We have QNOTES set as a user USER with IOSYSCONFIG.
Proper ownership of the Domino Libraries and Domino IFS folders is set to
We run nearly every Domino service in addition to the Domino servelet
I can only see giving QNOTES ALLOBJ as a last resort,  especially if you
have other things running on your iSeries.
This works fine for us and has for years.

 As far as the scan engine download, we have unchecked that option and only
download the pattern files.
I always apply Scan Engines manually since we test everything we do in
development first.
Scan engine is current at 7.000-101.

As far as I can tell the spam file has no use in the iSeries version, you
cannot create a rule to use it. We have not enabled the Spam file download
like the Windows or Solaris versions we run. Has anyone sucessfully used
eManager Spam rules on iSeries?

As far as this latest HOT FIX. I loaded it our development environment
It is not installed as a PTF. It can only be removed manually. It does not
change the Scanmail build # to Build 1584.
It stays the same.  From what I can see it installs  four new files in the
trendmicro library.
I have backed up those files and have tested uninstalling the hotfix
I suggest you do the same.

No way to really test the crash of PUPDATE since I have cleaned out the
SMLN folders to keep my servers from crashing.

I plan on applying this HOTFIX to one of my production iSeries Machines
Tuesday, and if all goes well the rest of my servers next Sunday.

I will post my production  results on this latest Hotfix.

As Far as Scanmail vs the Symantec product

I have been using Trendmicro ScanMail for Lotus Notes on iSeries, Windows
and Solaris since the product's inception.
It has protected us without fail (as long as the virus pattern file can
pick it up) for years.

To me the Scanmail is superior to the Symantec product. Trendmicro does a
better job releasing pattern files and
they have added some nice fuctionality for Spam protection. Spam protection
does need some more work but is okay since
we did not have to spend a ton of money on another product. Symantec  also
discounted Lotus Notes a few years back when
 they did not move past R4. They wrote off Lotus Notes back then and only
put out out a product for Lotus Notes Servers recently.
It remains to be seen if this new Symantec product will beat Scanmail in
features, performance, support and market share.

I do not like Norton Antivirus, It has bitten me in the BUTT too many times
in the past and I will not use it for Desktops if I can avoid it.

I will post my production  results on this latest Hotfix.

On a more personal note.

After all of these years working with Lotus Notes, I  feel sorry for those
that choose a career path with Microsoft Exchange.
I wonder how many of them have lost all of their hair due to stress or lost
their job do to  computer viruses invading their network
and destroying Windows based desktops and Servers. I still have a good
laugh every once and a while when I think of the I LUV YOU virus
and other viruses that decimate Exchange and Microsoft Systems every few

I  have a full head of hair thanks to Lotus Notes and Scanmail.......



USER is not a special authority.  It is a user class.  User class and
special authorities may, or may not, be tied together.  Are you saying that
QNOTES is user class *USER and it's special authority is *USRCLS?

Downloading pattern files without *ALLOBJ can be done.  The problem is when
you try to download a scan engine without it.  That's where I ran into
problems.  In the pre 2.6 days of Trend you would have to manually download
new scan engines.  However, unlike pattern files, they only came out on
rare occasions.  In Trend 2.6 it will automatically download scan engines

What version of the scan engine are you running?  From the below I am
running 7.000-1011.  How did you get the scan engine?  (These messages
appear about the time you start your server.)

07/21/2004 01:32:17   Trend ScanMail(R) Replication Scanner, Release 2.6
07/21/2004 01:32:17   Copyright (C) 1989-2004, Trend Micro Inc., All Rights
07/21/2004 01:32:17
07/21/2004 01:32:17   RepScan:  Build 1518 Jan 21 2004 17:14:17
07/21/2004 01:32:17
07/21/2004 01:32:17   Trend ScanMail(R) Mail Scanner, Release 2.6 SP1
07/21/2004 01:32:17   Copyright (C) 1989-2004, Trend Micro Inc., All Rights
07/21/2004 01:32:17
07/21/2004 01:32:17   MailScan: Build 1518 Jan 21 2004 17:14:17
07/21/2004 01:32:22   RepScan:  Using Scan Engine 7.000-1011
07/21/2004 01:32:22   MailScan: Using Scan Engine 7.000-1011
07/21/2004 01:32:25   RepScan:  Using pattern file version 1.943.00
07/21/2004 01:32:25   RepScan:  Loading R5 Mime Support library
07/21/2004 01:32:25   File does not exist
07/21/2004 01:32:25   RepScan:  Ready.
07/21/2004 01:32:25   MailScan: Using pattern file version 1.943.00
07/21/2004 01:32:25   MailScan: Loading R5 Mime Support library
07/21/2004 01:32:25   File does not exist
07/21/2004 01:32:25   MailScan: Ready

