I would love to have a copy of the Leadtime generator app as well. MAC

Mary Ann Caruso
Laitram, L.L.C.
504-733-6739 x1240

Sent by: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
02/07/2005 04:31 PM
Please respond to


MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 33

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Today's Topics:

   1. Defining a Product Structure (Jeanne Schrader)
   2. Manufacturing lead time (Ron Lahr)
   3. Re: Manufacturing lead time (DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx)
   4. Re: Manufacturing lead time (Nick_Radich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
   5. RE: Manufacturing lead time (Weston Wheat)
   6. RE: Manufacturing lead time (Bob Anderson)
   7. RE: Manufacturing lead time (Roof, Doug)
   8. RE: Manufacturing lead time (Ann Neal)


message: 1
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 13:07:31 -0600
from: "Jeanne Schrader" <schraderj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Defining a Product Structure

Good Afternoon All,

I work for a company that produces forgings, and we're taking on some new 
items.  We've always produced one forging for one piece of steel cut, but 
now, they want to cut one piece of steel, and produce 4 forgings from it. 
Has anyone done this in Mapics?  We're at a loss of how to set up our 
Product Structure and Routing to accomplish this.  We're running XA R6 
with just PDM, no EPDM.

For example:             Routing step 0010 is to cut the steel into 10lb 
                                                 Routing step 0020 is to 
forge the pieces, yielding 4 - 2lb pieces with 2 lbs of scrap...

Thanks in advance for any help I can get!

Jeanne Schrader 
IS Manager, Milwaukee Forge
Phone: 414-489-7067


message: 2
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 13:27:42 -0800
from: "Ron Lahr" <rlahr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Manufacturing lead time

Hello everyone:

Does anyone have, or know of, a manufacturing lead time generator?


Ron Lahr
Liberty Lake, WA


message: 3
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 16:55:48 -0500
from: DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Manufacturing lead time


We wrote one that runs through the routing file for all mfg parts to
determine mfg lead time (using setup and run times).  It takes into 
the number of working hours in a day.  When it's done, it prints a report
showing all items where the calculated lead time doesn't match the lead
time specified in the item balance file.  If you want, I can e-mail you a
PDF of the source code.  425 lines of code.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             "Ron Lahr" 
             com>                                                       To 

             Sent by:                  "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" 
             mapics-l-bounces@         <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
             midrange.com                                               cc 


             02/07/2005 04:27          Manufacturing lead time 
             Please respond to 
             MAPICS ERP System 

Hello everyone:

Does anyone have, or know of, a manufacturing lead time generator?


Ron Lahr
Liberty Lake, WA

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.


message: 4
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 15:50:51 -0600
from: Nick_Radich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Manufacturing lead time


Could I have a copy of this also?



Nick Radich
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
EPC Molding
(320) 679-6683

DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx on 02/07/2005 03:55:48 PM

Please respond to MAPICS ERP System Discussion <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

To:   MAPICS ERP System Discussion <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Subject:  Re: Manufacturing lead time


We wrote one that runs through the routing file for all mfg parts to
determine mfg lead time (using setup and run times).  It takes into 
the number of working hours in a day.  When it's done, it prints a report
showing all items where the calculated lead time doesn't match the lead
time specified in the item balance file.  If you want, I can e-mail you a
PDF of the source code.  425 lines of code.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             "Ron Lahr"
             com>                                                       To
             Sent by:                  "MAPICS ERP System Discussion"
             mapics-l-bounces@         <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
             midrange.com                                               cc

             02/07/2005 04:27          Manufacturing lead time

             Please respond to
             MAPICS ERP System

Hello everyone:

Does anyone have, or know of, a manufacturing lead time generator?


Ron Lahr
Liberty Lake, WA

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/mapics-l
or email: MAPICS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.


message: 5
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 14:53:10 -0700
from: "Weston Wheat" <wwheat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Manufacturing lead time

Could you please e-mail me that file too.
Weston Wheat

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:56 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: Manufacturing lead time


We wrote one that runs through the routing file for all mfg parts to
determine mfg lead time (using setup and run times).  It takes into 
the number of working hours in a day.  When it's done, it prints a report
showing all items where the calculated lead time doesn't match the lead
time specified in the item balance file.  If you want, I can e-mail you a
PDF of the source code.  425 lines of code.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             "Ron Lahr" 
             com>                                                       To 

             Sent by:                  "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" 
             mapics-l-bounces@         <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
             midrange.com                                               cc 


             02/07/2005 04:27          Manufacturing lead time 
             Please respond to 
             MAPICS ERP System 

Hello everyone:

Does anyone have, or know of, a manufacturing lead time generator?


