Hello Niels,
Am 15.12.2021 um 00:26 schrieb Niels Liisberg <nli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Else give me a shout if you can’t make it work.
It does work, thanks a lot!
Just fighting the ASJ tangle. Just as related objects are grouped in a library, I want a separate SBS for the two tasks/jobs/processes to run in.
I've created these objects/types:
After gleaning on the QBATCH SBSD, I added a *ANY entry to the SBSD so anything unknown gets routed to QCMD. (That prevented logs in QEZJOBLOG stating there is no matching routing data.) But the COMRECV *PGM does not show up in wrkactjob after starting the SBS.
Looking into QSYSOPR's MSGQ shows nothing. The system log (DSPLOG) shows the *PGM starts and ends with RC=0 immediately. The same is visible when I change the JOBD to force a job log: Ended after 1 second with RC=0.
When I start it by hand in a 5250 session, it just runs (and blocks the session, as expected), and adds entries to the *DTAQ.
When I submit COMRECV by hand (SBMJOB) replicating all the parameters in the ASJ entry, COMRECV is showing up in WRKACTJOB! Thus, hasn't ended by itself as with an ASJ!
But what could go wrong with an ASJ? Mysterious…
:wq! PoC
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