
So your issue is: after logging on to ERPLx webtop, it does not show menu on the screen ?

If you still have this issue, there are a few things you may check:

1. I assume you have the logon screen OK showing correct icons etc. Is the login user authorised to any Lx environment you entered in the WEB_ENV file ?
2. Has the WEB_ENV file got the correct EC library name ?
3. Have you turned on the joblog level *SECLVL for all jobs running under IWEBTOP subsystem and see if you get any error in the joblog ?
4. Are you using IE 6 - IE 8, Windows XP, Win 7 ? (IE 9 should work but one thing need to be careful)
5. Also try IE -Tool-internet option- delete cookies and history file and refresh the screen.
6. Make sure you have upgraded to WT for both Webtop and IBM WAS EAR app ?
7. If you invoke INV100D1 from webtop, the objects is in 834 library, it read the packlib dataarea in 834 library, it contain a value in PACKLIB, it then search for the meta data in AM2000 files based on the name in the PACKLIB. Check some file such as W3PUI in AM2000, you should see different library name correspond to the value in PACKLIB. It allows webtop to get the correct metadata.


bpcs-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

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than "Re: Contents of BPCS-L digest..."

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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Transfer from One Part Number to Another (Al)
2. Re: webtop runtime problem (eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
3. Re: webtop runtime problem (Bryce Martin)
4. Re: webtop runtime problem (Mark Sabol)


message: 1
date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:47:11 -0500
from: "Al" <macwheel99@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [BPCS-L] Transfer from One Part Number to Another

We do not automate it. We do it manually.

There are several scenarios which cause an item to become another item.

I do not know all of them. Many are rather complex to explain.

The cost implications vary with the nature of the scenario, and yes, we
reason codes with General Ledger rules which feed those reason codes to
up for the auditors, so we can run totals of bottom line impact by

BPCS cost structure is different if part is purchased or manufactured.
There are some parts we can make or purchase. The difference in cost
depends on volume we need. There is also an issue with vendors not
our tight lead times, where manufacturing a few more can be cheaper than
freight expediting. We frequently both purchase and manufacture.
To avoid major hassles constantly messing with BPCS cost, routings, BOM
we have two part #s for this switcheroo, so we can transfer between the
purchased or manufactured reality, with a minimum of clerical hassle.

Sometimes a customer returns a part for repair, or rework into a
revision. For example, we have been shipping them model G for years,
they switched to model H which is what we now make. At some point they
they have some excess volume of model G which they want reworked into
H. So we receive into inventory that quantity of model G which has the
item # as model H. BPCS does not take kindly to inventory with same
item #
but actually somewhat different construction, so we quickly create a new
item # copied off the current with a letter attached to the end.

Letter R for repair rework involved - this part is not yet identical to
part it will become.

We have a similar system for the development of new parts and new
methods of
construction. Same base item, a letter appended for methodology. When
ready to do shipment to customer, of part which has passed inspection,
change part # from the item #, with the method code appended, to the
item #
on order for the customer.

We use machines which feed in reels of wire at extreme high speed. If
wire is wound clockwise or counter clockwise on a spool, it makes a
difference mounting the spools on machines. We have same identical
with 2 part #s, 1 for clockwise, 1 for counter clockwise. Multiple
can simultaneously be using the same wire. For reasons of factory
efficiency we sometimes need to switch inventory between the clockwise
counter clockwise. There is a separate machine to take care of that.
we do so, we switch their part #s between the two realities.

We manufacture wiring harnesses to customer specifications, where
drawing will have wires in their desired structure numbered 1 to 1,000
whatever. Engineers enter item #s consisting of strings of characters.

e.g. ABCDEFG-D7-1001 where ABCDEFG is the customer base part-id, D7 is
sub-assembly, and 1001 is wire lead 1001 in that sub-assembly. Certain
fields in that item, uniquely describe its chemical composition, wire
color striping, length etc. lots of details. Then we run lists of what
results have identical characteristics, and replace with what we call
wire characteristics - one part #, outside the ABCDEFG-whatever item #
system, where same identical "red wire of certain length and tin=copper
alloy, and certain electrical connectors" is found multiple places in
customer design, so we can manufacture needs and control inventory more
efficiently. In theory all this completed before production, but lead
getting shorter. Sometimes production started, before the identical
consolidated into a single item #.

