Good morning,
I think, IMHO, that the compelling reason is :
AFAIK, TN5250 is the open source complete (or better, the open source
complete reference implementation) of a telnet 5250 emulator.
The low volume on this mailing list, beside the claimed 200
downloads/week and a very sparse bug reports on Sourceforge, suggests
that TN5250 is a stable and good open-source product.
In absence, I repeat AFAIK, of another reference implementation handled
like an Apache/Sourceforge project, this list should to be considered a
"strategic resource" for everyone working in-, connected to-, working
aside-, the AS/400 ecosystem.
I think that, in any case, the project members of TN5250 listed on
Carey Evans (admin)
James Rich
Jason M. Felice (admin)
Marc-Antoine Ruel
Michael Madore (admin)
Scott Klement (admin)
should be kindly contacted directly before taking any action, and that
the time frame of 2 (holiday) weeks should be extended to mid/whole
Best regards (and greetings from Swiss Alps,
Davide Grandi
PS :
a) I know that TN5250 is NOT the only open source tn5250 emulator
b) sorry, if the choice of words should result not kind as I would be ...
On 17/08/2017 15:34, David Gibbs wrote:
The last message on this list was a year ago (August 2016).
Is there any real need for it anymore?
If there is no response, within 2 weeks, with a compelling reason to
keep it active I will shut it down.
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