Sorry, I wasn't purposely "advertising"...won't happen again.
And, I may be wrong (but I don't think so) this was the FIRST time I have actually participated in this forum. Live and learn, I guess......
Ray Bassett

From: mapics-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2008/03/13 Thu AM 09:43:20 CDT
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 76

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff Williams)
(Ray Bassett)
2. Re: MAPICS-L (Ray Bassett)
3. Re: Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff Williams)
4. Re: Product Structure and Bill of Materials (JeffWilliams)
(Dave Shaw)
5. Re: Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff Snyder)
6. IFM and electronic A/P invoice payment (David Hayes)
7. Re: IFM and electronic A/P invoice payment (Lenny Crotty)


message: 1
date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 13:46:54 -0500 (CDT)
from: Ray Bassett <rbcb55@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff

I would like to suggest the following to you:
1. Have you looked into using the "Features & Options" functionality for your P/S's ?? This could help you define a P/S that has "different" packaging types.
2. If the concern is how to carry two different costs for the same Raw material, I would (again) suggest you look into setting up more than one warehouse. This allows you to have different costs for the same Item. Hope this gives you "food for thought"!!

Ray Bassett
BTR Consultants Inc. "Business Solutions Architects"
401.573.2226 btrcinc@xxxxxxxxxxx
AS400/iSeries Specialists-Analysis,Design,and Programming.
We also offer Sarbanes Oxley(SOX)compliancy solutions which are specifically designed for the MAPICS(Infor)environment.

From: mapics-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2008/03/12 Wed PM 12:00:02 CDT
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 75

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of MAPICS-L digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff Williams)
2. Speaking of Training Materials (LeLeux@xxxxxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:04:59 -0400
from: "Jeff Williams" <jeffw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials

Hi everyone. I am looking for some insight. Let me lay some groundwork.

1) My company uses IM and PDM green screen xa 7
2) We have about 3,000 product structures. A lot of which are exactly the
same as some of the others just packaging changes.
3) We are also using a single level bill of material

I have 2 questions.
1) We maintain our product structures a lot this causes a lot of headaches.
What is a good way to use Mapics better to minimize our headaches. I am
exploring phatom records. Any ideas?

2) Sometimes we have the same raw material from 2 suppliers. Currently we
would have 2 different item codes and 2 difference product structures for
this. Is this a better way to handle this?

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

Jeff Williams


message: 2
date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:45:44 -0700
from: LeLeux@xxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: [MAPICS-L] Speaking of Training Materials

The biggest obstacle for training pc techs to support the AS400 users is
that problems happen so infrequently that it's difficult to train by

Any one have any materials for common tasks like wrkactjob, outques,
writers, varying-on, enabling users (ok, that happens a lot). Basic stuff
to many of us, but elusive to the up and coming techs.

Thanks in advance!


This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) digest list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: MAPICS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives

End of MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 75


message: 2
date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:40:53 -0500 (CDT)
from: Ray Bassett <rbcb55@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] MAPICS-L

I would like to suggest the following to you:
1. Have you looked into using the "Features & Options" functionality for your P/S's ?? This could help you define a P/S that has "different" packaging types.
2. If the concern is how to carry two different costs for the same Raw material, I would (again) suggest you look into setting up more than one warehouse. This allows you to have different costs for the same Item. Hope this gives you "food for thought"!!

Ray Bassett
BTR Consultants Inc. "Business Solutions Architects"
401.573.2226 btrcinc@xxxxxxxxxxx
AS400/iSeries Specialists in Analysis,Design,and Programming.
We also offer Sarbanes Oxley(SOX)compliancy solutions which are specifically designed for the MAPICS(Infor)environment.

From: mapics-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2008/03/12 Wed PM 12:00:02 CDT
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 75

Send MAPICS-L mailing list submissions to

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of MAPICS-L digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff Williams)
2. Speaking of Training Materials (LeLeux@xxxxxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:04:59 -0400
from: "Jeff Williams" <jeffw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials

Hi everyone. I am looking for some insight. Let me lay some groundwork.

1) My company uses IM and PDM green screen xa 7
2) We have about 3,000 product structures. A lot of which are exactly the
same as some of the others just packaging changes.
3) We are also using a single level bill of material

I have 2 questions.
1) We maintain our product structures a lot this causes a lot of headaches.
What is a good way to use Mapics better to minimize our headaches. I am
exploring phatom records. Any ideas?

