While I'm in the mood to complain about the inadequacies of C ...
Add a semi-colon to the end of a function definition and watch the V5
C compiler lose the plot. How could this happen? Easily if you define
the prototype e.g.,
int doStuff( int session,
char * path,
... );
and then use copy-and-paste to define the function itself e.g.,
int doStuff( int session,
char * path,
... );
/* Code body goes here */
Why is this a problem? Because the V5 (AIX code-base) C compiler does
not recognise the syntax error and blithely continues processing
until some internal limit is reached whereupon it finally signals a
Syntax error miles (in my case 4437 lines) away from the source of
the problem. Remarkably difficult to catch after the fact.
I resolved it by running the source through the V4 (native) C
compiler which does catch this error (and quite a few others that
confuse the V5 compiler.
I used to tell C programmers who came to OS/400 that they could
dispense with the standard practice of fixing only the first compiler
error because the OS/400 C compiler was good enough to reset after an
error (and certainly after the end of a function was reached) so they
could examine and correct multiple compiler errors in the same edit
session. Looks like that is no longer true. The V5 compiler is much
more easily confused than the the V4 (and earlier) compilers.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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