We use TAATOOLS (CRTDBFJRN) utility from Jim Sloan Inc which uses the IBM
journal feature to capture any master file changes within BPCS. This tool
captures the journals to work files which then can be used in your RPG
program. Before this can be done, you have to make sure the IBM journals
are turned on for the BPCS files.
"George Varvaressos" <gvarvaressos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces+skumaran=esab.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
02/21/2009 12:07 AM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
[BPCS-L] Looking for sample BPCS Journals
I am writing a program that interrogates as400 journals that have been
captured from BPCS.
I desperately need a variety of sample as400 journals from BPCS. Just BPCS
master files!
Nothing too big - even a few hours of transactions would make excellent
test data.
If anyone can provide sample journals it would be appreciated.
George Varvaressos
Sydney, Australia
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