I am having an issue with my BPCS license key holding on to old users that have been removed from the system. I am trying to add a new BPCS user and the system is telling me I reached my threshold. When I use the wrklicinf command and then option 8 to work with license users for my 1BPCS64 V6 key, it is counting people that have retired and don't even have an AS400 user profile.
I have removed the users from the ZMA, ZX2 and ZX3 tables but still get the message when trying to sign on with a new profile that I am trying to add. I am running version 6.04 of BPCS.
Does anyone know if there is anything else to do? Has anyone had this problem before?
Ted Schreiber
MIS Director
The Lebermuth Company
Essential Oils | Fragrances | Flavors
SQF Food Safety Code for Manufacturing Certified Facility
4004 Technology Dr. South Bend, IN 46628 USA
o: 574-259-7000 Ext 2204
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CHRISTMAS: Tuesday, December 24 & Wednesday, December 25: Office & Plant are closed
NEW YEAR: Tuesday, December 31 & Wednesday, January 1 : Office & Plant are closed
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