Depends. We are using classic source members stored in source physical files. The *only* thing I use RDi for is the LPEX editor. And I can replace the LPEX editor with VS Code.


Kelly Cookson
Senior Software Engineer II
Dot Foods, Inc.
1-217-773-4486 ext. 12676

-----Original Message-----
From: COBOL400-L <cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Daniel Gross
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 1:50 PM
To: COBOL Programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) <cobol400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [COBOL400-L] [EXTERNAL] Liam Alan on using VS Code for COBOL (and RPG and CL)

Just to throw my 2ct into this discussion.

I think than VS Code with extensions is a great tool - but als long as you do really serious development in COBOL or RPG on IBM i using the "classic" source code store in physical source files als members, there is not really a way around RDi.

And with yearly licensing around 1200$ per seat (and AFAIK you can get it even cheaper) it's no so expensive compared to the machines.


Am 10.08.2022 um 17:02 schrieb Kelly Cookson via COBOL400-L <cobol400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: least I don't recall doing that. Like I said, it's probably things I need to finish setting up, not a problem with the IBMi extensions for VS Code. But I need to get it set it up and confirm that it works sufficiently to satisfy my shop.

I also let my IBMi admins know about source files in the IFS not having source code dates like source member files in libraries. If we were using a Git-based repository in the IFS, we probably wouldn't need the source code dates anymore. But we are not doing that yet.

I am the first person in my shop to use VS Code for IBMi development. I have already let other developers know about it. Once I know what to do to fix the dates, I will share that information with other developers in my shop.


Kelly Cookson
Senior Software Engineer II
Dot Foods, Inc.
1-217-773-4486 ext. 12676

-----Original Message-----
From: COBOL400-L <cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of
Jon Paris
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:52 AM
To: COBOL Programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
Subject: Re: [COBOL400-L] [EXTERNAL] Liam Alan on using VS Code for
COBOL (and RPG and CL)

Have you enabled source dates in the connection setting?

Jon P.

On Aug 10, 2022, at 10:12 AM, Kelly Cookson via COBOL400-L <cobol400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

When I modify a source member using Code for IBMi in VS Code, and save the source member, the dates get zeroed out. So something besides a simple install of the IBMi Development Pack (which contains Code for IBMi) is needed--at least it is for me.

I found the page where Liam helped someone fix this issue, but Liam told the person he needed db2util installed. Again, I posted the link to the page where Liam helped someone get this resolved earlier.

I'm working on it now. I've asked our IBMi admins to get db2util installed.


Kelly Cookson
Senior Software Engineer II
Dot Foods, Inc.
1-217-773-4486 ext. 12676

-----Original Message-----
From: COBOL400-L <cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of
Jon Paris
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 8:23 AM
To: COBOL Programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
Subject: Re: [COBOL400-L] [EXTERNAL] Liam Alan on using VS Code for
COBOL (and RPG and CL)

I have no clue what db2Util does for you - I do not have it installed and use SQL with no issues.

As to dates:*/pages/settings/connection?id=enable-source-dates__;Iw!!BZnD2a2Aqg!FslevyABmtWuweRm4VvRL99O1g4E73oscI6Bz6qsMW0mDnCtP7OTRPCkkjlMPT7LVpTyPYNxgJ4TB3wyrZ9yS2Nm$ <*/pages/settings/connection?id=enable-source-dates__;Iw!!BZnD2a2Aqg!FslevyABmtWuweRm4VvRL99O1g4E73oscI6Bz6qsMW0mDnCtP7OTRPCkkjlMPT7LVpTyPYNxgJ4TB3wyrZ9yS2Nm$ >

Does this not do what you need?

Jon P.

On Aug 10, 2022, at 9:14 AM, Kelly Cookson via COBOL400-L <cobol400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

That's what I was saying in my previous post. I need to enable SQL in VS Code and install db2util on the IBMi. Then check to see what happens with the dates. This is from the link I posted:
M W 0mDnCtP7OTRPCkkjlMPT7LVpTyPYNxgJ4TB3wyraHtuz1i$
However, on that same page, Liam said this:
"I am afraid there are no plans to show all source dates on every line, but there is a plan to make search dates searchable. The issue for that is #279."

I first need to ask our IBMi admins to install db2util. Then I need to enable SQL on my VS Code and play around with some source members (new members, existing members, members I open but do not change, etc.). If everything works in a way acceptable to my shop, then I'm good. But it's not a done deal until I can confirm it.


Kelly Cookson
Senior Software Engineer II
Dot Foods, Inc.
1-217-773-4486 ext. 12676

-----Original Message-----
From: COBOL400-L <cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf
Of Jon Paris
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:36 AM
To: COBOL Programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
Subject: Re: [COBOL400-L] [EXTERNAL] Liam Alan on using VS Code for
COBOL (and RPG and CL)

Have you raised it as an issue Kelly? I thought those issues were fixed a long time ago now. Unless you are editing source on the IFS in which case there is no date maintained.

Liam has very quickly fixed all of the issues I've reported.

Jon P.

On Aug 9, 2022, at 11:55 PM, Kelly Cookson via COBOL400-L <cobol400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I really like the IBMi Development Pack for Visual Studio Code. I apparently need to set up a couple of things to stop the source code dates from being zeroed out when the source member is saved to the IBMi.;!!BZnD2a2Aqg!D4kBSohqtiYRqqbbimGMwlPxdvwLBvsmzgzuo2jZEvTUS_VpZaNP7RIGqF7zijrY-15aq8X5RM5cHsikbe4_xqXV$
Source code dates are considered important in our shop. If I can't
get things working well enough with the source code dates, then I
have to stay with RDi. :(

The COBOL extension by BitLang, which is bundled in the IBMi Development Pack, now includes the following source member file name extensions: *.cbl, *.cblle, *sqlcblle, and *cblcpy.;!!BZnD2a2Aqg!D4kBSohqtiYRqqbbimGMwlPxdvwLBvsmzgzuo2jZEvTUS_VpZaNP7RIGqF7zijrY-15aq8X5RM5cHsikbckaUTqP$
The owner (spgennard) was very responsive when I made this request.

If you want syntax highlighting for SQL source code (e.g., DB2 for i SQL stored procedures), then the PL/SQL extension by Casian Ruset works relatively well for syntax highlighting. PL/SQL is Oracle's implementation of the SQL/PSM standard. SQL PL is IBM's implementation of the SQL/PSM standard. These two implementations are not the same. But the syntaxes are close enough that the syntax highlighting works fairly well for SQL PL.

I use Visual Studio Code for editing other languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I will be using it for .NET development later this year or early next year. I also used it while playing around with React/JSX. I am definitely motivated to use Visual Studio Code for IBMi development--I just need to figure out how to handle the source code dates.


Kelly Cookson
Senior Software Engineer II
Dot Foods, Inc.
1-217-773-4486 ext. 12676

-----Original Message-----
From: COBOL400-L <cobol400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf
Of Jon Paris
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 3:59 PM
To: cobol Programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [COBOL400-L] Liam Alan on using VS Code for
COBOL (and RPG and CL)

Those of you who are still stuck with SEU due the price of RDi might be interested in seeing what Liam's IBM i extension can do for you. Cos you _really_ need to put SEU in your past!

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