2) Sometimes we have the same raw material from 2 suppliers. Currently we
would have 2 different item codes and 2 difference product structures for
this. Is this a better way to handle this?

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

Jeff Williams


message: 2
date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:45:44 -0700
from: LeLeux@xxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: [MAPICS-L] Speaking of Training Materials

The biggest obstacle for training pc techs to support the AS400 users is
that problems happen so infrequently that it's difficult to train by

Any one have any materials for common tasks like wrkactjob, outques,
writers, varying-on, enabling users (ok, that happens a lot). Basic stuff
to many of us, but elusive to the up and coming techs.

Thanks in advance!


This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) digest list
To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: MAPICS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives

End of MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 75


message: 3
date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 18:56:35 EDT
from: Denroxi@xxxxxxx
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff

is this advertising by a consulting firm which is not allowed,...mid

**************It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &
Finance. (


message: 4
date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 19:11:14 -0400
from: "Dave Shaw" <daveshaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials

If you're referring to Ray Bassett's post, he responded to the questions
asked without offering to sell anything, and the suggestions are relevant.
His signature contains information for contacting him and his employer,
which is acceptable under the current rules. The line about Sarbanes Oxley
solutions is pushing the envelope a bit, though; I hope Ray takes that under

Dave Shaw
MAPICS-L moderator

----- Original Message -----
From: <Denroxi@xxxxxxx>
To: <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials

is this advertising by a consulting firm which is not allowed,...mid


message: 5
date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 23:39:33 -0400
from: Jeff Snyder <jeffreygsnyder@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials

Jeff see below comments inserted, per area of concern.

date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:04:59 -0400from: "Jeff Williams" <jeffw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>subject: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of MaterialsHi everyone. I am looking for some insight. Let me lay some groundwork.1) My company uses IM and PDM green screen xa 72) We have about 3,000 product structures. A lot of which are exactly the same as some of the others just packaging changes.

If the P/S is basically the same as an FYI - EPDM allows for generic BOMs that could be assigned to various end items. May be worth looking into. Plus the added benefit of the Browser maintenance (you'll never go back to GS)

Pkg matl: You could expense the Pkg matl. ie. not include it in the BOM, you could still Inventory the different pkg matl, just not issue it to the MO, simply 'IS' . (Cr inv, DR Exp).
This is of particularily good practice if various pkg matl could be used for the same product.

If the pkg matl is an expensive percent of the overall cost, of course this would not work, many Cos have a combination, some exp, some that participate in the final product cost. In this case you could set up a Std 'pseudo' pkg item number , just for costing, and have it participate in the BOM, but perform an unplanned Issue of the actual pkg matl to the MO. There would be no allocations to the actual pkg item number, so, set the ROP higher then normal.

3) We are also using a single level bill of material

Im not sure I understand the question here ? Is this just information, or a question.
I have 2 questions.1) We maintain our product structures a lot this causes a lot of headaches. What is a good way to use Mapics better to minimize our headaches. I am exploring phantom records. Any ideas?

Phantoms would make no sense to me within a single level structure, I dont understand the question.
You understand that the phantom is to eliminate the need for a mid - level item 's MO. tis a 'Blow through' designed to build the mid-level item on demand, the phantom's parts are allocated, and issued, phantom's are built one to one per the parent MO requirement. There are labor, cost issues to resolve.
2) Sometimes we have the same raw material from 2 suppliers. Currently we would have 2 different item codes and 2 difference product structures for this. Is this a better way to handle this?
I would not have 2 item codes for the same raw would you differentiate in Inventory, or cycle count ? Are the parts truly interchangeable ? Without further understanding, analysis, off the top of my head I'd say set the Std cost to the Pri vendor and let the PPV fall where it may.

Jeff , bottom line is there seems to be a lot of education of I/M, PCC, COSTING, and PDM, or EPDM required before you are ready to begin making decisions.
Not to sound pompous, but with education comes understanding, and this leads to prudent decisions.

I dont believe you will receive the full content of the ed you require via email exchanges, I hope this tid bit helps , but I think you need to engage in a formal education , implementation path with a qualified vendor of your choosing. This is Not an advertisement, just an observation.

My apologize if I offended in any way. Just trying to help you become successful.

Keep me posted and let me know if I can be of further assistance, if you'd like to limit your discussions with installed users I certainly understand.

