If you want to reply to a certain person, then just copy the significant e-mail that you want to respond to and just reply to them.
Dan Sweeney - Sr Technical Consultant
PHOENIX Business Consulting, Inc.
Cell: 860.490.6712
-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces+dsweeney=phoenixbcinc.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpcs-l-bounces+dsweeney=phoenixbcinc.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David.ANTONISSE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:00 AM
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [BPCS-L] Answer on postings
Good morning/afternoon,
If I want to answer on answers from consultants, how can I react, where do
I need to click? I don't see it.
Thank you very much!
David Antonisse
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