Figured out how to chop off the date on the right so it doesn't wrap...

Here you go....  The IO field is CHGLSC.  Thanks.  Brad

5722WDS V5R2M0  020719                  SEU SOURCE LISTING
04/28/05 13:23:47                 PAGE    1

MEMBER  . . . . . . . . .  SWSC212

SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6
...+... 7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0
   10               A*%%TS  SD  20050428  105554  GOOD        REL-V5R2M0
[confidential comments removed]
  130               A*%%EC

  140               A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80
  150               A
  160               A                                      MSGLOC(24)

  170               A                                      PRINT

  180               A                                      CF03(03 'Exit
  190               A                                      CA24(24
'TOTAL ABORT')                                              
  200               A                                      HELP(99 'help
  210               A          R FWSC21002

  220               A*%%TS  SD  20050427  125413  GOOD        REL-V5R2M0
  230               A                                      TEXT('PROMPT
  240               A                                      BLINK

  250               A                                  1  2'Adjust
Reserves - Commercial Multi-                                
  260               A                                       Peril'

  270               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  280               A            USER      R        O  1 48TEXT('User
  290               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  300               A                                  1 53DSPATR(HI)

  310               A                                      DATE

  320               A                                      EDTCDE(Y)

  330               A                                  1 62TIME

  340               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  350               A  27                              1 71' Change '

  360               A                                      DSPATR(RI)

  370               A  29                              1 71' Inquire '

  380               A                                      DSPATR(RI)

  390               A                                  4  2'Policy'

  400               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  410               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

  420               A            POLICY    R   10A  B  4  9TEXT('POLICY
  430               A  89                                  DSPATR(PR)

  440               A  30
ERRMSGID(POL0001 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  450               A  33
ERRMSGID(POL0003 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  460               A  35
ERRMSGID(POL0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  470               A  34
ERRMSGID(WIN0002 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  480               A  36
ERRMSGID(WIN0019 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  490               A  43
ERRMSGID(INC0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  500               A                                  4 21'Cert'

  510               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  520               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

  530               A            CERT      R        B  4
  540               A  89                                  DSPATR(PR)

  550               A  30
ERRMSGID(POL0001 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  560               A  33
ERRMSGID(POL0003 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  570               A  35
ERRMSGID(POL0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  580               A  34
ERRMSGID(WIN0002 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  590               A  36
ERRMSGID(WIN0019 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  600               A  43
ERRMSGID(INC0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  610               A                                  4 32'Claim'

  620               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  630               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

  640               A            CLAIM     R        B  4 38TEXT('CLAIM
  650               A  89                                  DSPATR(PR)

  660               A  31
ERRMSGID(CLM0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  670               A  33
ERRMSGID(POL0003 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  680               A  35
ERRMSGID(POL0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  690               A  34
ERRMSGID(WIN0002 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  700               A  36
ERRMSGID(WIN0019 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  710               A  43
ERRMSGID(INC0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  720               A                                  4 48'Claimant'

  730               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  740               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

  750               A            CLMNT     R        B  4 57

  760               A  32
ERRMSGID(CLA0003 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  770               A  35
ERRMSGID(POL0006 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  780               A  34
ERRMSGID(WIN0002 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
  790               A                                      TEXT('ClMNT
  800               A                                 24  2'F3=Exit'

  810               A                                      COLOR(BLU)

  820               A          R FWSC21003

  830               A*%%TS  SD  20050428  105554  GOOD        REL-V5R2M0
  840               A                                      TEXT('DETAIL
  850               A                                      BLINK

  860               A                                  1  2'Adjust
Reserves - Commercial Multi-                                
  870               A                                       Peril'

  880               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  890               A            USER      R        O  1 48TEXT('User
  900               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  910               A                                  1 53DSPATR(HI)

  920               A                                      DATE

  930               A                                      EDTCDE(Y)

  940               A                                  1 62TIME

  950               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

  960               A  27                              1 71' Change '

  970               A                                      DSPATR(RI)

  980               A  29                              1 71'Inquire'

  990               A                                      DSPATR(RI)

 1000               A                                  4  2'Policy'

 1010               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1020               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

 1030               A            POLICY    R   10A  O  4  9TEXT('Policy
 1040               A                                  4 21'Cert'

 1050               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1060               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

 1070               A            CERT      R        O  4
 1080               A                                  4 32'Claim'

 1090               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1100               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

 1110               A            CLAIM     R        O  4 38TEXT('CLAIM
 1120               A                                  4 48'Claimant'

 1130               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1140               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

 1150               A            CLMNT     R        O  4
57TEXT('CLAIMANT NO')                                                 
 1160               A                                  6  2'Insured
 1170               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1180               A            INSNAM    R        O  6 17TEXT('Insured
 1190               A                                  6 48'Ind
 1200               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1210               A            DEDIND    R        O  6 63TEXT('IND
 1220               A                                      EDTCDE(4)

