We have a Clients running from BPCS V4.5CD up to ERP Lx (BPCS V8.3.04)
and the Client running 4.5CD asked if there are any setting to stop
inventory transactions if the Stock On-hand goes into a Negative.
I have looked in Inventory Management / System Parameters / Facility and
Warehouse Management, but could not found any settings, any ideas?
Kind Regards,
Kobie Jooste - Snr. Consultant
cell: +27 79 884 0161 | tel: +27 11 607 8100 | fax: +27 86 233 2146
Kobie.Jooste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Kobie.Jooste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
www.esoftworx.co.za <
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