Al Mac
-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Behalf Of Devin Bowen
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 4:14 PM
To: BPCS ERP System
Subject: Re: [BPCS-L] Transfer from One Part Number to Another

This probably is not a good idea and undoubtedly would have undesired
cost implications. What is the scenario that would cause you to
consider automating this for a user? What happened to the item to
cause it to become another item?


Devin Bowen
Enterprise Application Solutions

On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:05 PM, Larenzo Alexander
<larenzo_alexander@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm using BPCS v6.1. Does it has something similar to the Mass
Transfer that allows you to transfer a Part number inventory to another
number. I'm aware that a use can do an adjustment on 1 part number and
an adjustment transaction on the other but Just thought I would ask the
question before I create something new for the user.



message: 2
date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 06:07:14 -0500
from: eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem


I did already change the object ownership. Still got the same
problem... Thanks for the code.
I think the problem lies on the webtop 8.3.4 ear file. I really dont
know what to do to show the LX environment on webtop..
Is there any special procedure except what is in the manual from
By the way I am using WT0403 in ISeries and the metadata update for
webtop 8.3.4

I am still confused with metadata update in changing PACKLIB but I
think its only relevant if you have existing metadata installation.


On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 09:51:42 -0400, Bryce Martin wrote:
Just a little more info on the object ownership...

I did a dspobjd on the AM2000 library to an outfile called OBJDTST.

Then if you see from the outfile that some of the owners are not
S2KOBJOWNR. If there are instances of this then you can run the
code to change the ownership.

(Make sure you change the library name in the sql statement to the
where you put the outfile OBJDST to from the DSPOBJD command.)

d cmdstring s 256
d cmdlength s 15 5
d $command pr extpgm('QCMDEXC')
d command 256
d Length 15 5
d reccount...
d s 10i 0 inz(0)
d objectName...
d s 10a
d objectType...
d s 8a
d objectOwner...
d s 10a
*inlr = *on;
Exec SQL Declare C1 Cursor for
Select odobnm, odobtp, odobow
From mylibrary/objdtst
Where odobow = 'QSECOFR' AND ODOBNM > 'W3PPROP'
Order By odobnm;
Exec SQL
Open C1;
Exec SQL
Fetch Next from C1 Into :objectName, :objectType,
Dow sqlcod = 0;
cmdstring = 'CHGOBJOWN OBJ(AM2000/' + %trim(objectName) +
') OBJTYPE(' + %trim(objectType) +
cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
$command(cmdstring: cmdlength);
reccount += 1;
Exec SQL
Fetch Next from C1 Into :objectName, :objectType,

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

"Eriq Lorilla" <eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/14/2011 10:05 PM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'BPCS ERP System'" <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem

Thanks for all the replies. I also have it from Infor. But now I have
another problem.
The webtop after login does not show the LX menu. Definitely I
updated the WEB_ENV file with the control library of LX.
Anyone somehow encountered the problem and have suggestions on what I

Please see attached..

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Bryce Martin
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:22 PM
To: BPCS ERP System
Subject: Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)

After looking at our server yesterday I couldn't remember off the top
head what I needed to do. There is a file called License that needs
to be
put into a specific directory I believe. Now, I can't remember if
this is
the same for IDF and Webtop or if it is just one or the other. I
suggest contacting Infor and ask for Tim Fitzgerald. He helped me
out and
he was top notch.

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

SPA02 <santoy67@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/13/2011 03:07 AM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)

Hi Eriq,

You may try www.infor365.com. Once you log in, go to DocLink/Infor

There you can find some documentations which may help in completing

Or, you can log an incident at www.infor365.com to get an advice from
Application Support.

Hope this helps.

