Sorry Rick but I think you are looking for Pete Olshavsky <polshavsky@xxxxxxxxx>

Peter Vidal
Pall Aeropower Corp.
SR Programmer Analyst
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior
spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive
with our frail and feeble mind."
Albert Einstein

                    "Rick Schweitzer"                                           
                    <rammocean@xxxxxxxx       To:     <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>   
                    om>                       cc:                               
                    Sent by:                  Subject:     RFID (Rick 
Schweitzer@xxxxxxxxxxx, Paper-Less)                
                    03/02/2004 02:52 PM                                         
                    Please respond to                                           
                    MAPICS ERP System                                           

Dear Pete:

(Sorry for the text in the first message.  I am sending this one from my
Outlook Client ? perhaps this is better?)

RFID is playing multiple roles these days in many, many environments and for
many solutions.  From your initial question, here are some ideas to

1. You could attack this using a standard solution with bar codes and data
collection devices for tracking. If you are to ship a product out to a
vender and if all of the operations had not been completed (or scanned) as
instructed, the order cannot ship.  This could be a function of MAPICS
and/or the front end data collection solution.

2. Using an RF tag/solution itself, the application needs to be read/write.
As an example, operation 10 was just completed.  When that happens, the tag
can get written to with that step completed.  The next operation, being 20,
has not been updated (since it is not completed).  Again, if the unit was to
ship and the series of operations had not yet been completed, the
transaction could be stopped.

3. The logistics and the environment can be tricky.  Neither the tag nor
even a label could withstand heat treating.  In the case of a label, certain
types can withstand 500 deg F.  There may be specialty tags that could take
some amount of heat, but I bet they would be cost prohibitive.  In that
case, you would need a work order traveler or RF tag attached to a tray,
tote, pallet, etc, that goes with the items/tools that you are producing.

I hope this helps you.

There is much ground to cover when deciding on a solution for applications
such as this and I would happy to discuss this with you further.  Please
contact at the email address/phone below.

Best Regards,

Rick Schweitzer

Information Systems Engineering, Inc.
Paper-Less, LLC
mailto:rick.schweitzer@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:rick.schweitzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Business: 207-676-2118
Mobile: 207-423-4860
mobile messaging: 2074234860@xxxxxxxxxxx

Sent by: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
03/02/2004 12:00 PM
Please respond to mapics-l

To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 2, Issue 60

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Today's Topics:
1. RFID (Pete Olshavsky)
2. Re: RFID (Jim Black)
3. Re: RFID (Pete Olshavsky)
4. RE: RFID (Andy J. Jacobs)
5. Mapics Browser (Walter, Regina)
6. Re: Mapics Browser (DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx)
7. RE: Mapics Browser (Ashworth, Thomas R.)

message: 1
date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 04:54:43 -0800 (PST)
from: Pete Olshavsky <polshavsky@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: RFID

Good Morning Group, Just doing some preliminary checking.
But one of my accts is looking into using Radio Frequency Identification
tags. ((RFID).
Does anyone have any experience with these? Have you used/interfaced these
with Mapics in any way?
What they are thinking. And again very very early stage. Is to help control
items that go to outside vendors for heat treat and plating.

Thanks in advance

Pete Olshavsky

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message: 2
date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 08:01:00 -0500
from: "Jim Black" <jrblack@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: RFID


You say this is to help control items that go outside for processing. What
is the problem they are experiencing and how do you see this technology
addressing it?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Olshavsky" <polshavsky@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 7:54 AM
Subject: RFID

> Good Morning Group, Just doing some preliminary checking.
> But one of my accts is looking into using Radio Frequency Identification
tags. ((RFID).
> Does anyone have any experience with these? Have you used/interfaced these
with Mapics in any way?
> What they are thinking. And again very very early stage. Is to help
control items that go to outside vendors for heat treat and plating.
> Thanks in advance
> Pete Olshavsky
> ---------------------------------
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message: 3
date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 05:09:46 -0800 (PST)
from: Pete Olshavsky <polshavsky@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: RFID

Jim, Part of the problem is they sent some items to be plated with out heat
treat 1st and then shipped the finished product. What they were thinking and
again I just heard about this late yesterday. So I believe they want to see
if these tags can help prevent operations from being skipped.  This is about
all I know at this point in time.

