Thanks, Ross, your contributions to this discussion are always appreciated. Is there more information about PM BEFR in the Inforum sessions next week?
Rich McCracken

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ross Freeman
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 10:52 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] Performance Managment Financial Reporting

I am surprised by the comment that PM was overkill for someone who wanted to replace FRx. Apparently there was some overselling here.

PM Business Edition - Financial Reporting is the exact replacement for FRx, designed to offer the 30+ regular reports without all the high end financial tools like consolidation and forecasting.

PM BEFR (pardon the awkward acronym) is the standard replacement for FRx. You can get it in multiple ways:
- If you exercise your FLEX Upgrade option, it comes with the package
- If you wait a couple of months, we will offer it with a SOA integration for all current FRx customers. There is a license fee, but it is relatively low.
- You can buy it today with a PSO field integration

PM BEFR is the standard financial report writer for XA going forward from Release 9. Everyone will wind up with it unless they fight pretty hard to avoid it. You won't have to use it if it isn't your preferred solution, but it will ship to you anyways.

Best Regards,

Ross Freeman | Senior Product Manager | Infor | office: 678.319.8040 | mobile: 404.386.5684 | ross.freeman@xxxxxxxxx
Infor ERP XA

InforFLEX-A clear, fast, and cost effective path to adopt Infor's latest product innovations.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of mapics-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 11:29 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 190

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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Considering AVP (Kevin Fox)
2. Re: Performance Management Financial Reporting (Vic Belebczuk)
3. Re: Performance Management Financial Reporting
(Gindlesperger, Dale)
4. Re: Performance Management Financial Reporting (Griffin, Jeff)
5. GS1 Global Standards / License Plates (Ron Anderson)
6. Re: GS1 Global Standards / License Plates (Tom Mayer)
7. Re: GS1 Global Standards / License Plates (Kevin Fox)


message: 1
date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 17:17:56 -0700
from: "Kevin Fox" <kdfox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Considering AVP


It looks like your question has been overlooked. I noticed it sitting out
here with no response.

AVP replaces MRP and CRP. Thus MPSP works just fine assuming it is the
driver of the plan. Unfortunately, many companies don't use MPSP to drive
the plan, but instead us it as a step in an ill defined process. As long as
you are using MPSP to drive demand OVER THE CMLT HORIZON of the demand
units, you will be fine using AVP and will in fact get faster feed back if
you are over capacity or under utilizing capacity. Both of which are very
nice things to have during your S&OP process.

Let me know how this is going for you.

Kevin Fox

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Mike Bennett
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 11:09 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] Considering AVP

Hi Group,
We are on XAR7 and we are heavy users of Infor Forecasting, MPSP, MRP and
Also have a fledgling S&OP process that depends on MPSP and the PFRELF file
to define product families.
We also use Infor MPA to measure our variances in making the plan.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone with similar experience that has
switched to AVP.
405-525-4270 Direct

Mike Bennett
Customer Service Manager
Kimray Inc. 52 NW 42nd Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-525-6601<>
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message: 2
date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 08:01:05 -0400
from: "Vic Belebczuk" <vbelebczuk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

PM is a good fit for a company looking to implement a financial BI tool.
In our case there was no interest. Accounting was looking for the
equivalent of FRX that could be implemented with least cost and least
effort. PM is overkill if all management wants is an automated tool to
get the monthly book of 30+ financial reports.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kevin Fox
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:13 AM
To: 'MAPICS ERP System Discussion'
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

I'm curious. After looking at PM, what was the rational for not
and implementing?

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
On Behalf Of Vic Belebczuk
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 2:25 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

I especially agree with the statements " Just proceed with your eyes
Make certain your C-level executives are involved. It would be nearly
impossible to correctly implement and fully utilize the power of the
application without their involvement."
We did not have that commitment. Management was only looking for an EOM
financial report writer, so we went with another solution.

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message: 3
date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 08:19:39 -0400
from: "Gindlesperger, Dale" <DGindle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

Just for my two cents, my former company was in the same frame of mind as Vic's. They liked the concept of financial BI but wouldn't commit to what was required. All they really wanted was a better reporting tool that then old FA module. There sure are a lot of excellent tools available, but without top management commitment, it's just tossing your money out the window. They would have been satisfied with DB2/WebQuery and it's dashboard.

