To: SSegerstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


message: 4
date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:51:33 -0600
from: "Steve Segerstrom" <SSegerstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: [BPCS-L] EDI translator

Sorry sick at home. I will try to actually respond WITH a message.

We are at 6.0.04 heavily modified; os/version v5r3 on an I5. 

We run a good deal of our business via edi; we probably average 500 orders 
a day and can spike to a couple thousand (you know, those wonderful store 
resets and pipeline fills). We also do similar volumes in ASN's & 

About 3 years ago I went on the hunt for a new EDI package (v4r? at the 
time) and evaluated the "viable"  ISeries packages at that time - they 
were Sterling Commerce's package, Harbinger and Extol. 

Extol won hands down. If considered, don't get the BPCS jump start package 
it was a waste of $$$$.  Not long ago we added trailblazer to help us 
manage multiple direct connects, van connects and internet connects.

I am no longer the EDI manager but I am still "involved" (I have been 
cross training new guys for a couple years). Contact me offline if you 
would like more.

Steve Segerstrom
Intermatic Inc
(815) 675-7469

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces+ssegerstrom=intermatic.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces+ssegerstrom=intermatic.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of Dennis Basiner
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 10:29 AM
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [BPCS-L] EDI

                 I am using Inovis Trusted Link for AS400 for EDI and SSA 
Commerce Manager for portal into BPCS 6.0.4 and 6.1.02. I am considering
changing EDI packages and have looked at True Commerce. I am running V5R2 
a model 810. Anyone using True Commerce or recommend another package ?
Feedback ?

Dennis Basiner
Information Systems Manager
Cains Foods L.P.

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.8 - Release Date: Monday, 
14, 2005

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End of BPCS-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 42

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