Hello all,
BPCS allows the setup of price break levels in special price maintenance.
This price break level is based on the quantity or amount on order line
What we would like to achieve
Basic selling price customer-1 / item-A x.xx euro
Basic selling price customer-1 / item-B y.yy euro
order line 1 aaa item-A
order line 2 bbb item-B
Total order amount, based in customer-1 basic selling price
< 20.000 line prices is basic selling per + 3%
20.000 - 25.000 line price is basic selling price
> 20.000 line price is basic selling price - 3%
Is there a way to determine the line price, based on the total order
amount ?
Is this possible when we implement and setup promotion and deals
Kind regards,
Peter Heeren
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