Hi Mitch,
Thanks to both you and Simon. I was hoping that there was something
that would give the base WebSphere activity level or threads given some
load. Then I could add an educated guess for the number of users. I will
look into the Web Performance Advisor.
I am monitoring the threads entry that QPRFADJ makes. As a fallback, if
necessary, I will use the value differential when we move WAS from *BASE.
While I believe Simon's thread/job explanation, I think this is like some
other areas of the AS/400 in that I'm not sure that's the entire story. For
example, QPRFADJ currently has things at a little over 300 for *BASE
activity level. The application supports around 2000 users, and WAS all by
itself runs many threads. I realize the significance of *concurrent*
threads, but still...
Anyhow, thanks for your responses. If any of the WAS or Java team
happens to see this, I believe any info would be helpful to many more than
just me.
Joe Sam
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----- Original Message -----
From: <davidsonlm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <Joe_Sam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 9:48 AM
Subject: WebSphere Performance Advisor
Joe Sam,
The email server that hosts my account subscription information is
apparently on the blink; I've tried to respond to the list but it ain't
happening, so I am taking the liberty of responding directly to you from my
home account.
The Web Performance Advisor can give you an IBM perspective on it. I forget
which HTTP Group (5.4) implemented it, but it does give you some collection
statistics and makes recommendations. I can't swear to the accuracy of them,
but the rationale in the popup helps seems to be reasonable. (Of course, it
does add "some" overhead, but you could turn it on and get your info then
turn it off.)
Check the Infocenter, and the appropriate WAS Infocenter.
Mitch Davidson (on list subscribed as davidson_l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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