I am not sure if this answer helps but what I think I did something like
this. Using the MBDDREP Shipment details for those items that are
Cameleon-based items, I wrote some queries using the APC Configure Id field
(DDAFYT). You then will have to link to the PSTHDR or PSTDTL files to find
the components used. Each combination already purchased may or should have
a configure Id.
That's about all I can remember about that...
Eric A. Wolf
Your original question was (hidden in .txt attachment):
XA release 6, Cameleon, OBPM, CSM, PM & EWP as well as Browser
Hi List and Happy almost Friday!
I am not conversant in Cameleon but here goes anyway...
It is my understanding that there are no planning tools in Cameleon that
allow one to generate any kind of historical-based forecast of selected
choices (sorry if this is incorrect terminology). Is this a correct
If one is using Cameleon to configure items from components that are "on
the shelf" to fulfill customer orders, what techniques are being used
out there to have MRP plan all that material so it is on the shelf when
Cameleon comes calling?
Charley Simpson, CPIM
Director of Operations
805-426-3410 <>
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