Jeff Snyder, CPIM
Guide Technologies, LLC

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. ThanksJeff Williams > Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:40:53 -0500> From: rbcb55@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] MAPICS-L> > Jeff,> I would like to suggest the following to you:> 1. Have you looked into using the "Features & Options" functionality for your P/S's ?? This could help you define a P/S that has "different" packaging types.> 2. If the concern is how to carry two different costs for the same Raw material, I would (again) suggest you look into setting up more than one warehouse. This allows you to have different costs for the same Item. Hope this gives you "food for thought"!!> > Ray Bassett> BTR Consultants Inc. "Business Solutions Architects"> 401.573.2226 btrcinc@xxxxxxxxxxx> AS400/iSeries Specialists in Analysis,Design,and Programming.> We also offer Sarbanes Oxley(SOX)compliancy solutions which are specifically designed for the MAPICS(Infor)environment. > > =====================> From: mapi
cs-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: 2008/03/12 Wed PM 12:00:02 CDT> To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 75> > Send MAPICS-L mailing list submissions to> mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to> mapics-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx> > You can reach the person managing the list at> mapics-l-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxx> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of MAPICS-L digest..."> > > Today's Topics:> > 1. Product Structure and Bill of Materials (Jeff Williams)> 2. Speaking of Training Materials (LeLeux@xxxxxxxxxxxx)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> > message: 1> date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:04:59 -0400> from: "Jeff Williams" <jeffw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> subject: [MAPICS-L] Product Structure and Bill of Materials> > Hi ever
yone. I am looking for some insight. Let me lay some groundwork.> > 1) My company uses IM and PDM green screen xa 7> 2) We have about 3,000 product structures. A lot of which are exactly the > same as some of the others just packaging changes.> 3) We are also using a single level bill of material> > I have 2 questions.> 1) We maintain our product structures a lot this causes a lot of headaches. > What is a good way to use Mapics better to minimize our headaches. I am > exploring phatom records. Any ideas?> > 2) Sometimes we have the same raw material from 2 suppliers. Currently we > would have 2 different item codes and 2 difference product structures for > this. Is this a better way to handle this?> > Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks> > Jeff Williams > > > > > ------------------------------> > message: 2> date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:45:44 -0700> from: LeLeux@xxxxxxxxxxxx> subject: [MAPICS-L] Speaking of Training Materials> > > > The biggest obstacle for t
raining pc techs to support the AS400 users is> that problems happen so infrequently that it's difficult to train by> repetition.> > > > Any one have any materials for common tasks like wrkactjob, outques,> writers, varying-on, enabling users (ok, that happens a lot). Basic stuff> to many of us, but elusive to the up and coming techs.> > > > Thanks in advance!> > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------> > _______________________________________________> This is the MAPICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) digest list> To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,> visit:> or email: MAPICS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives> at> > > > End of MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 75> ***************************************> > _______________________________________________> This is the MA
PICS ERP System Discussion (MAPICS-L) mailing list> To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,> visit:> or email: MAPICS-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives> at>


message: 6
date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:40:41 -0400
from: "David Hayes" <DHayes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [MAPICS-L] IFM and electronic A/P invoice payment

We are currently at R6. Is anyone doing electronic A/P payments to
vendors out of IFM? If so, could you provide an overview of the setup
and general process involved and any "gotchas" I need to be aware of?

Thanks in advance....

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message: 7
date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:42:49 -0000
from: "Lenny Crotty" <lenny.crotty@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] IFM and electronic A/P invoice payment

Hi David

Our company is a software vendor who specialize in electronic vendor payment (and email remittance) solutions for ERP systems. We are an INFOR partner and have been working with companies large and small in the electronic banking and cash management area for 16 years. You can find out more information at our website and specifically on electronic payments at

Please contact me offline at the number or email address below if you would like to discuss further.

Warm regards,
Lenny Crotty
Business Development Manager, Americas
San Francisco, CA 94121

Cell: +1 415 867 7665
eFax: +1 267 851 7665
Email: lenny.crotty@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Skype Profile: LennyCrotty

Come visit us at booth number 633 at the upcoming QUEST (JD Edwards) Collaborate '08 User Group Meeting in Denver, CO April 13-18

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-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Hayes
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 6:41 AM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: [MAPICS-L] IFM and electronic A/P invoice payment

We are currently at R6. Is anyone doing electronic A/P payments to
vendors out of IFM? If so, could you provide an overview of the setup
and general process involved and any "gotchas" I need to be aware of?

Thanks in advance....

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End of MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 6, Issue 76

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