I have created a subsystem on AS400 and submit a java
job from CL,
The question i have is, AS400 job created in this
library will have library list of the submitting job
or users default library list.
Command in CL is as below.
java -Djava.version=1.5 -cp
In my StartApp i create a AS400 connection using
following command
AS400 as400 = AS400("localhost", "*CURRENT",
And then i use the following command to get the
library list for this as400 object
boolean b = command.run("dsplibl");
Job job = command.getServerJob();
String [] libraryList = job.getUserLibraryList();
The library List is get is for this user *current, but
not of the CL program submitting this job, is this
normal or am i missing some thing
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