Jim Black <jrblack@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You say this is to help control items that go outside for processing. What
is the problem they are experiencing and how do you see this technology
addressing it?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Olshavsky"

Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 7:54 AM
Subject: RFID

> Good Morning Group, Just doing some preliminary checking.
> But one of my accts is looking into using Radio Frequency Identification
tags. ((RFID).
> Does anyone have any experience with these? Have you used/interfaced these
with Mapics in any way?
> What they are thinking. And again very very early stage. Is to help
control items that go to outside vendors for heat treat and plating.
> Thanks in advance
> Pete Olshavsky
> ---------------------------------
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message: 4
date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 08:34:06 -0500
from: "Andy J. Jacobs" <ajjacobs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: RFID


RFID is the new buzz word out in the market today.  Wallmart is pushing this
hard for all of their top suppliers to be compliant by 2006. The dream is to
have all of the products in stores be labeled and when you walk thru the
readers, all of your products will be scanned and eliminate long checkout

How RFID tags work and what effect it has on Mapics is simple.  RFID tags
can be read only, read write, or variations of these.  What information you
can place on the tag will be determined on the size of the memory and the
device you use to read the tag.  This will determine how Mapics will view
the data coming in.

Think of it as if you were typing in some information to a typical screen of
Mapics as to how the data will interact with your Mapics.  There are many
ways you can take the data and massage that into Mapics, but that can be
discussed more offline.

One thing to keep in mind is that RFID tags are not cheap right now and they
can have some limitations to heating, so the environment can play a factor
in the RFID tag and may not be appropriate until after the heat treating
process.  Feel free to contact me offline if you would like some additional


Andy Jacobs
Integrated Barcoding Systems
1.517.266.7771 Ext.101
1.517.266.7772 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Olshavsky [mailto:polshavsky@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 8:10 AM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: RFID

Jim, Part of the problem is they sent some items to be plated with out heat
treat 1st and then shipped the finished product. What they were thinking and
again I just heard about this late yesterday. So I believe they want to see
if these tags can help prevent operations from being skipped.  This is about
all I know at this point in time.

Jim Black <jrblack@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You say this is to help control items that go outside for processing. What
is the problem they are experiencing and how do you see this technology
addressing it?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Olshavsky"

Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 7:54 AM
Subject: RFID

> Good Morning Group, Just doing some preliminary checking.
> But one of my accts is looking into using Radio Frequency Identification
tags. ((RFID).
> Does anyone have any experience with these? Have you used/interfaced these
with Mapics in any way?
> What they are thinking. And again very very early stage. Is to help
control items that go to outside vendors for heat treat and plating.
> Thanks in advance
> Pete Olshavsky
> ---------------------------------
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message: 5
date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 11:17:25 -0500
from: "Walter, Regina" <RWalter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Mapics Browser

We are currently using Mapics XA6 modules COM, PUR, IM, PDM, PDM+, CRP, PCC,
MRP, and IFM.  We are considering purchasing the Mapics Browser but would
like information about its functionality, productivity gains, support
issues, etc. that does not come from a Mapics affiliate's sales pitch.
We're particularly interested in pros and cons of using it over COM.

Please let me know what you think of the product and over which modules you
are using it.  I am also interested in lessons learned on the installation,
training, and maintenance of the Browser.

Regina Walter
Senior Programmer/Analyst


message: 6
date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 12:03:24 -0500
from: DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Mapics Browser


IF your users are very comfortable with working with PCs, and are not
irrevocably married to their green screen (some of mine are sooooo attached
to their green screens they are at the "until death us do part!" stage),
Browser can provide improved data access and maintenance capabilities that
are little short of incredible.

Two examples at Fleetwood:

1.  Engineering after we converted to EPDM (and Browser), we went from 2
full time data entry people maintaining records, plus numerous individuals
who maintained specific data elements, to 1 full time person.  We kept the
numerous individuals, but now they can only access the specific fields they
are to maintain.  Not only did we get significant productivity
improvements, we got much, much more security and accountability.

