In all cases the record id for a file designates whether or not the record is considered "active". BPCS/Lx doesn't (in most cases) hard delete the records from the respective files. When you use action code 4=delete the system will change the record id from i.e. "IM" in the item master file to "IZ".
I would say the 90% of the files have the Z in the second position of the record id. The rest of the files have the "Z" in the first position of the record id.
When the files were defined when BPCS was created the first character (in the 90% rule) of the record id was the first letter in the file name. i.e. IIM=item master and the record id is IM.
Hope that this helps.
Dan Sweeney - Sr Technical Consultant
PHOENIX Business Consulting, Inc.
Cell: 860.490.6712
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of George Varvaressos
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 3:47 AM
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [BPCS-L] Record Ids and Meanings
Can someone help me with meaning of the following codes from the attached files?
P, L & W ?
FMA Material Allocations MID MR/MA/MZ/P
FLT Labour Tickets TID TE/TH/TZ /L
ILI Item Location LID CL/ZL / CS/ZS /L
IWI Item Warehouse Inventory WID WK/WI/WZ/W
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