 1230               A                                  7  2'Claimant
 1240               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1250               A            CLMNAM    R        O  7
17TEXT('Claimant Name')                                               
 1260               A                                  7 48'Agg
 1270               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1280               A            DEDAGG    R        O  7 63TEXT('AGG
 1290               A                                      EDTCDE(4)

 1300               A                                  9 27'   Indemnity
 1310               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1320               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

 1330               A                                  9 44'    Expense
 1340               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1350               A                                      DSPATR(UL)

 1360               A                                 11  3'Paid To
 1370               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1380               A            PDTDLS        10Y 2O 11 27EDTCDE(J)

 1390               A            PDTDEX        10Y 2O 11 44EDTCDE(J)

 1400               A                                 13  3'Original
Reserves '                                                
 1410               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1420               A            RESLSO    R   -2 -2O 13 27EDTCDE(1)

 1430               A                                      TEXT('Reserve
Los Orig')                                            
 1440               A            RESEXO    R   -2 -2O 13 44EDTCDE(1)

 1450               A                                      TEXT('Reserve
EXP Orig')                                            
 1460               A                                 15  3'Current
 1470               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1480               A            RESLSC    R   -2 -2O 15
 1490               A                                      EDTCDE(1)

 1500               A                                      TEXT('Reserve
Los Curr')                                            
 1510               A            RESEXC    R   -2 -2O 15 44EDTCDE(1)

 1520               A                                      TEXT('Reserve
EXP Curr')                                            
 1530               A N29                             17  3'Change
Reserves to '                                               
 1540               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1550               A N29        CHGLSC         8Y 0B 17 27EDTCDE(1)

 1560               A                                      CHANGE(38)

 1570               A  53                                  DSPATR(PR)

 1580               A  53
ERRMSG('Reserve is over your limit')                                
 1590               A  48
ERRMSGID(RES0001 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1600               A  37
ERRMSGID(RES0001 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1610               A  46
ERRMSGID(RES0012 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1620               A N29        CHGEXC         8Y 0B 17 44EDTCDE(1)

 1630               A                                      CHANGE(38)

 1640               A  47
ERRMSGID(RES0001 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1650               A  37
ERRMSGID(RES0001 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1660               A  46
ERRMSGID(RES0012 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1670               A                                      DSPATR(PR)

 1680               A                                 19
 1690               A                                      DSPATR(HI)

 1700               A N29        CLMSTS    R        B 19
 1710               A                                      VALUES('O'
'C' 'R')                                                 
 1720               A  53                                  DSPATR(PR)

 1730               A  45
ERRMSGID(CLM0032 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1740               A  52
ERRMSGID(CLM0032 *LIBL/MWXX000)                                     
 1750               A                                 24  2'F3=Exit'

 1760               A                                      COLOR(BLU)

 1770               A  53                             18 27'OVER'

 1771               A N53                             18 27'UNDER'

                                         * * * *  E N D  O F  S O U R C
E  * * * *

-----Original Message-----
From: cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Karen L
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:10 PM
To: COBOL Programming on the iSeries/AS400
Subject: RE: [COBOL400-L] Conditioned Field

Please supply us with the display file source code.

Thank you,

Karen Hodge
Senior System Analyst
Genesys Health System
1000 Healthpark Blvd, Grand Blanc, Mi 48439 Office 810.606.5180, Fax
810.606.7204 khodge@xxxxxxxxxxx


             "Good, Brad"


             Sent by:                  "COBOL Programming on the

             cobol400-l-bounce         iSeries/AS400"

             s@xxxxxxxxxxxx            <cobol400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


             04/28/2005 01:04
             PM                        RE: [COBOL400-L] Conditioned


             Please respond to

             COBOL Programming

                  on the






I tried your suggestion and it comes back as UNDER on the screen even
though 53 is on because the error message shows up but not the OVER

Thanks for the suggestion anyway..

Any other ideas anyone?


-----Original Message-----
From: cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Muthathal_Ramasamy
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:35 PM
To: COBOL Programming on the iSeries/AS400
Subject: RE: [COBOL400-L] Conditioned Field
Importance: High

Hello Brad,

Here is one suggestion.
Hope it helps you.

You can condition the output only field (that displays "over limit" /
"under") using the same indicator 53 like this.

That is, in the display file,
 53              3 20'OVER LIMIT'
N53              3 20'UNDER'

This is one simple solution.

And when you trigger the output error message in the COBOL code, Say
your input field value > MAX-VALUE,

You can use like this,

   MOVE B"1" TO IND53
   MOVE B"0" To IND53



-----Original Message-----
From: cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:00 PM
To: cobol400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [COBOL400-L] Conditioned Field

I have a screen with an IO field and another output only field.

If the user types a value over a certain limit into the IO field, I set
an indicator 53 in the COBOL on and move a message to the output only
field saying "over limit".

On my screen I have an error message on the IO field for indicator 53.

What I want to happen is that the error message triggers AND the "over
limit" shows in the output only field.

What actually happens is the error message gets triggered but the output
only field shows a previous value of "under" even though when I display
the value of that field just before the write to the screen the value is
indeed "over limit".

What would be causing this?


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