Hi James:
I will certainly give it a try.
Thanks to everyone for your help....
Fred Schnittke MCSE, MCP,
Network Administrator
485 Queen Street West,
P.O. Box 1150,
St. Marys, Ontario,
N4X 1B7
519.284.1371 x252
James Rich <james@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: linux5250-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
03/28/2008 01:54 PM
Please respond to
Linux 5250 Development Project <linux5250@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Linux 5250 Development Project <linux5250@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [LINUX5250] xt5250 Colors and GHOST Characters....
On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, fschnittke@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I'll look into it a bit. The other thing is, would I be better using
If you decide to try x5250 I recommend you check out the current tn5250
code from cvs and install that before building x5250. A couple of people
have found that the latest cvs code of tn5250 works best. Once you have
that, please use
http://www.chowhouse.com/~james/x5250/x5250.tar.gz to
build x5250. That is what I'm using now and have been for a long time.
If you decide to use FreeBSD then at least you would know that tn5250 is
well tested on that platform. x5250 should work perfectly well on
James Rich
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