Hi Tim:
Just a thought might you simply be able to write a program to read through the IP's and create an IA batch? You could find an unused field to flag as already processed and only read through those that have not already been adjusted. It would be a pretty is program to write.
Did you log a Concierge request to see what Infor recommends?
Laura Ubelhor
Consultech Services, Inc.
Office: (248) 628-6800
ubelhor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | www.consultechservicesinc.com
On Friday, October 23, 2020, 04:20:39 PM EDT, Tim Rutz <tim.rutz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Any ideas on how to handle material loss on a IP transaction to account for material loss during sawing operations, etc. For example MO calls for 20" of steel, material is cut to 20" but 1/8" is lost for each cut. Need to issue the 1/8" to keep inventory accurate.
Tim Rutz | Senior Systems Programmer / Analyst
Douglas Machine Inc. | Tel: 320.762.6348
http://www.douglas-machine.com/> | tim.rutz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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