22 drives, all 70GB each.
We are at a loss to explain what caused this.


Jose del Risco
Corporate Domino Administrator
Oshkosh Truck Corporation

(920) 235.9151  x 2741

             Chris Whisonant                                               
             comporium.com>                                             To 
             Sent by:                  Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 
             domino400-bounces         <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>            
             +jdelrisco=oshtru                                          cc 
             om                                                    Subject 
                                       Re: Domino Utilities and Server     
                                       Performance Issues                  
             01/25/2007 01:35                                              
             Please respond to                                             
              Lotus Domino on                                              
               the iSeries /                                               

Are all the disks the same capacity?

It almosts sounds like someone may have ran a STRASPBAL *USAGE. This could
probably skew the numbers if the 6 drives in question are of a smaller
capacity than the others. They may have relatively the same amount of data
in GB but if the drives are smaller then they would have a greater % of

You will be fine to run a STRASPBAL *CAPACITY during the day.

My production model 820 was installed around 2 years ago when I ran a
STRASPBAL and all the drives are either 88.0 or 88.1 % used.

OK, OK, stop the flaming - I know 88% is not good. We're installing some
new 570s with 2.6x the DASD. I have one of them up in the cluster now with
all of the data being clustered and we're only using 31%. When we get the
UPS for the other 570 I'll move the production 820 over to it via LTO3.

Man, this 570 smokes and it's just going to be our failover box with 1
proc active. The production will have 2!!

I'm happy.... :)

Chris Whisonant
Senior Mid-Range Systems Administrator
IBM Certified Specialist -- eServer i5 iSeries Domino Technical Solutions
IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert - iSeries Technical Solutions V5R2
IBM Certified System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5
IBM Certified System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 7
IBM Certified Associate Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5

domino400-bounces+chris.whisonant=comporium.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on
01/25/2007 02:04:54 PM:


Thanks!  This is exactly what we are doing tonight.  And although we
found a potential fix, we are still scratching our heads as to what
this to happen in the first place.  Basically, is there anything that
anyone is aware of that would cause disk performance to significantly
change is such a manner that prior to this weekend, all 22 disk were
between 3 and 9% utilized and after the weekend, 6 disk are utilized at
50-70% while the other 16 remained at the normal level?


Jose del Risco
Corporate Domino Administrator
Oshkosh Truck Corporation

(920) 235.9151  x 2741

             Chris Whisonant
             comporium.com> To
             Sent by:                  Lotus Domino on the iSeries /
             domino400-bounces         <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
             +jdelrisco=oshtru cc
             om Subject
                                       Re: Domino Utilities and Server
                                       Performance Issues
             01/25/2007 12:58

             Please respond to
              Lotus Domino on
               the iSeries /


Well that makes sense! STRASPBAL should help out your performance
significantly!! :)

Chris Whisonant
Senior Mid-Range Systems Administrator
IBM Certified Specialist -- eServer i5 iSeries Domino Technical
IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert - iSeries Technical Solutions V5R2
IBM Certified System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5
IBM Certified System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 7
IBM Certified Associate Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5

domino400-bounces+chris.whisonant=comporium.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on
01/25/2007 01:53:55 PM:


I may have stated the information incorrectly. Of the 22 drives, 6
are being utilized at 50-70% while the other 16 are averaging 5%.
These disk store nothing but Domino and the entire box runs nothing
but Domino.
-- Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device --
Jose L. del Risco
Oshkosh Truck Corporation
Corporate Domino Administrator
(920) 420-5646

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Whisonant [Chris.Whisonant@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 01/25/2007 01:08 PM
To: Lotus Domino on the iSeries / AS400 <domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Domino Utilities and Server Performance Issues

Correct me if I'm wrong, but i5/OS doesn't create data like that. I
be REALLY curious to see how this person determined that ALL of the
data was only on 1/4 of the disks. Are those disks separated in a user
ASP? That could be possible, but you would have had to poing the
/LOTUS/DATA directory to that user ASP...

Chris Whisonant
Senior Mid-Range Systems Administrator
IBM Certified Specialist -- eServer i5 iSeries Domino Technical
IBM eServer Certified Systems Expert - iSeries Technical Solutions
IBM Certified System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5
IBM Certified System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 7
IBM Certified Associate Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5

domino400-bounces+chris.whisonant=comporium.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on
01/25/2007 08:24:16 AM:

How much cache is on the controller that controls the drives on the
box that hosts Domino?  Domino seems to really perform better with a
amount of disk controller cache.

Of course that doesn't explain why things were fine, then got bad.

sure what was the event that concentrated your Domino specific stuff
of the 22 drives... i'd have the guy who found that situation keep
further into it!  He should also be able to talk with IBM support
possible reasons why...

             Sent by: To
             domino400-bounces         domino400@xxxxxxxxxxxx
             +chadb=wheeling-n cc
             ge.com Subject
                                       Domino Utilities and Server
                                       Performance Issues
             01/24/2007 06:23

             Please respond to
              Lotus Domino on
               the iSeries /

Hello Everyone,

I have been experiencing Lotus Notes performance issues since Monday
morning.  At first we thought the problem to be a run away process (
task on a server was running at 80-90% for about 35min and it wasn't
anything ).  Since then ( Monday at 10:35am ), CPU for the entire

been averaging 30% and peaking at 65%.  Still, as of the time of
email, we are seeing intermittent performance issues. And by that I
everything seems to run normally then for some seemingly random
take upwards of 4 minutes just to open an email that does not have
attachment or switch to a different folder view, etc.  We sniffed
network and found no network issues occurring during these moments
Lotus Notes runs slow.  These moments tend to last about 5-10
all goes back to normal.  The performance problems to not seem to
any server task or event taking place.

After eliminating CPU we checked Memory.  The iSeries guru at our
organization informed me that there didn't appear to be any memory
but did notice that 6 of our disks ( of 22 ) were being hit hard.

did some further digging he noticed that ALL of the data for all 10
instances on our LPAR were all on 6 of the 22 disks that we have.

not the case last week.  It would seem that the performance issues
related to disk and he is performing a task to evenly distribute the
among the 22 disks by usage.  Now you are all probably wondering,

all the data end up on just 6 disks when it was spread across 22
week?"......  That, my friends, is the $100,000 question.  If anyone
any ideas I would love to hear them.  Some background info.

Saturday night we applied PTF's to the LPAR.
We also ran Fixup on 3 of our server, and Updall -r  on 2 of the 3
that Fixup was run on.

That is the extent of the changes that occurred this weekend.  I
directors meeting in the morning at which they will be asking me why
Notes is running slow.  I believe I have determined what was the
but not the root cause.  If anyone can send me idea before 9am
Feel free to ask me any questions, I will provide as much detail as


Jose del Risco
Corporate Domino Administrator
Oshkosh Truck Corporation

(920) 235.9151  x 2741

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