Xu Xen

Today's Topics:

1. webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)


message: 1
date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:39:30 +0800
from: "Eriq Lorilla" <eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX


I am currently installing webtop for INFORLX. I just don't know how
the liscense.
Can someone help me..



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message: 3
date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 09:18:39 -0400
from: Bryce Martin <BMartin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem

I think at this point your best bet is to contact Infor and request
Timothy Fitzgerald. He is top notch and got me straightened out. We
fiddled and messed with all kinds of things, and honestly I'm not 100%
sure anymore what exactly got everything to work, as its been a couple
months. I know we messed with licenses, updating meta data, pretty much

everything you can think of. It was a combination of things I think,
can't pinpoint it really.

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/20/2011 07:07 AM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem


I did already change the object ownership. Still got the same
problem... Thanks for the code.
I think the problem lies on the webtop 8.3.4 ear file. I really dont
know what to do to show the LX environment on webtop..
Is there any special procedure except what is in the manual from
By the way I am using WT0403 in ISeries and the metadata update for
webtop 8.3.4

I am still confused with metadata update in changing PACKLIB but I
think its only relevant if you have existing metadata installation.


On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 09:51:42 -0400, Bryce Martin wrote:
Just a little more info on the object ownership...

I did a dspobjd on the AM2000 library to an outfile called OBJDTST.

Then if you see from the outfile that some of the owners are not
S2KOBJOWNR. If there are instances of this then you can run the
code to change the ownership.

(Make sure you change the library name in the sql statement to the
where you put the outfile OBJDST to from the DSPOBJD command.)

d cmdstring s 256
d cmdlength s 15 5
d $command pr extpgm('QCMDEXC')
d command 256
d Length 15 5
d reccount...
d s 10i 0 inz(0)
d objectName...
d s 10a
d objectType...
d s 8a
d objectOwner...
d s 10a
*inlr = *on;
Exec SQL Declare C1 Cursor for
Select odobnm, odobtp, odobow
From mylibrary/objdtst
Where odobow = 'QSECOFR' AND ODOBNM > 'W3PPROP'
Order By odobnm;
Exec SQL
Open C1;
Exec SQL
Fetch Next from C1 Into :objectName, :objectType,
Dow sqlcod = 0;
cmdstring = 'CHGOBJOWN OBJ(AM2000/' + %trim(objectName) +
') OBJTYPE(' + %trim(objectType) +
cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
$command(cmdstring: cmdlength);
reccount += 1;
Exec SQL
Fetch Next from C1 Into :objectName, :objectType,

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

"Eriq Lorilla" <eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/14/2011 10:05 PM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'BPCS ERP System'" <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem

Thanks for all the replies. I also have it from Infor. But now I have
another problem.
The webtop after login does not show the LX menu. Definitely I
updated the WEB_ENV file with the control library of LX.
Anyone somehow encountered the problem and have suggestions on what I

Please see attached..

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Bryce Martin
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:22 PM
To: BPCS ERP System
Subject: Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)

After looking at our server yesterday I couldn't remember off the top
head what I needed to do. There is a file called License that needs
to be
put into a specific directory I believe. Now, I can't remember if
this is
the same for IDF and Webtop or if it is just one or the other. I
suggest contacting Infor and ask for Tim Fitzgerald. He helped me
out and
he was top notch.

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

SPA02 <santoy67@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/13/2011 03:07 AM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)

Hi Eriq,

You may try www.infor365.com. Once you log in, go to DocLink/Infor

There you can find some documentations which may help in completing

Or, you can log an incident at www.infor365.com to get an advice from
Application Support.

Hope this helps.

Xu Xen

Today's Topics:

1. webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)


message: 1
date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:39:30 +0800
from: "Eriq Lorilla" <eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX


I am currently installing webtop for INFORLX. I just don't know how
the liscense.
Can someone help me..



