
Yes, we do this all the time.  An order may be entered to ship from our main 
warehouse , but we come to find we don't have the product available, but have 
it in another warehouse.  As long as the order is at status 10 you can go in 
and change the warehouse on the line item.  We are using CSM to do this, and 
I'm sure we used to make this change in green screen.

Carol L. Limegrover
DMI Companies
724-258-0500  X122
Fax: 724-310-1009

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of mapics-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:47 PM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 268

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Offline Shipping enhancement (Eric A. Wolf)
   2. Re:  Offline Shipping enhancement (DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx)
   3. Re:  Can the Customer Order's Warehouse Number be changed in
      Mapics? (DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx)
   4. Re:  Offline Shipping enhancement (Eric A. Wolf)
   5. RE:  Offline Shipping enhancement (Garcia, Josue - EC Newton)
   6. Re:  Offline Shipping enhancement (Eric A. Wolf)
   7. Re(2): [MAPICS-L] MAPICS Month End Closeouts (Thomas Hauber)


message: 1
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 14:00:02 -0800
from: "Eric A. Wolf" <eric_a_wolf@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

I am using Transaction "04" but we are not supposed to be getting shipments.
Please send me you phone# to me offline so I can speak to you about this issue.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Garcia, Josue - EC Newton" <Josue.Garcia@xxxxxxx>
To: "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

> If you plan to use pick lists Transaction '04' and split a pick in
multiple shipments contact me.
> Josué
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Eric A. Wolf
> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 3:37 PM
> To: mapics
> Subject: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement
> To the list,
> I am starting testing of the Offline Shipping enhancement and want to find
out from the "veterans" if there are any gotchas from errors in the
documentation.  I think I may have already found one or two.
> 1)    The OSAAREP error flag should be a "0", not a blank as the SH14652
document states
> 2)    The OSAAREP company should be filled, it is a required field.
> Anything else that I need to know about?
> Thanks...
> Eric
> _______________________________________________
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message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
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message: 2
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 17:20:24 -0500
from: DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement


I can give you the source code for how we load our OFFSHIP files.   Our
process is as follows:

1.  The users scan all the picking transactions and the item pick data
(with locations and quantity) is stored in a holding file.  We also create
SLALLO records for the items that were picked (we don't discretely allocate
inventory at order entry time, but once it's picked, it SHOULD be!).

2.  At the end of the day, we get the UPS and FedEx Ground freight shipment
data and charges, match them up with the holding file, and build the
OFFSHIP records.

3.  Then we call the OFFSHIP process, order by order.   We also load all
the tracking number information.  And since MAPICS only supports ONE
tracking number per shipment (and we can have a LOT more than that), we
create comments with all the tracking numbers in them as order comments.

Want the code?   I can post it on our user group site.   The tracking
number load program is already there.

Go to:   www.powermug.org/offship.htm   for what I have so far.

If you want, I can add the other programs, too.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             "Eric A. Wolf"                                                
             ail.com>                                                   To 
             Sent by:                  "mapics" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>    
             mapics-l-bounces@                                          cc 
                                       [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping         
             11/10/2005 03:36          enhancement                         
             Please respond to                                             
             MAPICS ERP System                                             

To the list,
I am starting testing of the Offline Shipping enhancement and want to find
out from the "veterans" if there are any gotchas from errors in the
documentation.  I think I may have already found one or two.

1)    The OSAAREP error flag should be a "0", not a blank as the SH14652
document states
2)    The OSAAREP company should be filled, it is a required field.

Anything else that I need to know about?

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message: 3
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 17:29:44 -0500
from: DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Can the Customer Order's Warehouse Number be
        changed in      Mapics?


We just dealt with that when we shut down our remote distribution center.
It's not the approved way, I imagine, but we just SQL'd the order header
and line items to the new warehouse.   For us, that did it.

Of course, we had to print all new picking lists.

Dale Gindlesperger
IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
258 Beacon Street
Somerset, PA  15501

             Al Gershen                                                    
             Sent by:                                                   To 
             mapics-l-bounces@         Mapics Mailing List                 
             midrange.com              <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>             
                                       Al Gershen <aldg3@xxxxxxxxx>        
             11/10/2005 04:29                                      Subject 
             PM                        [MAPICS-L] Can the Customer Order's 
                                       Warehouse Number be changed in      
             Please respond to                                             
             MAPICS ERP System                                             

Environment: Mapics DB (Mod 4)
Modules: OE&I, IM & PC&C

Hi group:

We are opening a new manufacturing and shipping
facility and have assigned it a new Mapics Warehouse

At our old facility, which is still running, we have
some Customer Orders that were entered before the new
facility came online and they were created using the
old facility's shipping warehouse number.

We want these Customer Orders to be serviced
(manufacturing and shipping) from the new facility.

Is there a way in Mapics to change the shipping
warehouse number in these Customer Orders?

If I were to do this using a utility such as DBU
(Database Utility), would it be possible to pick the
shipment in Mapics from the new warehouse number?

