
I know autocommit is flaky, you may want to consider turning autocommit 
off and
committing on disconnect. 

Set connection to never prompt for user/pwd
QResult.SilentMode = True
' Turn off autocommit for AS/400
QResult.AutoCommit = False

'Commit on disconnect method set...reserve for later
QResult.CommitOnDisconnect = True

'Then call disconnect it at the end.
   QResult = con.Disconnect

You also may want to set to silent to avoid any kind of message prompt 
the connection. 

'Set connection to never prompt for anything.
QResult.SilentMode = True

If that does not work, then I would try looping one update at a time. On 
results this will work, on large result sets it could take some time. 

We use mostly LEI for DB reads and updates since it is so flaky in 
We also have used JAVA agents which generally work flawlessly. 



Sent by: domino400-bounces+seanmurphy=bedbath.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/28/2006 08:52 AM
Please respond to


Domino400 Digest, Vol 4, Issue 97

Send Domino400 mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Domino400 digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Server Crashes running 7.0.1 on iSeries (seanmurphy@xxxxxxxxxxx)
   2. Fw: Issue with AS/400 data being updated from Lotus Notes
      Script. (Michael_Schutte@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
   3. Re: BlackBerry and Enterprise Server for Domino


message: 1
date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 13:45:41 -0400
from: seanmurphy@xxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Server Crashes running 7.0.1 on iSeries


I too have been at Lotus Notes for 10 years! 

It is definitely the HTTP server.

Are you running iNotes 6 or iNotes 7?

"ShimmerMoveCopyDocsToFolderCmd__FR5Haiku9EventTy "

I am not pretending to know the ins and outs of the C programming methods 
used here but, 
OSLockObject is used to lock the buffer in memory and obtain its address, 
and may need some additional error handling code.
has something to do saving the note to the database. 

IBM is would need to fix this, 




message: 2
date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 08:38:12 -0400
from: Michael_Schutte@xxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Fw: Issue with AS/400 data being updated from Lotus Notes

Any ideas?  Did I stump everyone with this?

Michael Schutte

----- Forwarded by Michael Schutte/Bob Evans on 04/28/2006 08:37 AM -----
             Sent by:                                                   To 

             domino400-bounces         domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
             +michael_schutte=                                          cc 

             ange.com                                              Subject 

                                       Issue with AS/400 data being 
                                       updated from Lotus Notes Script. 
             04/27/2006 11:33 
             Please respond to 
              Lotus Domino on 
               the iSeries / 

Odd thing is going on here.  I'm trying to select all records from a file
on the AS/400 where a flag is equal to blank.  After the execute, I am
moving to the last row so that I can determine the value of NumRows.  The
value is 30, as I expected, however, the record navigation isn't working
properly.  I have listed the code below along with the log.  Also, for 
record read, I want to update that record with a value of "2" in the flag
so that it will not be downloaded again. Any help will be appreciated.
Sorry if I'm in the wrong area.

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Dim selection As String
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim connection As New ODBCConnection
Dim Query As New ODBCQuery
Dim QResult As New ODBCResultSet
Dim Doc As NotesDocument
Dim CC As String
Dim sSQLString As String
Dim i As Variant
Dim QStatus As String

If connection.connectTo("AS400NAME", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD") Then
      QResult.CacheLimit = DB_NONE
      Set Query.connection = connection

      Set QResult.Query = Query
      QResult.ReadOnly = False
      QResult.AutoCommit = True

      If QResult.IsResultSetAvailable = False Then
            LogError "There are no new Product Info Sheets."
      End If

      'Goto to last row

      'Starting with the last row, read through all records
      For i = QResult.NumRows To 1 Step -1

            QResult.CurrentRow = i
            Print "What is i? - " & i
            Print "Current Row = " & QResult.CurrentRow

            Set doc = db.createdocument
            doc.form = "ProductInfoSheets"

            Doc.PIUnitNo  = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISSTR"))
            Doc.PISpecNo  = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISITG"))
            Doc.Co_Name = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISDSC"))
            Doc.PIDate  = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISCRTE"))
            Doc.PIQtyReceived  = Trim(Cint(Qresult.GetValue("ISQTYR")))
            Doc.PIQtyRecType  = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISQTYRUMD"))
            Doc.PIDateReceived  = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISRCVE"))
            Doc.PIQtyInvolved  = Trim(Cint(Qresult.GetValue("ISQTYI")))
            Doc.PIQtyInvolvedAmt   =
            Doc.PIQtyInvType   = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISQTYIUMD"))
            Doc.PIDistributor  = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISPRVN"))
            Doc.PIManufacturer   = Trim(Qresult.GetValue("ISMFRN"))
            Doc.PISentBy   = Ucase(Qresult.GetValue("ISNAME"))
            CC = Qresult.GetValue("ISLOCATE")
            If CC = "" Then
                  Doc.PICodeNo  = Qresult.GetValue("ISSCC")
                  Doc.PICodeNo = "NO CASE CODE FOUND"
            End If
            Doc.PIItemIssue  = Qresult.GetValue("ISISUD")
            Doc.PIItemStatus  = Qresult.GetValue("ISISCD")
            Doc.NatureofConcern  = Qresult.GetValue("ISPROB")
            Call Doc.Save(True, True)

            Call QResult.SetValue( "ISNOTES" , "2" )
            QStatus = Qresult.updaterow()
            If QStatus = True Then
                  Print "True - CurrentRow - " & QResult.CurrentRow
            End If


      Print "UpdateRow happened  " & QResult.CurrentRow & " - " &

End If



You can see in the log that "i" has the correct value, however, after
record 27 is updated, CurrentRow is stuck on 27.  Anybody know why the
current row isn't being updated to the value of "i" after the fourth read.

