We are on BPCS 8.2.01 and generate customer orders via ECM605.
There is no way to delete/update customer orders via ECM. ECM621 is there
for processing changes, but these changes endup in ECM and not in
ECH/ECL/...., You have to process them manually into BPCS, because ECM
can't check the status.
Based on our own rules (status 10000 and no stock allocations) we would
like to apply changes by deleting the orders automaticaly and recreate
them via ECM605.
Next to the standard order files (ECH/ECL/ECS/EST/ESN),Order entry also
creates/updates other files like promotion files (PDA/PDM) and inventory
files (IIM/IWI/others??). Does anyone do this by a home made program. If
so, which files and fields get updates next to the standard order files
Kind regards,
Peter Heeren
Thetfodd BV
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