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

|   seanmurphy@xxxxxxxxxxx    |                                           |
|   Sent by:                  |                                           |
|   domino400-bounces@midrange|                                         To|
|   .com                      |                                       domi|
|                             |                                       no40|
|   07/21/2004 02:14 PM       |                                       0@mi|
|                             |                                       dran|
|         Please respond to   |                                       ge.c|
|        Lotus Domino on the  |                                       om  |
|          iSeries / AS400    |                                         cc|
|      <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx|                                           |
|                 >           |                                    Subject|
|                             |                                       RE: |
|                             |                                       Scan|
|                             |                                       Mail|
|                             |                                       PUPD|
|                             |                                       ATE |
|                             |                                       Cras|
|                             |                                       hes |
|                             |                                           |
|                             |                                           |
|                             |                                           |
|                             |                                           |
|                             |                                           |
|                             |                                           |

The PUPDATE crash issue is caused by too many down loaded files in thew
smln/scanengine directory. Delete them (pattern files, spam files etc)
manually and Eureka no more crashes.  We are performing  this deletion
maintenance one a week since there are allot of downloads.

Also the SMLN/AU folders as well. The pattern files are down loaded there
first before being moved to the data directory.

As far as issues with QNOTES Profile, ALLOBJ is a bad idea. We have it
fine working with just USER.

I am tesing the new hot fix  they gave ScanMail for Lotus Notes 2.6SP1
AS400 hot fix -  Build 1584.
This fix is not on the Web site. you have to call support.

I am testing today on a few development servers.

I will post the results.


Sent by: domino400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
07/21/2004 01:00 PM
Please respond to


Domino400 Digest, Vol 2, Issue 113

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Today's Topics:

1. RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6 (Chris Whisonant)
2. RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6 (GKern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
3. RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6 (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
4. RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6 (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
5. RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6 (Chris Whisonant)
6. Upgrading to 520 (sjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
7. Re: Upgrading to 520 (rob@xxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 16:02:03 -0400
from: Chris Whisonant <Chris.Whisonant@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6

According to the readme for the hotfix:

Apply this hotfix only if you are working in conjunction with the Trend
Micro's product support group on an issue:

- Pupdate task crashes inside download process on AS400

- Pupdate task download failed because entries inside "server.ini" could
read properly

Also, it is supposed to correct any problems with the Active Update (this
runs under pupdate anyway).

I don't have my QNOTES set to *ALLOBJ - here's an email I sent to trend on


I had already made QNOTES *SECOFR. From my own iSeries experience and
comments of others in the iSeries community, TrendMicro has an extremely
flawed implementation of IFS and iSeries security with this latest

Anyway, I also have previously added QSECOFR with all authority to IFS
folders. This should not have to be since QSECOFR has *ALLOBJ special
authority, but I did that per other instructions in technotes at your

For my IFS folder structure, QNOTES is the owner AND QSECOFR is listed as
a profile with all access rights to ALL FILES in the entire directory
structure from the root on down.

As stated earlier, I have already changed the QNOTES profile in the past
to be *SECOFR against my better judgement. Before I grant that profile
*ALLOBJ authority I will have to get you to conference me in a phone call
with someone at Lotus support and they tell me that I should change that
profile. This is an IBM/Lotus supplied profile and I don't want to change
it any further. It isn't a best practice for iSeries programs to require
that IBM user profiles be changed.

