Hi All
How can I improve the startup performance of Java applications on the AS/400?
We have an application that connects to an external system. However, this takes so long to start up on the AS/400, that it always fails to connect first time.
The communication is performed by an open source tool (Quickfix/J) which uses Apache Mina to perform the underlying socket communications. The socket is opened, but it then takes 10-15 seconds to send the first message. The external server seems to close the socket if nothing happens within 5 seconds - hence the initial failure. Thereafter it is much quicker.
I believe this is to do with the class loading and JIT that is making the first attempt so slow.
If I run the exact same java application on a PC, then this occurs in approximately 1 second. I have tested this by placing a TCP trace tool in between the java application and the server. If I add in a manual delay on the PC (just for testing) then I can see it receiving the same reject.
The startup performance occurs on all our java applications (not just with this tool). However, it is particularly causing a problem with this one.
Any help appreciated.
I believe the system is a power 8 server (relatively new and otherwise fairly quick). OS level is on V7R1. Java used is JDK 8 (64-bit).
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