I don't remember whether this program runs interactive or batch, but it doesn't really matter - there are just a few extra steps with batch.
First off, if you're trying to use STRISDB to debug, my suggestion is to forget it. It puts stuff in QTEMP that MAPICS happily blows away when it starts up. There are ways around that, but they're a lot of trouble. You'll do better with STRDBG or my preference, the WDSCi debugger.
In order to use STRDBG or WDSCi, you have to compile the program with either OPTION(*SRCDBG) or OPTION(*LSTDBG). Make sure the new one is highest in your MAPICS library list.
If it's interactive, STRDBG on it, then start MAPICS and go. If it's batch, submit the job to a held jobq, then STRSRVJOB on it, then release the queue, STRDBG in the servicing job, and go.
If you'd rather use WDSCi than STRDBG, you have to do the debug setup in the tool. I don't remember anymore how to do that for an OPM program (we're all ILE here so I only use SEPs), but it's in both the help and the tutorial. For batch it's simpler than STRSRVJOB, etc., and for either it's a much nicer debugger.
Dave Shaw
MAPICS-L moderator
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Vidal" <Peter_Vidal@xxxxxxxx>
To: <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 10:57 AM
Subject: [MAPICS-L] How to debug AMM63?
Hi list:
I need to debug this program. It has a modification that I want to test
and I want to know the best way to debug it running.
Is there a way?
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