On 26/09/2008, at 5:36 AM, Erick Garske wrote:
I can see merit in both techniques.
Simon, did you mean to pass the structure by value or by reference?
By reference, hence the myEC_t * in the function interface and the
use of "indirection operator" in my response.
I suppose that this would depend on whether or not the original value
from the structure needs to be preserved, or if myFunction modifies
the structure values, and those values need to be returned back to the
You could use that to decide whether value or reference is most
appropriate but you also need to consider convention. When you pass a
structure you are making the compiler copy it. Most C programmers
would consider that to be unnecessary use of CPU. They'd also
consider passing a structure by value to be very odd.
I'm not in that camp--there are advantages to passing structures by
value but you need to KNOW that's what you intend. I'll even return
structures from functions if it makes sense. I've also used
structures to attempt to provide fixed-length field interfaces for OS
The thing to remember is that C passes EVERYTHING, except arrays, by
value. The only reason C passes arrays by reference is that it
doesn't really have arrays. It makes no distinction between an array
subscript and a pointer offset. Thus an array an a pointer are the
same thing in C and you can use the two types of syntax
interchangeably. While this can occasionally prove useful it is also
one of the crappy things about C. Because arrays are just pointers it
does no bounds checking. Because it has no concept of fixed-length
fields (they are just arrays of characters) you can reference beyond
the declared size. In some C compilers you can even reference before
the start of the field. Easy area to shoot yourself in the foot and
overwrite storage you don't own.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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