From my experience if you want to scale a PDF document page size you cannot do it by simply changing properties.
You have to write code or purchase a 3rd party component which will auto-scale the PDF page. The print component of our iForms product does something like that for you if you're open to commercial options.
Otherwise google for PDF resize options. There may be some command line based things you can purchase.
You should also be able to hard code your printer to use 11 x 17 no ?
Richard Schoen
RJS Software Systems Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
message: 1
date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 17:40:54 +0000
from: Otto Meyn <meyno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [MAPICS-L] Changing a PDF Documnet's Properties.
I need to print my PDFs automatically from an 8 1/2x11 to 11x17 , I would like to change the PDFs Document Properties but have not found a solution to edit the page size.
This is my process. ALL PDFs are attached to the item rev (EPDM) file. When and MO prints we check to see if a PDF is attached. ( ALL PDFs attached will print). Send a copy to a PC Folder which has "Acrotex PDF Printer Monitor" active and pointed to a specific Network printer.
This work perfectly.
But now I want all PDFs to print on 11 x 17 paper.
The Printer default paper is 11x17 but the PDF prints at 8 ? x 11.
Any ideas? If the Document properties has a Page size of 11 x 17 it works.
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