This is a multipart message in MIME format. -- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Steve, I think your opinion is full of horse hockey. Prejudicing someone because they are certified is bunk. There is no way some newbie could pass those ICCP tests. Especially the management ones. Questions on there included some stuff I only learned when negotiating maintenance contracts, etc. Some guy here, a VERY sharp and proficient coder had a tough time with these questions. Granted, if you're looking for a person who fits tightly into a particular niche, who you can throw out when you move to the next niche, then you may not have a need for some of these other certifications. You SHOULD take some of these tests. Then maybe your opinion would change. I liked it when I took my ICCP test at COMMON, years ago. Rob Berendt -- "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin "Steve Landess" <steve_landess@hotmail.com> Sent by: consult400-admin@midrange.com 11/01/2002 02:06 PM Please respond to consult400 To: <consult400@midrange.com> cc: Fax to: Subject: [Consult400] Re: ICCA members > From: "Patrick Conner" <pwconner@charter.net> > To: consult400@midrange.com > Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 09:11:06 -0500 > Subject: [Consult400] ICCA members > As part owner of a consulting firm that has employed as many as 120 consultants (mostly full-time employees), and in a position of being a hiring manager, here's my 2 cents worth: > How many of you are members of the Independent Computer > Consultants Assoc. (ICCA)? I was thinking of joining. I am not a member of ICCA. I have looked at what they have to offer, and it looks to me that they are oriented towards one-man shops. I already have in place most of the benefits that they might offer. If I were on my own, I might consider joining. That's not to say that it might benefit you. You need to measure the benefits that you gain to the cost. If your current insurance premium is $ 500.00 per month and you can reduce it to $ 300.00 per month by joining ICCA, then this alone would justify it. > Also, I've been looking at the Certified Computer > Profession certification. Is that worth anything? It has been a while since I looked into this. Back when I did, I was not particularly impressed with the certifications offered by the ICCP. In the past, when I investigated it, the certification examinations were based on questions that were oriented toward legacy systems. In fact, when I see CCP or CDP behind someone's name (no offense to you, Roger), I am more likely to be prejudiced NOT to hire them. I have a Bachelor of Business Administration AND a Master's degree in Human Relations and Business, but I don't sign my letters with BBA/MS behind my signature...I think that's a little pretentious. Even if I had a doctoral degree, I don't think that I would sign my correspondence Stephen Landess, PhD. Again, I think that you need to evaluate the benefits you will gain versus the cost and time required to obtain the certification. I measure them in terms of dollars. This may be somewhat difficult to quantify, unless someon e can provide you with empirical proof in the form that they made X dollars from 1991 thru 1995, then got certified and made Y dollars from 1996 thru 2002, and can directly attribute the increase (if any) to the certifications obtained. Since graduation from college in 1977, I have been lucky enough to work in many S/34, S/36, S/38, and AS/400 shops that had multiple employees and many different commercial software packages. I have learned MUCH more from studying the code written by vendors and my peers than I will ever learn from having formal certifications. On the other hand, If I ever have time to attend another COMMON conference (or if they are offered in a site convenient to me), I MAY be inclined to take some of the IBM certification tests, just to get an idea of what they consider appropriate knowledge to qualify as certified. Even then, I wouldn't probably sign my correspondence with Stephen Landess, IBM Certified Specialist. To me, this smells of someone who is inexperienced and is trying to gain credence with the certification. No offense intended... And, as always, that's just my opinion Steve Landess Austin, Texas (512) 423-0935 _______________________________________________ This is the Consulting on the iSeries / AS400 (Consult400) mailing list To post a message email: Consult400@midrange.com To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options, visit: http://lists.midrange.com/cgi-bin/listinfo/consult400 or email: Consult400-request@midrange.com Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/consult400.
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