[Leif Svalgaard] Bruce, I've left the entire thread in this posting to have the complete context. Here is first the C-program MATCTX: #include <qusmiapi.h> void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { typedef struct { _SYSPTR SystemPtr; } s; s* SysPtr; SysPtr = (s*) argv[2]; QusMaterializeContext((_SPCPTR) argv[1], SysPtr->SystemPtr, ( void *) argv[3]); } [Leif Svalgaard] this is compiled etc into the *PGM MATCTX which I will call later on. Here is then the MI-program that calls it (and also tries to execute the MI-instruction MATCTX directly). If the program is called with the parameter C it calls the C-program, if called with any other parameter (e.g. M) it executes MATCTX as an MI-instruction. DCL SPCPTR .LIB-OPTIONS INIT(LIB-OPTIONS); DCL DD LIB-OPTIONS CHAR(44) BDRY(16); DCL DD LIB-INFO-REQD CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-OPTIONS) POS( 1) INIT(X'0F'); DCL DD LIB-SELECTION CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-OPTIONS) POS( 2) INIT(X'10'); DCL DD LIB-NAME-SIZE BIN(2) DEF(LIB-OPTIONS) POS( 3) INIT(30); DCL DD LIB-SEL-TYPE CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-OPTIONS) POS( 5); DCL DD LIB-SEL-STYPE CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-OPTIONS) POS( 6); DCL DD LIB-SEL-NAME CHAR(30) DEF(LIB-OPTIONS) POS( 7); DCL DD LIB-SEL-TSTMP CHAR(8) DEF(LIB-OPTIONS) POS(37); DCL DD * CHAR(4) DEF(LIB-SEL-TSTMP) POS(1) INIT(X'00000000'); DCL DD * CHAR(4) DEF(LIB-SEL-TSTMP) POS(5) INIT(X'00000000'); DCL SPCPTR .LIB-SPACE; DCL DD LIB-SPACE (10000)CHAR(48) BDRY(16) AUTO; DCL DD LIB-BYTES-PRV BIN(4) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 1); DCL DD LIB-BYTES-AVL BIN(4) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 5); DCL DD LIB-OBJ-TYPE CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 9); DCL DD LIB-OBJ-STYPE CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 10); DCL DD LIB-OBJ-NAME CHAR(30) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 11); DCL DD LIB-OBJ-OPTIONS CHAR(4) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 41); DCL DD LIB-RCV-OPTIONS CHAR(4) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 45); DCL DD LIB-SPC-SIZE BIN(4) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 49); DCL DD LIB-SPC-INIT CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 53); DCL DD LIB-PRFM-CLASS CHAR(4) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 54); DCL DD * CHAR(7) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 58); DCL SYSPTR * DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 65); DCL SYSPTR LIB-ACS-GRP DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 81); DCL DD LIB-EXTND-ATTR CHAR(1) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 97); DCL DD * CHAR(7) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS( 98); DCL DD LIB-OBJ-TSTAMP CHAR(8) DEF(LIB-SPACE) POS(105); DCL DD LIB-HDR-SIZE BIN(4) INIT(112); DCL DD LIB-ENTRY-SIZE BIN(4) INIT(48); DCL DD LIB-NBR-OF-ENTRIES BIN(4); DCL SPCPTR .LIB-ENTRY; DCL DD LIB-ENTRY CHAR(48) BAS(.LIB-ENTRY); DCL DD LIB-ENTRY-TYPE CHAR(2) DEF(LIB-ENTRY) POS( 1); DCL DD LIB-ENTRY-NAME CHAR(30) DEF(LIB-ENTRY) POS( 3); DCL SYSPTR .LIB-OBJ-PTR DEF(LIB-ENTRY) POS(33); DCL DD LIB-OBJ-PTR CHAR(8) DEF(LIB-ENTRY) POS(41); DCL SPCPTR .OBJ-OPTIONS INIT(OBJ-OPTIONS); DCL DD OBJ-OPTIONS CHAR(44) BDRY(16); DCL DD OBJ-INFO-REQD CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-OPTIONS) POS( 1) INIT(X'0F'); DCL DD OBJ-SELECTION CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-OPTIONS) POS( 