I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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message: 4
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 14:24:35 -0800
from: "Eric A. Wolf" <eric_a_wolf@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

I'll let you know within a few minutes.  I think I solved my current


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DaleGindlesperger@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

> Eric,
> I can give you the source code for how we load our OFFSHIP files.   Our
> process is as follows:
> 1.  The users scan all the picking transactions and the item pick data
> (with locations and quantity) is stored in a holding file.  We also create
> SLALLO records for the items that were picked (we don't discretely
> inventory at order entry time, but once it's picked, it SHOULD be!).
> 2.  At the end of the day, we get the UPS and FedEx Ground freight
> data and charges, match them up with the holding file, and build the
> OFFSHIP records.
> 3.  Then we call the OFFSHIP process, order by order.   We also load all
> the tracking number information.  And since MAPICS only supports ONE
> tracking number per shipment (and we can have a LOT more than that), we
> create comments with all the tracking numbers in them as order comments.
> Want the code?   I can post it on our user group site.   The tracking
> number load program is already there.
> Go to:   www.powermug.org/offship.htm   for what I have so far.
> If you want, I can add the other programs, too.
> Dale Gindlesperger
> IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
> Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
> 258 Beacon Street
> Somerset, PA  15501
>              "Eric A. Wolf"
>              <eric_a_wolf@hotm
>              ail.com>                                                   To
>              Sent by:                  "mapics" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>              mapics-l-bounces@                                          cc
>              midrange.com
>                                                                    Subject
>                                        [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping
>              11/10/2005 03:36          enhancement
>              PM
>              Please respond to
>              MAPICS ERP System
>                 Discussion
>              <mapics-l@midrang
>                   e.com>
> To the list,
> I am starting testing of the Offline Shipping enhancement and want to find
> out from the "veterans" if there are any gotchas from errors in the
> documentation.  I think I may have already found one or two.
> 1)    The OSAAREP error flag should be a "0", not a blank as the SH14652
> document states
> 2)    The OSAAREP company should be filled, it is a required field.
> Anything else that I need to know about?
> Thanks...
> Eric
> _______________________________________________
> This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
> To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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> at http://archive.midrange.com/mapics-l.


message: 5
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 17:52:47 -0500
from: "Garcia, Josue - EC Newton" <Josue.Garcia@xxxxxxx>
subject: RE: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

Write to at josue.garcia@xxxxxxx


From: mapics-l-bounces+josue.garcia=itt.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Eric A. 
Sent: Thu 11/10/2005 5:00 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

I am using Transaction "04" but we are not supposed to be getting shipments.
Please send me you phone# to me offline so I can speak to you about this


----- Original Message -----
From: "Garcia, Josue - EC Newton" <Josue.Garcia@xxxxxxx>
To: "MAPICS ERP System Discussion" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

> If you plan to use pick lists Transaction '04' and split a pick in
multiple shipments contact me.
> Josué
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Eric A. Wolf
> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 3:37 PM
> To: mapics
> Subject: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement
> To the list,
> I am starting testing of the Offline Shipping enhancement and want to find
out from the "veterans" if there are any gotchas from errors in the
documentation.  I think I may have already found one or two.
> 1)    The OSAAREP error flag should be a "0", not a blank as the SH14652
document states
> 2)    The OSAAREP company should be filled, it is a required field.
> Anything else that I need to know about?
> Thanks...
> Eric
> _______________________________________________
> This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list To post a
message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change
list options,
> visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/mapics-l
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message: 6
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:09:17 -0800
from: "Eric A. Wolf" <eric_a_wolf@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Offline Shipping enhancement

The problem I am having is that when I create a OSABCPP record with a Ship
qty of a 1.000, a Release qty of  1.000, the Backorder flag of "1" (to
calculate a backorder - which there is none), the system creates two (2)
shipment detail records.  This means that I overshipped the order - which I
did not.

Am I missing something?



message: 7
date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:46:23 -0800
from: "Thomas Hauber" <thauber@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re(2): [MAPICS-L] MAPICS Month End Closeouts

That sounds just plain idiotic.  I cannot imagine that SOX meant to stop
legitimate programmers from doing their job.

>On the original question as to who at our company handles the closing:
>IM, COM, A/R is closed by the IT department as part of month-end
>processing.   IT is responsible for making sure everything in those areas
>has been processed prior to closing the fiscal period.  Since we do a full
>MAPICS backup after posting EVERYTHING for the month, and it is our
>responsbility to do that, we close those applications.
>Sarbox rules are OK with that, for some reason.   However, A/P and G/L are
>closed by our plant accountant.   Again, that is a Sarbox regulation.
>On the 2nd thread for this topic, as in how ridiculous SOX has gotten:
>As it was explained to me by several "knowledgeable people", SOX as passed
>by Congress consists of GUIDELINES, and it is up to the SOX consultants to
>interpret those guidelines for the companies for which they are performing
>the SOX consulting.   Does that sound to anyone else besides me like hiring
>the fox to guard the henhouse?  I mean, if MY income was based on my
>contracts, and I was permitted to arbitrarily define those contracts as I
>saw fit....  Can you spell "Gravy Train"?  I know that my shop has been hit
>with some (what I consider) absurd requirements, such as my programmers and
>I not being allowed access to production data - when WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE
>Dale Gindlesperger
>IT Manager/Special Projects Leader
>Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc.
>258 Beacon Street
>Somerset, PA  15501
>This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list
>To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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End of MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 268

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