Here is the list I use for V4R4.

01.90   *QDAG      access group, composite piece
01.EF   *QTAG      temporary access group
02.01   *PGM       program
02.02   *SQLPKG    structured query language package
02.03   *SRVPGM    service program
02.50   *JVAPGM    Java program
03.01   *MODULE    module
04.01   *LIB       library
04.C1   *INTLIB    internal library
06.A0   *OPTBSS    optical byte string space
06.C1   *DOCBSS    document byte string space
07.01   *JRNRCV    journal receiver
07.C1   *DFTRCV    default journal receiver
08.01   *USRPRF    user profile
09.01   *JRN       journal
09.C1   *DFTJRN    default journal
0A.01   *DTAQ      data queue
0A.02   *USRQ      user queue
0A.90   *QDQ       queue, composite piece
0A.C1   *JTMMQ     measurement message queue
0A.C2   *SIQ       FM queue
0A.C3   *DRQ       distribution recipient queue
0A.C4   *DCTQ      data dictionary queue
0A.C5   *DCXMSQ    DCX operator message queue
0A.C6   *HPQ       office host print queue
0A.C7   *TCPIPQ    TCP/IP internal queue
0A.C8   *GENQ      ??
0A.EF   *QTQ       temporary queue
0A.F0   *JSQ       job schedule queue
0A.F1   *SMQ       systems management internal queue
0A.F2   *TNIPLMQ   TN IPL message queue
0B.50   *DIRDS     directory data space
0B.51   *DEADS     directory extended attribute DS
0B.90   *QDDS      data space, composite piece
0B.A0   *FIDTBL    ??
0B.EF   *QTDS      temporary data space
0C.01   *DIR       FPFS directory
0C.50   *DEADI     directory extended attribute indx
0C.90   *QDDSI     data space index, composite piece
0C.EF   *QTDSI     temporary, data space index
0D.50   *MEM       database file member
0D.51   *DIRCR     directory cursor
0D.52   *DEACR     directory extended attribute curs
0D.EF   *OCUR      database operational cursor
0E.01   *JOBQ      job queue
0E.02   *OUTQ      output queue
0E.03   *MSGF      message file
0E.04   *FCT       forms control table
0E.05   *SSND      session description
0E.06   *IGCDCT    ideographic dictionary DBCS
0E.07   *SCHIDX    information search index
0E.08   *RCT       reference code translate table
0E.09   *ALRTBL    alert table, index
0E.0A   *USRIDX    user index
0E.0B   *FTR       generic filter
0E.0C   *JOBSCD    job schedule
0E.0D   *CFGL      configuration list
0E.0E   *NODL      node list
0E.0F   *CRQD      change request description
0E.10   *VLDL      validation list
0E.50   *IMPLREP   ??
0E.90   *QDIDX     index, composite piece
0E.91   *MSRVI     master service index
0E.A0   *CMTCDRI   commit recovery block
0E.A1   *ZMFINX    ??
0E.A2   *TOKTBL    ??
0E.A3   *QFSIDX    ??
0E.A4   *GENIDX    ??
0E.A5   *CRGM      ??
0E.C1   *MNIIX     menu index
0E.C2   *SDQ       SNADS distribution queue
0E.C3   *SECOBJ    ??
0E.C4   *INTPRF    interactive profile
0E.C5   *AUT       authorized user table
0E.C6   *FACB      file available control block
0E.C7   *PRTQ      print queue
0E.C8   *SRMIDX    system resource manager index
0E.C9   *SLFSMS    secondary logic unit index
0E.CA   *FCNUL     ??
0E.CB   *PRODT     operand description table
0E.CC   *S36IDX    s/36 index, index
0E.CD   *SWFL      system wide folder
0E.CE   *S36HLP    S/36 help object
0E.CF   *DCXITC    DSC inter task comm index
0E.D0   *EDTIDX    element description index
0E.D1   *DRX       distribution index
0E.D2   *CCSID1    coded character set identifier
0E.EF   *QTIDX     temporary, index
0E.F0   *X4Q       X400 queue
0E.F1   *PRDAVLI   product availability index
0E.F2   *SMIDX     system management index
0F.C1   *CBLK      commit block
10.01   *DEVD      device description
11.01   *LIND      line description
12.01   *CTLD      control unit description
13.90   *DMPSP     dump space
14.01   *COSD      class of service description
15.01   *MODD      mode description
16.01   *NWID      network interface description
17.01   *CNNL      connection list
18.A0   *JMQ       job message queue
18.A1   *IPLJMQ    VMC internally created queue spac
19.00   *SP        space
19.01   *FILE      file
19.02   *MSGQ      message queue
19.03   *JOBD      job description
19.04   *CLS       class
19.05   *CMD       command
19.06   *TBL       table
19.07   *PRTIMG    print image
19.08   *EDTD      edit description
19.09   *SBSD      subsystem description
19.0A   *DTAARA    data area
19.0B   *CLD       C locale description, space
19.0C   *GSS       graphics symbol set
19.0D   *CHTFMT    chart format
19.0E   *DOC       document
19.0F   *DOCL      document list
19.10   *IGCTBL    DBCS font character table
19.11   *QRYDFN    query definition
19.12   *FLR       folder
19.13   *EXITRG    exit registration
19.14   *NTBD      NetBIOS configuration data
19.15   *PNLGRP    panel group definition
19.16   *MENU      menu definition
19.17   *SVRSTG    ??