2) INIT(X'10'); DCL DD OBJ-NAME-SIZE BIN(2) DEF(OBJ-OPTIONS) POS( 3) INIT(30); DCL DD OBJ-SEL-TYPE CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-OPTIONS) POS( 5); DCL DD OBJ-SEL-STYPE CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-OPTIONS) POS( 6); DCL DD OBJ-SEL-NAME CHAR(30) DEF(OBJ-OPTIONS) POS( 7); DCL DD OBJ-SEL-TSTMP CHAR(8) DEF(OBJ-OPTIONS) POS(37); DCL SPCPTR .OBJ-SPACE; DCL DD OBJ-SPACE (100000)CHAR(48) BDRY(16) AUTO; DCL DD OBJ-BYTES-PRV BIN(4) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 1); DCL DD OBJ-BYTES-AVL BIN(4) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 5); DCL DD OBJ-OBJ-TYPE CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 9); DCL DD OBJ-OBJ-STYPE CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 10); DCL DD OBJ-OBJ-NAME CHAR(30) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 11); DCL DD OBJ-OBJ-OPTIONS CHAR(4) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 41); DCL DD OBJ-RCV-OPTIONS CHAR(4) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 45); DCL DD OBJ-SPC-SIZE BIN(4) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 49); DCL DD OBJ-SPC-INIT CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 53); DCL DD OBJ-PRFM-CLASS CHAR(4) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 54); DCL DD * CHAR(7) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 58); DCL SYSPTR * DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 65); DCL SYSPTR OBJ-ACS-GRP DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 81); DCL DD OBJ-EXTND-ATTR CHAR(1) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 97); DCL DD * CHAR(7) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS( 98); DCL DD OBJ-OBJ-TSTAMP CHAR(8) DEF(OBJ-SPACE) POS(105); DCL DD OBJ-HDR-SIZE BIN(4) INIT(112); DCL DD OBJ-ENTRY-SIZE BIN(4) INIT(48); DCL DD OBJ-NBR-OF-ENTRIES BIN(4); DCL SPCPTR .OBJ-ENTRY; DCL DD OBJ-ENTRY CHAR(48) BAS(.OBJ-ENTRY); DCL DD OBJ-ENTRY-TYPE CHAR(2) DEF(OBJ-ENTRY) POS( 1); DCL DD OBJ-ENTRY-NAME CHAR(30) DEF(OBJ-ENTRY) POS( 3); DCL SYSPTR .OBJ-OBJ-PTR DEF(OBJ-ENTRY) POS(33); DCL DD OBJ-OBJ-PTR CHAR(8) DEF(OBJ-ENTRY) POS(41); DCL DD CUR-OFFSET BIN(4); DCL SPCPTR .PARM1 PARM; DCL DD CHOICE CHAR(1) BAS(.PARM1); DCL OL *ENTRY(.PARM1) PARM EXT MIN(1); DCL DD RESOLVE CHAR(34) AUTO; DCL DD RESOLVE-TYPE CHAR( 2) DEF(RESOLVE) POS( 1); DCL DD RESOLVE-NAME CHAR(30) DEF(RESOLVE) POS( 3); DCL DD RESOLVE-AUTH CHAR( 2) DEF(RESOLVE) POS(33) INIT(X'0000'); DCL SYSPTR .MATCTX; /*******************************************************************/ ENTRY * (*ENTRY) EXT; CPYBLA RESOLVE-TYPE, X'0201'; CPYBLAP RESOLVE-NAME, "MATCTX", " "; RSLVSP .MATCTX, RESOLVE, *, *; SETSPP .LIB-SPACE, LIB-SPACE; SETSPP .OBJ-SPACE, OBJ-SPACE; CPYBLA YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, "19991123120000"; CALLI CONVERT-TO-TIMESTAMP, *, .DATE-TIME; CPYBLA OBJ-SEL-TSTMP, TIMESTAMP; CPYNV LIB-BYTES-PRV, LIB-ENTRY-SIZE; MULT(S) LIB-BYTES-PRV, 10000; CPYNV OBJ-BYTES-PRV, OBJ-ENTRY-SIZE; MULT(S) OBJ-BYTES-PRV, 100000; MATERIALIZE-LIBRARIES: CALLI GET-LIBS, *, .GET-LIBS; ADDSPP .LIB-ENTRY, .LIB-SPACE, LIB-HDR-SIZE; SUBN LIB-NBR-OF-ENTRIES, LIB-BYTES-AVL, LIB-HDR-SIZE; DIV(SB) LIB-NBR-OF-ENTRIES, LIB-ENTRY-SIZE/ZER(DONE-LIBS); HAVE-LIBRARY: CMPBLA(B) LIB-ENTRY-TYPE, X'0401'/NEQ(DONE-OBJS); MATERIALIZE-OBJECTS: CALLI GET-OBJS, *, .GET-OBJS; ADDSPP .OBJ-ENTRY, .OBJ-SPACE, OBJ-HDR-SIZE; SUBN(B) OBJ-NBR-OF-ENTRIES, OBJ-BYTES-AVL, OBJ-HDR-SIZE /NEG(DONE-OBJS); DIV(SB) OBJ-NBR-OF-ENTRIES, OBJ-ENTRY-SIZE/ZER(DONE-OBJS); HAVE-OBJECT: