On 04/10/2009, at 10:25 PM, Erik Olsson wrote:
Yes, it doesn't feel very safe that a character that the compiler
like isn't caught as an error at compile time. And that it in this
meant that the statement always was evaluated to true must mean that
with my CCSID (source file has 273 and target CCSID on the CRTCPPMOD
*SOURCE) is interpreted as "==", which is kind of the last thing you
Confusing. Seems like I have more homework to do on the CCSIDs of
When I looked at this yesterday I could have sworn the the ILE C
reference materials stated that any source CCSID used must be
compatible with CCSID 37 but, of course, I can't find that now.
Anyway, I compared the 273 to 37 conversion just out of curiosity and
both show ! as x'5a' although they are at different offsets within the
table. For 273 the offset is at x'5a', for 37 the offset is at x'4f'.
What's interesting about that is that x'4f' in 273 is the vertical bar
so perhaps your if-test is being interpreted as |= (i.e., bitwise-or
assignment). If so then any non-zero result form the bitwise-or
operation will be treated as true hence the body of the test is entered.
Don't you just love C's support for assignment within an if-test? Yet
another example of why it's such a poor language for so many tasks!
Is all your source in 273 or only the main source file? Is your job
also in 273 or something else?
I don't want to use trigraphs again. Yuck.
There isn't a trigraph for !=. You'd have to use the not_eq
alternative token.
You may have better luck with source in CCSID 37 and specify
TGTCCSID(273) on the compile command.
However, the ILE C reference manual suggests that at 610 they've added
support for more input CCSIDs and since 273 isn't one of the
problematic CCSIDs (290, 930, and 5026) I'd report the problem and see
what they say.
Simon Coulter.
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