ehhh ... I'm a little unclear on where that bpcs model comes from but. . .
W'ere on 7.2 (both dev & prod boxes) and our (dspsysval) qmodel is E4A.
Oh my, that is old.
And an 810 tops out at IBM i 6.1.
But with your ERP that old I wouldn't go past V5R4 since anything past
that will require some updates from Infor and since you're not paying
maintenance you best just plan on purchasing it from scratch again. Might
be cheaper than back maintenance. They're really not in the mood to shaft
those of us who religiously pay maintenance and cut those who don't a
And, if you're not paying maintenance to IBM either I'd stay at the OS
you're on since any upgrade will require new software keys from IBM.
You might want to check your DR plan. Because you are in for a really
rude surprise if you think you are going to be able to restore that and
run it on a different machine for anything less than a good six figures.
Not counting hardware...
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