Dear Matt,
The facility removal process is a many-step chore with
important internal control considerations. Soft-deleting
item master records is a useful practice before initiating
the archiving process ... but using INV100 to deactivate
items is a particularly frustrating challenge.
Here is a group of "BPCS janitorial implements" that
could make your clean-up process more efficient:
The "Item Undertaker" and "Locksmith" links would be
of particular interest to you for this project.
Warm regards,
Milt Habeck
Unbeaten Path
(888) 874-8008 - North America
(262) 681-3151 - International
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From: Bonus Matt
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 1:12 PM
Subject: [BPCS-L] Deleting a facility
To all:
What is the best way to go about deleing a facility and all of its records
in all the files. I have BPCS version 4.05 CD and we have a facility that
we no longer use and do not need any of the data from the facility. ( I
have backup tapes, if anything changes) I do not want to go through every
file and delete the records from that facility. Thanks for your help.
Matthew Bonus
I/S Manager
Truarc Company LLC
Email: mbonus@xxxxxxxxxx
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