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message: 4
date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 11:56:30 -0400
from: Mark Sabol <msabol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem


I have a ticket open and we are going through things, but not working

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Bryce Martin
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 9:19 AM
To: BPCS ERP System
Subject: Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem

I think at this point your best bet is to contact Infor and request
Timothy Fitzgerald. He is top notch and got me straightened out. We
fiddled and messed with all kinds of things, and honestly I'm not 100%
sure anymore what exactly got everything to work, as its been a couple
months. I know we messed with licenses, updating meta data, pretty much

everything you can think of. It was a combination of things I think,
can't pinpoint it really.

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/20/2011 07:07 AM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem


I did already change the object ownership. Still got the same
problem... Thanks for the code.
I think the problem lies on the webtop 8.3.4 ear file. I really dont
know what to do to show the LX environment on webtop..
Is there any special procedure except what is in the manual from
By the way I am using WT0403 in ISeries and the metadata update for
webtop 8.3.4

I am still confused with metadata update in changing PACKLIB but I
think its only relevant if you have existing metadata installation.


On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 09:51:42 -0400, Bryce Martin wrote:
Just a little more info on the object ownership...

I did a dspobjd on the AM2000 library to an outfile called OBJDTST.

Then if you see from the outfile that some of the owners are not
S2KOBJOWNR. If there are instances of this then you can run the
code to change the ownership.

(Make sure you change the library name in the sql statement to the
where you put the outfile OBJDST to from the DSPOBJD command.)

d cmdstring s 256
d cmdlength s 15 5
d $command pr extpgm('QCMDEXC')
d command 256
d Length 15 5
d reccount...
d s 10i 0 inz(0)
d objectName...
d s 10a
d objectType...
d s 8a
d objectOwner...
d s 10a
*inlr = *on;
Exec SQL Declare C1 Cursor for
Select odobnm, odobtp, odobow
From mylibrary/objdtst
Where odobow = 'QSECOFR' AND ODOBNM > 'W3PPROP'
Order By odobnm;
Exec SQL
Open C1;
Exec SQL
Fetch Next from C1 Into :objectName, :objectType,
Dow sqlcod = 0;
cmdstring = 'CHGOBJOWN OBJ(AM2000/' + %trim(objectName) +
') OBJTYPE(' + %trim(objectType) +
cmdlength = %len(%trim(cmdstring));
$command(cmdstring: cmdlength);
reccount += 1;
Exec SQL
Fetch Next from C1 Into :objectName, :objectType,

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

"Eriq Lorilla" <eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/14/2011 10:05 PM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'BPCS ERP System'" <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime problem

Thanks for all the replies. I also have it from Infor. But now I have
another problem.
The webtop after login does not show the LX menu. Definitely I
updated the WEB_ENV file with the control library of LX.
Anyone somehow encountered the problem and have suggestions on what I

Please see attached..

-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Bryce Martin
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:22 PM
To: BPCS ERP System
Subject: Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)

After looking at our server yesterday I couldn't remember off the top
head what I needed to do. There is a file called License that needs
to be
put into a specific directory I believe. Now, I can't remember if
this is
the same for IDF and Webtop or if it is just one or the other. I
suggest contacting Infor and ask for Tim Fitzgerald. He helped me
out and
he was top notch.

Bryce Martin
Programmer/Analyst I

SPA02 <santoy67@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/13/2011 03:07 AM
Please respond to
BPCS ERP System <bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)

Hi Eriq,

You may try www.infor365.com. Once you log in, go to DocLink/Infor

There you can find some documentations which may help in completing

Or, you can log an incident at www.infor365.com to get an advice from
Application Support.

Hope this helps.

Xu Xen

Today's Topics:

1. webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX (Eriq Lorilla)


message: 1
date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:39:30 +0800
from: "Eriq Lorilla" <eriq.l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [BPCS-L] webtop runtime liscense - ERPLX


I am currently installing webtop for INFORLX. I just don't know how
the liscense.
Can someone help me..



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or email: BPCS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/bpcs-l.

End of BPCS-L Digest, Vol 9, Issue 130

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End of BPCS-L Digest, Vol 9, Issue 138

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