BRK "OBJ"; DONE-DESCR: ADDSPP .OBJ-ENTRY, .OBJ-ENTRY, OBJ-ENTRY-SIZE; SUBN(SB) OBJ-NBR-OF-ENTRIES, 1/NZER(HAVE-OBJECT); DONE-OBJS: ADDSPP .LIB-ENTRY, .LIB-ENTRY, LIB-ENTRY-SIZE; SUBN(SB) LIB-NBR-OF-ENTRIES, 1/NZER(HAVE-LIBRARY); DONE-LIBS: RTX *; DCL INSPTR .GET-LIBS; ENTRY GET-LIBS INT; MATCTX .LIB-SPACE, *, LIB-OPTIONS; B .GET-LIBS; DCL INSPTR .GET-OBJS; ENTRY GET-OBJS INT; CMPBLA(B) CHOICE, "C"/EQ(CALL-C-PGM); MATCTX .OBJ-SPACE, .LIB-OBJ-PTR, OBJ-OPTIONS; B .GET-OBJS; DCL SPCPTR .MAT-API INIT(MAT-API); DCL DD MAT-API CHAR(16) BDRY(16); DCL SYSPTR .MAT-OBJ DEF(MAT-API) POS(1); DCL OL MATCTX-OBJ (.OBJ-SPACE, .MAT-API, .OBJ-OPTIONS); CALL-C-PGM: CPYBWP .MAT-OBJ, .LIB-OBJ-PTR; CALLX .MATCTX, MATCTX-OBJ, *; B .GET-OBJS; /*******************************************************************/ /* TIMESTAMP AND DATE CONVERSIONS */ DCL DD TIMESTAMP CHAR(8); DCL DD TIMESTAMP-HI-BITS BIN(4) UNSGND DEF(TIMESTAMP) POS(1); DCL DD TIMESTAMP-LO-BITS BIN(4) UNSGND DEF(TIMESTAMP) POS(5); DCL DD TIMESTAMP-64 PKD(21,0); /* CAN HOLD 64-BIT UNSIGNED */ DCL DD TIMESTAMP-HI PKD(11,0); DCL DD TIMESTAMP-LO PKD(11,0); DCL DD TWO**32 PKD(11,0) INIT(P'4294967296'); DCL DD NBR-SECONDS PKD(15,0); DCL DD NBR-DAYS BIN(4); DCL DD NBR-YEARS BIN(4); DCL DD ADD-YEARS BIN(4); DCL DD NBR-PERIODS BIN(4); DCL DD DAY-MONTH BIN(4); DCL DD S BIN(4); DCL DD D BIN(4); DCL DD M BIN(4); /* DAY BASE FOR: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec*/ DCL DD DAYS CHAR(36) INIT("000031059090120151181212243273304334"); DCL DD DAYS-ACCUM (12)ZND(3,0) DEF(DAYS) POS(1); DCL DD YYYYMMDDHHMMSS CHAR(14); DCL DD YEAR ZND(4,0) DEF(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) POS( 1); DCL DD MONTH ZND(2,0) DEF(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) POS( 5); DCL DD DAY ZND(2,0) DEF(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) POS( 7); DCL DD HOUR ZND(2,0) DEF(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) POS( 9); DCL DD MIN ZND(2,0) DEF(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) POS(11); DCL DD SEC ZND(2,0) DEF(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) POS(13); DCL INSPTR .DATE-TIME; ENTRY CONVERT-TO-TIMESTAMP INT; SUBN NBR-YEARS, YEAR, 1925; DIVREM NBR-PERIODS, NBR-YEARS, 4, ADD-YEARS; MULT NBR-DAYS, NBR-PERIODS, 1461; MULT D, ADD-YEARS, 365; ADDN(S) NBR-DAYS, D; /* ONE TOO LARGE */ CPYNV M, MONTH; ADDN(S) NBR-DAYS, DAYS-ACCUM(M); ADDN(S) NBR-DAYS, DAY; CMPNV(B) ADD-YEARS, 3/NEQ(A); /* LEAP YEAR ADJUST: */ CMPNV(B) MONTH, 2/HI (C); /* IF LATER THAN FEB */ A: SUBN(S) NBR-DAYS, 1; C: MULT NBR-SECONDS, NBR-DAYS, 86400; MULT S, HOUR, 60; ADDN(S) S, MIN; MULT(S) S, 60; ADDN(S) S, SEC; ADDN(S) NBR-SECONDS, S; SUBN(S) NBR-SECONDS, 114955386; /* AUG 23, 1928, 12:03:06 */ MULT TIMESTAMP-64, NBR-SECONDS, 4096000000; DIVREM TIMESTAMP-HI-BITS, TIMESTAMP-64, TWO**32, TIMESTAMP-LO-BITS; B .DATE-TIME; PEND; call rtvobjs c works call rtvobjs m bombs with 'hardware protection violation' When the c-version is running the call stack obviously bottoms out with QusMaterializeContext. Since this program is a system state program we have no problem. V4R2 SL40: MI-program OK, C-progam OK V4R3 SL40: MI-program NFG, C-program OK V4R3 SL50: MI-program NFG, C-program OK If I use SST to change the MI-program to system state everything works, of course. > I am unable to recreate this exposure (on V4R4 at 50 anyway), and am not > sure I understand your exact environment. The two builtins I looked > at (_MATCTX1 and _MATCTX2) are system builtins that map directly