And after that e-mail I had to send this one:

This is not acceptable. I have applied this twice and I followed the
procedure word for word on each occasion. A third apply is not going to
magically make the product work.

They actually wanted me to apply the hotfix a third time because it
"wasn't installed correctly". After that email someone finally called me
who got me fixed.

Chris Whisonant
Senior Mid-Range Systems Administrator
IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert - iSeries Technical Solutions V5R2
IBM Certified Associate System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 6
803.326.7270 (W)
803.326.6142 (F)

domino400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 07/20/2004 03:53:18 PM:

> Ok, now a couple of people reported they needed the hot fix.  I guess I
> need to ask why now, (before I put it on the big production box).  What
> problem did this hotfix seem to help you with?  And if you could say
> something like "AMGR was killing system" versus "made my system more
> stable" I would really appreciate it.
> Rob Berendt
> --
> Group Dekko Services, LLC
> Dept 01.073
> PO Box 2000
> Dock 108
> 6928N 400E
> Kendallville, IN 46755
> http://www.dekko.com
> |   Chris Whisonant           |  |
> |   <Chris.Whisonant@comporium|  |
> |   .com>                     | To|
> |   Sent by:                  |               Lotus Domino on the
iSeries |
> |   domino400-bounces@midrange|               / AS400  |
> |   .com                      |               <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> |                             | cc|
> |   07/20/2004 12:30 PM       |  |
> |                             | Subject|
> |         Please respond to   |               RE: Upgrading to Trend's
> |        Lotus Domino on the  |  |
> |          iSeries / AS400    |  |
> |      <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx|  |
> |                 >           |  |
> |                             |  |
> |                             |  |
> I did not remove the previous version. I also had to get the 1584
> I seem to be running well now (finally...).
> Chris Whisonant
> Comporium
> Senior Mid-Range Systems Administrator
> IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert - iSeries Technical Solutions V5R2
> IBM Certified Associate System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 6
> 803.326.7270 (W)
> 803.326.6142 (F)
> domino400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 07/20/2004 01:21:34 PM:
> > I was told to do the DLTLICPGM prior to RSTLICPGM but that was during
> > upgrade from R5.0.11 to R6.5.1 and SM 2.6 SP1.
> >
> > The TM IFS directories are now within the lotus directory rather than
> > their own directory so you will need to use CFGSM.
> >
> > I also had to do the steps listed in the following knowledge base
> article
> > to prevent server crashes during the pupdate process. I even noted to
> them
> > that this was not in accordance to IBM/Lotus documentation but they
> > they consulted with IBM and found their (TM's) solution was acceptable
> to
> > them and IBM/Lotus.
> >
> > http://kb.trendmicro.com/solutions/solutionDetail.asp?solutionId=19160
> >
> > And I also had to request the following hotfix to finally stabilize
> > system.
> >
> > SMLN2.6SP1_Hotfix_(EN)_AS400_B1584.zip
> >
> > Good Luck, Jerry
> >
> > Regards, Jerry
> >
> > Gerald Kern
> > IBM Certified AS/400 RPG IV Developer & RPG IV Programmer
> > MIS Project Leader, Lotus Notes/Domino Administrator
> > The Toledo Clinic, Inc.
> > 4235 Secor Road
> > Toledo, OH 43623-4299
> > Phone 419-479-5535
> > gkern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use
> > of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and
> > privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
> > distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient,
> > please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of
> > the original message._______________________________________________
> > This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) mailing
> > To post a message email: Domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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> > visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/domino400
> > or email: Domino400-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
> > at http://archive.midrange.com/domino400.
> >
> _______________________________________________
> This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) mailing list
> To post a message email: Domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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> visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/domino400
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> Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
> at http://archive.midrange.com/domino400.
> _______________________________________________
> This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) mailing list
> To post a message email: Domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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message: 2
date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 16:07:12 -0400
from: GKern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6

Regarding the need for the hotfix - this was needed to prevent random
server crashes during pupdate execution. By random I mean going for days
without any problems and then bam. Crash, restart, crash, restart,
crash... stable, and then crash, restart, crash, restart, crash again. I
finally had to take pupdate out of it's hourly schedule to eliminate it
from running during business hours. Now all is well and pupdate runs every

hour on the hour.

