I am looking into printing more than plain text with Java on the AS/400
(after successfully getting spooled files as PCL) and I have found that if
/QIBM/ProdData/Java400/ext/ibmjps.jar is present on the class path, the Java
Printing System correctly reports back flavors and attributes for the
printer defined on the AS/400. So far so good.
(The documentation for this is the IBMSYstems Magazine article -
Based on
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=14259706 I
understand that it is necessary for the printer to have the flavors
application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref; class="java.awt.print.Pageable"
application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref; class="java.awt.print.Printable"
It appears that this only is the case for the HP LaserJet we have which also
have the PCL flavor, and that all others only support the
application/vnd.ibm.scs (which means SCS) and application/vnd.ibm.modcap
(which I don?t know what is). This makes sense according to the ?which
flavors are provided? as we do not have Infoprint available, and that
Pageable/Printable is set because the _device_ reports it, not the AS/400
printing system.
I understand that SCS is a line printer protocol, and to get full device
independent graphics we need AFPDS.
So the question is, can AFPDS spooled files be created from Java? Through
the printing system? Without Interform?
(In a perfect world we would be able to create AS/400 overlays easily
through Java. Anyone? J)
Thanks for any pointers
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