To clarify - the entire green screen application still exists at release 9, and is still supported at Release 9. For release 10, the green screen application will be discontinued entirely. Release 10 will have some of the IDF Level 1 content remaining, which means there will still be some underlying RPG programs. However, there will be no RPG programs available for any object that is in the full Power-Link architecture (IDF Level 2).
Additionally, we have delayed Release 10 until 2012, and will deliver as much of the Power-Link application as possible at release 9. PCMs delivered in 2011 for release 9 will have additional Power-Link objects delivered with the PCM. Think of it as service packs for Release 9. This will give customers who FLEX Upgrade more time to make the transition to browser applications - and provide additional enhancements without requiring an upgrade.
Release 9 will see significant additional functionality added over the next 18 months, including Infor products like MyDay, ION, Performance Management, F9, Enterprise Asset Management, and (hopefully) Product Lifecycle Management. Additional partner products are also under consideration, to add to the three Solution Partner products added over the last 12 months.
Best Regards,
Ross Freeman | Senior Product Manager, ERP XA || mobile: +1.404.386.5684 | ross.freeman@xxxxxxxxx
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