2.  Material Planners - a weekly order review/release task done by one of
our people took over 2 hours each week, now takes about 20 minutes.  That's
one specific example, there are more.

The flexibility and dynamics of the Browser interface can't be compared to
green screen.  You really need to get your affiliate to demo this
correctly.  I could list dozens and dozens of specific enhancements that
Browser has provided us - and we still don't have everyone using it.  It's
available, they just won't give up their beloved green screens (yet).

But you really have to put time and effort into training!  That is
absolutely critical.  And the customization of views and cards, where you
get the "big bang", takes some time and effort up front.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

"Walter, Regina"
<RWalter@xxxxxxxxxxx        To:       "'mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
<mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>                 cc:
Sent by:                    Subject:  Mapics Browser

03/02/2004 11:17 AM
Please respond to

We are currently using Mapics XA6 modules COM, PUR, IM, PDM, PDM+, CRP,
MRP, and IFM.  We are considering purchasing the Mapics Browser but would
like information about its functionality, productivity gains, support
issues, etc. that does not come from a Mapics affiliate's sales pitch.
We're particularly interested in pros and cons of using it over COM.

Please let me know what you think of the product and over which modules you
are using it.  I am also interested in lessons learned on the installation,
training, and maintenance of the Browser.

Regina Walter
Senior Programmer/Analyst

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To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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message: 7
date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 12:11:40 -0500
from: "Ashworth, Thomas R." <TAshwort@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Mapics Browser


We use the same array of XA6 modules and have had Browser installed for
a little over two years and there is still a certain amount of
learning-curve and on-going 'discovery' issues.  The interface is
appealing to the users, but certainly a challenge to administer and

Several points to consider:
1) If you 'upgrade' PDM/PDM+ to EPDM, maintenance of Item
Master/Revision and Bills of Material is restricted to Browser ONLY; the
green-screen features are forever disabled [although inquiries are
supported through a support add-on].
2) COM is somewhat enhanced by allowing a greater volume and choice of
information-per-panel and can be easily tailored for both your company's
and individual usage of specific data elements, but there is no support
for Picking/Shipping activity. Our user-base has also expressed their
frustration with Order Entry/Maintenance with Browser, leading to a
dual-use of green screen for order entry/maintenance and Pick/Pack/Ship
functions and Browser for inquiry/analysis.
3) If you have 'problems' with your user-base downloading MAPICS
information to personal spreadsheets for reporting and distribution,
Browser will only make things worse, as this feature is listed as one of
Browser's benefits.
4) Customized Views/Subets/Sorts can certainly be a great improvement
for the user-base, but caution MUST be excercised, as the out-of-the-box
MAPICS definitions can create more confusion than provide clear answers.
The MAPICS database is not always represented in it's clearest and most
usable form and a non-technical user can often make incorrect assumtions
if the data is selected incorrectly or from the 'wrong' source.
5) If you consider deploying Browser to your users, invest in Integrator
to support the list of modifications and enhancements that will be
forthcoming. Not only is Integrator useful in bringing-in data from
non-MAPICS Sources, but also to re-define and enhance some of what I
consider to be shortcomings of the Browsers use of the MAPICS database.

This product was intended to move data analysis away from IT-support and
distribute this function to the users, but a strong group of
'power-users' with a clear understanding of the MAPICS workflow, logis
and [ideally] the database is still a requirement.

I would be glad to discuss any additional questions that you may have
either through this posting or off-line via direct email.

Thomas Ashworth
Business Applications Manager
Altec Lansing Technologies, Inc.

** Any opinions expressed are solely my own and do not reflect the views
that may be held by other members of Altec Lansing or our business

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Walter, Regina
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 11:17 AM
To: 'mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Mapics Browser

We are currently using Mapics XA6 modules COM, PUR, IM, PDM, PDM+, CRP,
PCC, MRP, and IFM.  We are considering purchasing the Mapics Browser but
would like information about its functionality, productivity gains,
support issues, etc. that does not come from a Mapics affiliate's sales
pitch. We're particularly interested in pros and cons of using it over

Please let me know what you think of the product and over which modules
you are using it.  I am also interested in lessons learned on the
installation, training, and maintenance of the Browser.

Regina Walter
Senior Programmer/Analyst

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