Good morning everyone,
NCR AIDC/RFID Solutions Group has a seamless Order and Quote creation,
validation and posting into BPCS solution. Please call Donna Wright at
336 580 3227 to discuss further. Thanks!!
Our NCR BPCS Order Entry Solution is a combination of the following:
NCR Sales Visibility for order entry front end that runs on NCR
TransitionsWorks (TWS) Run-time platform. Sales Visibility allows users
to enter BPCS sales order or quote with limited validation on HTML
Browser Enabled clients including Windows Mobile devices and the order
or quote is fed into BPCS 6.x & 8.x releases via NCR Order Entry Adapter
for BPCS.
NCR Order Entry Adapter for BPCS uses the ORD700 series programs to
validate and create customer orders and quotes in BPCS. BPCS order
hearder and line details, including header & line notes, get created
into the work files, validation is performed and then the order or quote
is created in BPCS.
Thank you,
Venkatesan Srinivasan (aka Venky)
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