Hello all,
I'm using this code to try to get a list of PDF files in a certain directory on the IFS. This is the important stuff.
try {
// Work with /Dir/File.txt on the system myAS400.
IFSFile fileDirectory = new IFSFile(as400, propPDFEmail.getProperty("PDF_DIRECTORY"));
// Determine the parent directory of the file.
String directory = fileDirectory.getParent();
// Determine the name of the file.
//Only PDF files will be read.
Enumeration enumIFSFiles = fileDirectory.enumerateFiles("*." + propPDFEmail.getProperty("FILENAME_EXTENSION"));
I'm getting a " ExtendedIOException: Access to request was denied. " on the enumerateFiles method call. Can't seem to figure out the problem. I'm getting a good connection to the server. My user id has access to all of the resources trying to be listed. Anyway I can figure out what's happening here?
Mark Walter
IBM Certified System i Specialist
Paragon Consulting Services, Inc
717.764.7909 Ext. 26
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