Hello Justin,
We also use Bouncy Castle, and a developer reached out to me this month with
the exact same issue. Thank you for posting this. Did you ever apply the
PTFs again, or are they still removed?
One of our developers found this:
vider-bc-in-java-swing-application. He uses the 14-128.jar
Once again, thanks a LOT for posting this!!!
Jacob Banda
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 12:36:58 -0500
From: Justin Taylor <jtaylor.0ab@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: "not signed by a trusted signer"
I came to the conclusion that if it worked the day before the PTFs but not
the day after, it must be PTF-related. I contacted IBM and they knew
exactly what the problem was (the smoking gun in the stacktrace:
"java.lang.SecurityException: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC".
The temp work-around was to remove a set of Java PTFs. Long-term I'll have
to update the encryption JAR file(s) in order to apply the PTFs again.
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