BTW, When doing  "For i = 1 To QResult.NumRows Step 1".  The CurrentRow is
stuck on 30 from the beginning until i = 27.  At that time, currentRow 
equal 27, then 28, 29 and finally 30.  Resulting again in only the last 4
records being updated with a "2".  "i" is dimmed as a variant... do you
think it should be dimmed as an Integer or Long?

Log Statements:

04/27/2006 10:45:25   AMgr: 'Agent 'PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf' will run on behalf of 'Sheena Coyne/Bob Evans'
04/27/2006 10:45:25   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Started New Product Info Update agent
04/27/2006 10:45:25   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Last Row = 30
04/27/2006 10:45:25   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 30
04/27/2006 10:45:25   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 30
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 30
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 29
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 29
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 29
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 28
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 28
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 28
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:26   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 26
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 25
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 24
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 23
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 22
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 21
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 20
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 19
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 18
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 17
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 16
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 15
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 14
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 13
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 12
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 11
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 10
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 9
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 8
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 7
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 6
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 5
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 4
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 3
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 2
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: What is i? - 1
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: Current Row = 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: True - CurrentRow - 27
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: UpdateRow happened  27 - 30
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: All New Records Pulled into Notes
04/27/2006 10:45:27   AMgr: Agent ('PIS INTO NOTES FROM AS400' in
'QualCont/TESTPIS.nsf') printing: END OF PIS UPDATE

Michael Schutte

This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) mailing list
To post a message email: Domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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message: 3
date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 08:47:21 -0400
from: ChadB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: BlackBerry and Enterprise Server for Domino

Ok... another question comes to mind here as I dig further into this:

In order to support the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Domino and the
Windows Domino server that resides on that same box, which license will I
need for that Windows Domino server?  Enterprise, Messaging, or Utility?

             Sent by:                                                   To 

             domino400-bounces         Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 

             +chadb=wheeling-n         <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
             isshin.com@midran                                          cc 


                                       Re: BlackBerry and Enterprise 
             04/21/2006 01:15          Server for Domino 
             Please respond to 
              Lotus Domino on 
               the iSeries / 

Thanks to you and Chris for the quick responses... i'll check into this.
We're hoping for the thinnest solution which will support mail/PIM info to
the BlackBerries.

             Sent by:                                                   To
             domino400-bounces         Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400
             +chadb=wheeling-n         <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
             isshin.com@midran                                          cc
                                       Re: BlackBerry and Enterprise
             04/21/2006 12:50          Server for Domino

             Please respond to
              Lotus Domino on
               the iSeries /

If you are not too far along with implementing BES you may want to 
another alternative, especially if:

- you have to get started fast with a few BlackBerries
- are mostly interested in e-mail synchronization with Domino/Notes and 
so much in custom databases
- have some reluctance to add or integrate Windows servers alongside your
solid iSeries Domino environment

For our 6 BlackBerries (so far) we are using Martin Scott's Wireless Mail
for Domino.  See:  http://www.martinscott.com/WirelessMail

It is just a Notes agent and they offer it as a free trial download.  This
makes it quick to evaluate it with any BlackBerry device that you may
already have.

             Sent by:                                                   To
             domino400-bounces         Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400
             +rmolnar=nevchem.         <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
             com@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                           cc

             04/21/2006 10:42          BlackBerry and Enterprise Server
             AM                        for Domino

             Please respond to
              Lotus Domino on
               the iSeries /

It looks like we're going to be implementing a small rollout of a few
BlackBerrys (5 or so) and Enterprise Server for Domino in the very near
future, so i'm out reading documents at their website and finding TONS of
stuff to wade through.  I'm heading to DC next Wednesday for a one day
class on the server software, but want to spend a few days reading also
before I go.

One thing i'm reading is leading me to believe that the server where i'm
going to install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Domino also needs to
have a Domino server (Windows based) installed on it?  Is that true?  I'm
hoping that i'm misreading that piece and that I can just point the BES to
our iSeries Domino server.

Can anyone shed any light on this specific?  Any other comments or advice
on BES and iSeries Domino would be appreciated also... just scratching the
surface here at this point.
This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) mailing list
To post a message email: Domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
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This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) mailing list
To post a message email: Domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Scanned by IBM Email Security Management Services powered by MessageLabs.
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This is the Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 (Domino400) digest list
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End of Domino400 Digest, Vol 4, Issue 97

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