There are several manuals that contain this, but they are BPCS version
In other words, the data flow for one version of BPCS is going to do you no
damn good if you are on another version, because the names of the programs
change, there's features present one place not another, there's features
different companies may be using that are not relevant to you.
Most of the BPCS manuals are associated with classes in BPCS, where you can
order the class hand-outs without actually going to the class.
I have links to some, that I have not kept current, at
you can use the names of the companies to go search for their current web
sites then from there to look at sample pages.
For example, here's a list of BPCS manuals available from Unbeaten Path
The UPI Overview Manual has chapters on different kinds of customer orders,
factory orders, forecasting, distribution, purchase orders, supply chain,
and other topics. It comes with very nice flow charts indicating the
normal flow of actions within the BPCS Order System, and which commands are
needed to navigate information about BPCS orders.
There's also a separate manual specifically on Supply Chain.
Each member of this file is a different document.
You also might take a look at what's in BPCSDOC if you have that on your
Can somebody let me know the complete dataflow of Order System in BPCS. If
anybody has the document related to it, it would be of great help to me.
I sincerely thank you in advance for your help
Best Regards
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