
I agree with Bob. I once had a client that just included the full credit card number with CSV number and expiration date on the pick list. Then had the shipping clerks use a dial up modem to get final approval!

This meant that EVERY credit card number, expiration date and CSV number was printed on hard copy paper and stored in shipping!

Needless to say, this led to some abuse that was traced back to this company.

They were able to settle for a fine equal to 2 YEARS PROFITS!

This is NOT something to mess with. And it is certainly not something that anyone without experience should be doing unless they fully understand the laws involved.

Note that not only must the card numbers, expiration numbers be encripted, but the csv number is not to be stored anywhere. Once an authorization is done the only legal means of ensuring an approved shipment at a later date is using the supplied approval transaction number. When the shipment occurs later, then this authorization number is resubmitted to receive final approval, which again is a supplied approval transaction number.

Bob...your advice as always is very wise.

Take heed everyone.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Hoey <rhoey@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Dec 9, 2009 7:57 AM
To: "mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [MAPICS-L] FW: CSM and Credit Card Processing

It is required by law to store the card number as encrypted data. How do you do that with the extension file?

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Steve Sommer
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:55 PM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] CSM and Credit Card Processing

I have created the CSM-Curbstone interface at a couple of customers by
using integrator to setup an extension file linked to order header(the
record detail for curbstone/MFUKEY) and utilizing UXPC6nnn user exits to
authorize and capture detail.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Steve Sommer
Senior Business Consultant
4Site Associates, LLC
3507 Greenway Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
Phone: 716.773.4428
Mobile: 716.860.1965
Email: ssommer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:00 PM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 241

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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1 (Kevin Fox)
2. Re: Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1
3. Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1 (Kandel, Ed)
4. CSM and Credit Card Processing (cmh501@xxxxxxxx)
5. Re: CSM and Credit Card Processing (Bob Hoey)


message: 1
date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 13:00:07 -0500 (EST)
from: Kevin Fox <kdfox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1


I believe you are correct but I'm not certain. I can only go by the
documentation provided by INFOR. Please see SH15514 (and related SH15608)
which is the code to convert from V5Rx to V6R1 of iSeries operating system.

Please note the many, many times that this list has discussed the
maintenance support licenses.

Only the current release and 1 level back are supported by MAPICS now INFOR.

In order to use the conversion tool to migrate from V5Rx to V6R1 the
documentation states that you must be at XA R6, R7 or R7.8.

Please note that approx. March 31...R9 is to be release which means that
support as of that date will be for R9 and R7.8.

Progress marches on.

Paying Maintenance and not staying current with release levels is a waste.
As is writing "programmer annuities" (i.e. custom code, poorly designed and
documented). I am not pointing fingers at anyone. But a general rule is if
you purchase a package system, you need to always have a plan to keep
current with the vendor if you are going to write custom code. This is not
only true of INFOR but all the other vendors as well.

I worked with an Oracle shop 2 years ago. They are approximately $180
million revenue and 400 employees in high tech electronics. They had to
upgrade from Oracle Enterprise Apps 11.1 to 11.5. It cost them 6 months and
$1.2million to perform the upgrade with a dedicated in house team of 12
Stakeholder representatives, 4 IT staff (2 DBA's 1 analyst and 1 developer)
plus 8 full time consultants.

I can tell you I've had similar issues with Epicor, QAD, 4th Shift and many
other "mid-range ERP" vendors as well. (One 4th shift upgrade for 55 users
cost $400K!)

So before everyone buries this list with complaints about cost, support etc.
Stop and think: How culpable are you?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Le Roi <jleroi@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Dec 7, 2009 12:30 PM
To: MAPICS ERP System Discussion <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1

Hi Orville,

Tegal is at XA 5.5 and when I asked our affiliate about moving up to
V6R1 I was informed that we could only go to V5R4 with our current
release of XA.

Jon Le Roi
Director of I.T.
Tegal Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 8:17 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1


I just ran the following command on our I series.


Then ran: sbmjob cmd(anzobjcvn option(*report) rpttype(*cvnprb))

The results are below.

Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) . . . . . . . . . . : 00001 ASP
Name : *SYSBAS
Total Cannot
Library Objects Convert
---------- ----------------- ---------------
AMALIB 10,060 6,026

Our XA is at V2R7 PTF @ 07597 PTF package SH15572.

Should I be receiving those results mentioned above?

Orville Meredith
Systems Analyst

Gecom Corporation
1025 Barachel Lane
Greensburg, IN 47240


812-663-1745 (T)
812-663-2230 (F)

812-718-9028 (C)
(Travel, after 4:00 p.m. weekdays, and weekends ONLY)

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To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Kevin Fox
(909) 762-1384 mobile


message: 2
date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 13:03:11 -0500
from: Orville_Meredith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1


Infor did contact me (less than 10 minutes after posting) to let me know
that a document (SH15514) explaining what needs to happen.

Had to order cd that will convert the files for me (over 3 gigabytes - to
large for downloading).

Orville Meredith
Systems Analyst

Gecom Corporation
1025 Barachel Lane
Greensburg, IN 47240


812-663-1745 (T)
812-663-2230 (F)

812-718-9028 (C)
(Travel, after 4:00 p.m. weekdays, and weekends ONLY)

"Jon Le Roi"
> To
Sent by: "MAPICS ERP System Discussion"
mapics-l-bounces@ <mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> cc

12/07/2009 12:33 Re: [MAPICS-L] Question about XA
PM conversion from V5R3 to V6R1

Please respond to

Hi Orville,

Tegal is at XA 5.5 and when I asked our affiliate about moving up to
V6R1 I was informed that we could only go to V5R4 with our current
release of XA.

Jon Le Roi
Director of I.T.
Tegal Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 8:17 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1


I just ran the following command on our I series.


Then ran: sbmjob cmd(anzobjcvn option(*report) rpttype(*cvnprb))

The results are below.

Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) . . . . . . . . . . : 00001 ASP
Name : *SYSBAS
Total Cannot
Library Objects Convert
---------- ----------------- ---------------
AMALIB 10,060 6,026

Our XA is at V2R7 PTF @ 07597 PTF package SH15572.

Should I be receiving those results mentioned above?

Orville Meredith
Systems Analyst

Gecom Corporation
1025 Barachel Lane
Greensburg, IN 47240


812-663-1745 (T)
812-663-2230 (F)

812-718-9028 (C)
(Travel, after 4:00 p.m. weekdays, and weekends ONLY)

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To post a message email: MAPICS-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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message: 3
date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 18:13:34 +0000
from: "Kandel, Ed" <ekandel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [MAPICS-L] Question about XA conversion from V5R3 to V6R1

You should be okay since you are on a supported release. After migration
you can overlay your objects with the i 6.1 Conversion Tool (SH15514). It
works great, we were one PCM lower than you and it worked without issues.



message: 4
date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 11:10:51 -0500
from: <cmh501@xxxxxxxx>
subject: [MAPICS-L] CSM and Credit Card Processing

After out Release 7.8 implementation we are looking to implement CSM. One
of the stumbling blocks is bringing over the Credit card user exit. We use
the credit card user exit to authorize credit card transactions with our
Curbstone software and an authorization code / denial code is displayed to
the user in green screen.

Has anybody utilitized credit card processing in CSM and how did you handle

Thank you,
Candy Hein


message: 5
date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 10:17:23 -0600
from: Bob Hoey <rhoey@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [MAPICS-L] CSM and Credit Card Processing

Hi Candy,
Please contact us directly to review your options. At Lexel we offer
products and services for integrating XA with Curbstone.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mapics-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of cmh501@xxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 11:11 AM
To: mapics-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MAPICS-L] CSM and Credit Card Processing

After out Release 7.8 implementation we are looking to implement CSM. One
of the stumbling blocks is bringing over the Credit card user exit. We use
the credit card user exit to authorize credit card transactions with our
Curbstone software and an authorization code / denial code is displayed to
the user in green screen.

Has anybody utilitized credit card processing in CSM and how did you handle

Thank you,
Candy Hein
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End of MAPICS-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 241

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Kevin Fox
(909) 762-1384 mobile

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