Dale "Cork" Gindlesperger, CPIM
Senior Business Analyst

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Vic Belebczuk
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 8:01 AM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

PM is a good fit for a company looking to implement a financial BI tool.
In our case there was no interest. Accounting was looking for the
equivalent of FRX that could be implemented with least cost and least
effort. PM is overkill if all management wants is an automated tool to
get the monthly book of 30+ financial reports.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kevin Fox
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:13 AM
To: 'MAPICS ERP System Discussion'
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

I'm curious. After looking at PM, what was the rational for not
and implementing?

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
On Behalf Of Vic Belebczuk
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 2:25 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

I especially agree with the statements " Just proceed with your eyes
Make certain your C-level executives are involved. It would be nearly
impossible to correctly implement and fully utilize the power of the
application without their involvement."
We did not have that commitment. Management was only looking for an EOM
financial report writer, so we went with another solution.

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message: 4
date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 09:37:39 -0500
from: "Griffin, Jeff" <Jeff.Griffin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

You might want to take a look at F9. It is an infor package and don't think it is an overkill compared to PM. I've heard it is comparable to FRX and can be ran on different platforms of software.

Jeff Griffin

----- Original Message -----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Mon Oct 12 07:01:05 2009
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

PM is a good fit for a company looking to implement a financial BI tool.
In our case there was no interest. Accounting was looking for the
equivalent of FRX that could be implemented with least cost and least
effort. PM is overkill if all management wants is an automated tool to
get the monthly book of 30+ financial reports.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kevin Fox
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 11:13 AM
To: 'MAPICS ERP System Discussion'
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

I'm curious. After looking at PM, what was the rational for not
and implementing?

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
On Behalf Of Vic Belebczuk
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 2:25 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Performance Management Financial Reporting

I especially agree with the statements " Just proceed with your eyes
Make certain your C-level executives are involved. It would be nearly
impossible to correctly implement and fully utilize the power of the
application without their involvement."
We did not have that commitment. Management was only looking for an EOM
financial report writer, so we went with another solution.

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message: 5
date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:04:22 -0500
from: "Ron Anderson" <ron-anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [MAPICS-L] GS1 Global Standards / License Plates

We are currently looking at ways to increase traceability and one way is to
make better use of license plates on pallets and products from the time they
come in to the plant until the time that they leave. As we look closer at
exactly what format we want to use for these license plates, we are
considering incorporating the GS1 standards for labeling and their use of
Application Identifiers in the bar code. I was wondering who else has
considered this approach or is currently using it and how well it is working
for you.


Ron Anderson

IT Manager

Foran Spice Co.

414-764-1220 x322

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message: 6
date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:27:48 -0500
from: "Tom Mayer" <tom-mayer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] GS1 Global Standards / License Plates

Great way to use this user chatroom.

Thanks Ron,


-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Ron Anderson
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 10:04 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] GS1 Global Standards / License Plates

We are currently looking at ways to increase traceability and one way is to
make better use of license plates on pallets and products from the time they
come in to the plant until the time that they leave. As we look closer at
exactly what format we want to use for these license plates, we are
considering incorporating the GS1 standards for labeling and their use of
Application Identifiers in the bar code. I was wondering who else has
considered this approach or is currently using it and how well it is working
for you.


Ron Anderson

IT Manager

Foran Spice Co.

414-764-1220 x322

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message: 7
date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 08:28:44 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
from: Kevin Fox <kdfox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] GS1 Global Standards / License Plates


You need to check out highjump software. ( ) It will save you major code writing when trying to integrate with XA.

Full disclosure: I get nothing by recommending highjump. I'm just a user.

Kevin Fox

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Anderson <ron-anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Oct 12, 2009 8:04 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] GS1 Global Standards / License Plates

We are currently looking at ways to increase traceability and one way is to
make better use of license plates on pallets and products from the time they
come in to the plant until the time that they leave. As we look closer at
exactly what format we want to use for these license plates, we are
considering incorporating the GS1 standards for labeling and their use of
Application Identifiers in the bar code. I was wondering who else has
considered this approach or is currently using it and how well it is working
for you.


Ron Anderson

IT Manager

Foran Spice Co.

414-764-1220 x322

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Kevin Fox
(909) 762-1384 mobile


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