I also had numerous TMMSCAN tasks in the server tasks - my guess was that
there was one for each time I used CFGSM during my initial install.

Regards, Jerry

Gerald Kern
IBM Certified AS/400 RPG IV Developer & RPG IV Programmer
MIS Project Leader, Lotus Notes/Domino Administrator
The Toledo Clinic, Inc.
4235 Secor Road
Toledo, OH 43623-4299
Phone 419-479-5535

This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the
intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
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sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.


message: 3
date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:19:24 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6

The funny thing is, the problem's not in what you are thinking of as
'IFS'.  It's probably in this version of the IFS, (which is really a
traditional library/object):

I did not figure out what library originally contained the save file that
was downloaded and contained the two objects restored into VSAPIAS400.

Perhaps if I figure out how to crank up the job logging on PUPDATE I'll
crack that one for sure.  It's probably one of those DOMINO*  *JOBD's in
QUSRNOTES.  Currently they're set to:
Message logging:
Level  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   4
Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   10
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *NOLIST
Log CL program commands  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *NO
Perhaps some temporary tweaking...

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755


message: 4
date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:23:03 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6

Thanks y'all for your thorough explanations on the hot fix.  As per the
instructions I'll run without it until I start seeing errors.  Hey
IBM/Lotus lurkers, if I call in because of server crash, remind me of this
hotfix.  :-)

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755


message: 5
date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 16:27:33 -0400
from: Chris Whisonant <Chris.Whisonant@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Upgrading to Trend's 2.6

You are correct, it uses the jobd for the server's subsystem. I believe
I've seen documentation on how to force certain jobs to use a different
jobd, but that's been a while back and I can't find it offhand.

Chris Whisonant
Senior Mid-Range Systems Administrator
IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert - iSeries Technical Solutions V5R2
IBM Certified Associate System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 6
803.326.7270 (W)
803.326.6142 (F)

domino400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 07/20/2004 04:19:24 PM:

> The funny thing is, the problem's not in what you are thinking of as
> 'IFS'.  It's probably in this version of the IFS, (which is really a
> traditional library/object):
> I did not figure out what library originally contained the save file
> was downloaded and contained the two objects restored into VSAPIAS400.
> Perhaps if I figure out how to crank up the job logging on PUPDATE I'll
> crack that one for sure.  It's probably one of those DOMINO*  *JOBD's in
> QUSRNOTES.  Currently they're set to:
> Message logging:
>   Level  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   4
>   Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   10
>   Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *NOLIST
> Log CL program commands  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *NO
> Perhaps some temporary tweaking...
> Rob Berendt
> --
> Group Dekko Services, LLC
> Dept 01.073
> PO Box 2000
> Dock 108
> 6928N 400E
> Kendallville, IN 46755
> http://www.dekko.com
> _______________________________________________
> This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) mailing list
> To post a message email: Domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
> visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/domino400
> or email: Domino400-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
> at http://archive.midrange.com/domino400.


message: 6
date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 16:35:15 -0400
from: sjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Upgrading to 520

We are in the process of upgrading from an 820 to a 520.  We will be doing
a save entire system & then restoring onto our new machine.  What will we
have to do to get Domino onto our new machine along with all of our

Steve Jones


message: 7
date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:44:50 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Upgrading to 520

Been there, done that - several times!

Backup and Recovery manual

Appendix D. Recovering your server to a different server

Works like a charm.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

|   sjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx     | |
|   Sent by:                  | |
|   domino400-bounces@midrange| To|
|   .com                      |               Lotus Domino on the iSeries
|                             |               / AS400 |
|   07/20/2004 03:35 PM       |               <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx> |
|                             | cc|
|         Please respond to   | |
|        Lotus Domino on the  | Subject|
|          iSeries / AS400    |               Upgrading to 520 |
|      <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx| |
|                 >           | |
|                             | |
|                             | |
|                             | |
|                             | |

Sean Murphy
IT Messaging/Domino Intranet
Bed Bath & Beyond
(908) 688-0888 ex 4496

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