Ron Lahr
Liberty Lake, WA

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/mapics-l
or email: MAPICS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.


message: 6
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 16:53:42 -0500
from: "Bob Anderson" <banderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Manufacturing lead time

                 I would like a copy also.

Bob Anderson
EDI Coordinator
Kent Sporting Goods Inc.
New London OH 44851
419-929-7021 x315
419-929-1380 FAX

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Behalf Of DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 4:56 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: Manufacturing lead time


We wrote one that runs through the routing file for all mfg parts to
determine mfg lead time (using setup and run times).  It takes into 
the number of working hours in a day.  When it's done, it prints a report
showing all items where the calculated lead time doesn't match the lead
time specified in the item balance file.  If you want, I can e-mail you a
PDF of the source code.  425 lines of code.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             "Ron Lahr"
             com>                                                       To
             Sent by:                  "MAPICS ERP System Discussion"
             mapics-l-bounces@         <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
             midrange.com                                               cc

             02/07/2005 04:27          Manufacturing lead time

             Please respond to
             MAPICS ERP System

Hello everyone:

Does anyone have, or know of, a manufacturing lead time generator?


Ron Lahr
Liberty Lake, WA

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/mapics-l
or email: MAPICS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.

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message: 7
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 16:07:48 -0600 
from: "Roof, Doug" <doug.roof@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Manufacturing lead time

Could I have a copy (MFG LEAD TIME PGM)

Doug Roof
Haldex Hydraulics
2222 15th Street
Rockford Il  61104

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 

Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:53 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: RE: Manufacturing lead time

Could you please e-mail me that file too.
Weston Wheat

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:56 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: Manufacturing lead time


We wrote one that runs through the routing file for all mfg parts to
determine mfg lead time (using setup and run times).  It takes into 
the number of working hours in a day.  When it's done, it prints a report
showing all items where the calculated lead time doesn't match the lead 
specified in the item balance file.  If you want, I can e-mail you a PDF 
the source code.  425 lines of code.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             "Ron Lahr" 
             com>                                                       To 

             Sent by:                  "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" 
             mapics-l-bounces@         <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
             midrange.com                                               cc 


             02/07/2005 04:27          Manufacturing lead time 
             Please respond to 
             MAPICS ERP System 

Hello everyone:

Does anyone have, or know of, a manufacturing lead time generator?


Ron Lahr
Liberty Lake, WA

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list To post a
message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/mapics-l
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at

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message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at

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message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at


message: 8
date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 16:28:42 -0600
from: "Ann Neal" <aneal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Manufacturing lead time


me too

LeTourneau, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Roof, Doug
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 4:08 PM
To: 'MAPICS ERP System Discussion'
Subject: RE: Manufacturing lead time

Could I have a copy (MFG LEAD TIME PGM)

Doug Roof
Haldex Hydraulics
2222 15th Street
Rockford Il  61104

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:53 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: RE: Manufacturing lead time

Could you please e-mail me that file too.
Weston Wheat

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:56 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: Manufacturing lead time


We wrote one that runs through the routing file for all mfg parts to
determine mfg lead time (using setup and run times).  It takes into 
the number of working hours in a day.  When it's done, it prints a report
showing all items where the calculated lead time doesn't match the lead 
specified in the item balance file.  If you want, I can e-mail you a PDF 
the source code.  425 lines of code.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             "Ron Lahr"
             com>                                                       To
             Sent by:                  "MAPICS ERP System Discussion"
             mapics-l-bounces@         <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
             midrange.com                                               cc

             02/07/2005 04:27          Manufacturing lead time

             Please respond to
             MAPICS ERP System

Hello everyone:

Does anyone have, or know of, a manufacturing lead time generator?


Ron Lahr
Liberty Lake, WA

This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list To post a
message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/mapics-l
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at

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message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at

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message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
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End of MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 33

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