to > the MI instruction so I'm not clear on what system state program you > are seeing on the stack. > > I can also think of scenarios where C runtime is simply doing the same > checking (if not actually using) as the QusMaterializeContext API and > so no breach necessarily exists (though in my test environment I got > MCH6801 with the C builtin _MATCTX2 which suggests the runtime isn't > using the API so one scenario may be scratched...). > > Could you send me a quick test case and what release/security level you > are seeing the successful run on? > > Thanks, > Bruce > > > > >The V4R2 functional reference manual does not mention any > >restrictions. Anyway, I still don't have a *rationale* for why > >an obvious security breach is allowed in C and not in MI. > > > >As I mentioned in my post it is*obvious* that it would work > >with the C-program because at the bottom of the API it > >is a system state program that executes the MATCTX. > >What is not obvious is why *this* breach is allowed. > >So my question still stands. It is not about "how", > >but about "why"? > > > >> -----Original Message----- > >> From: bvining@VNET.IBM.COM [SMTP:bvining@VNET.IBM.COM] > >> Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 10:21 AM > >> To: MI400@midrange.com > >> Subject: MATCTX (was Detecting changing objects...) > >> > >> If MATCTX was working prior to V4R3 for explicit libraries then the > >> bug is in the previous releases and not V4R3. For many releases > >> there has been a restriction concerning passing system pointers to > >> system domain objects from user state programs (at higher security > >> levels); I suspect it is this restriction (the explict system pointer > >> to the context/library) that is causing the failure. > >> > >> Because of this IBM provided the API QusMaterializeContext (you can > >> probably guess what it does based on the name) back in one of the V3 > >> releases (it's in the V3R7 manual anyway). This API is documented in > >> the Object APIs chapter of the System API Reference (though it > basically > >> points you to the MI Functional Reference as the API is just a front > end > >> to MATCTX that puts you into the proper state). Other front ends of > >> this type exist, such as QusMaterializeJournalPortAttr in the Journal > >> and Commit APIs chapter). > >> > >> Bruce > >> > >> > > >> >A problem with MATCTX is that from V4R3M0 it seems to be > >> >a restricted operation (except when materializing the machine > >> >context - * ) and gives you a protection violation at security > >> >level 40 and above if your program is a user state program. > >> >Interestingly enough, the C function matctx does not have > >> >that problem. (I can hear the C-bigots snicker already). > >> >This is because the C interface goes through a service > >> >program that is not a user state program. As far as I am > >> >concerned thus is a bug. It does not make sense to > >> >have a restriction that is that easily circumvented. Maybe > >> >the bug has already been fixed in V4R4M0. If not, it > >> >either should be fixed or it should not be a restricted > >> >operation. > >> > > >> > +--- | This is the MI Programmers Mailing List! | To submit a new message, send your mail to MI400@midrange.com. | To subscribe to this list send email to MI400-SUB@midrange.com. | To unsubscribe from this list send email to MI400-UNSUB@midrange.com. | Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator: dr2@cssas400.com +---
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