19.18   *CFGLO     configuration list
19.19   *S36       S/36 machine description
19.1A   *IGCSRT    ideographic sort table
19.1B   *PRDDFN    product definition
19.1C   *PRDFUN    product function
19.1D   *PRDLOD    product load
19.1E   *IPXD      ??
19.1F   *SQLUDT    SQL user defined type
19.20   *DTADCT    data dictionary
19.21   *LOCALE    ??
19.22   *CSPMAP    cross system product map
19.23   *CSPTBL    cross system product table, space
19.24   *M36CFG    ??
19.25   *PSFCFG    ??
19.26   *FNTRSC    font resource, space
19.27   *PAGSEG    page segment, space
19.28   *FORMDF    form definition, space
19.29   *OVL       overlay, space
19.2A   *NODGRP    ??
19.2B   *FNTTBL    ??
19.2C   *CRG       cluster resoursce group
19.2D   *MGTCOL    ??
19.30   *PDG       print descriptor group
19.31   *QMQRY     query management query
19.32   *QMFORM    query management form
19.33   *PRDAVL    product availability
19.34   *USRSPC    user space
19.35   *CSI       communications side information
19.36   *PAGDFN    page definition
19.37   *BNDDIR    binding directory
19.38   *WSCST     work station customizing object
19.50   *DIR       database dictionary
19.51   *FMT       file format
19.52   *OIRS      composite piece
19.53   *EXITSP    exit registration space
19.54   *SVRSTGD   ??
19.55   *DBCOLES   ??
19.58   *FCS       file constraint extension to FDT
19.59   *GRPDLS    ??
19.90   *QDSP      space, composite piece
19.A0   *RCYAP     recovery times for SMAPP
19.A1   *PRMGEN    permanent generic space
19.A2   *ZMFSPC    ??
19.A3   *RZHRIPD   ??
19.A4   *CFGSPC    ??
19.A5   *CIO       ??
19.C0   *MCO       mesaurement collection object
19.C1   *INITSP    install initial template space
19.C2   *SPLCB     spool control block
19.C3   *SEPT      system entry point table
19.C5   *RWCB      read/write control block
19.C6   *ICO       install communication object
19.C7   *PDT       process definition template
19.C8   *MCOTBL    measurement collection obj table
19.C9   *MDO       measurement descriptor object
19.CA   *JAR       job APAR repository
19.CB   *MNTXT     menu text
19.CC   *PCCR      program change control record
19.CD   *GDA       group data area
19.CE   *LDA       local data area
19.CF   *SRQUTH    save/restore authorizations table
19.D0   *WCBT      work control block table
19.D1   *LIBRCVR   library recovery object
19.D2   *SVAL      system value
19.D3   *SYSCB     system control block
19.D4   *DBRCVR    database recovery object
19.D5   *INAUT     install authority object
19.D6   *SYSPRTI   system print image part numbers
19.D7   *EPTAB     data management entry point table
19.D8   *SYSRPYL   system reply list
19.D9   *UFCB      user file control block
19.DA   *PROCT     operation code table
19.DB   *SRDS      save/restore descriptor space
19.DC   *SCO       service communication object
19.DD   *WCBTRO    WCBT recovery object
19.DE   *SCPFSP    SCPF space
19.DF   *MQLOCK    message queue locking protocol
19.E0   *ADO       asynchronous distribution object
19.E1   *IGCINT    ideographic character table
19.E2   *DTO       distribution tracking object
19.E3   *DUO       document unit object
19.E4   *OSSCB     session control block
19.E5   *NFSP      network facility space
19.E6   *MDOC      mail document
19.E7   *UFO       unfiled folder object
19.E8   *FSO       FMS system object
19.E9   *DSNXO     DSNX system object
19.EA   *S36EPT    S/36 entry point table
19.EB   *IDDEDT    internal data dictionary
19.EC   *S36HST    S/36 history object
19.ED   *VMCLSF    VLIC LSF holder
19.EE   *MSCSP     permanent miscellaneous space
19.EF   *QTSP      temporary space
19.F0   *ACNAME    automatic configuration names
19.F1   *S36BCH    S/36 batch object
19.F2   *LIRCVR    library REC object for rename
19.F3   *SRMSPC    system resource manager space
19.F4   *INAUTO    auto install object
19.F5   *DCRENO    DC rename object
19.F6   *SYAUTS    security authorization space
19.F7   *HFSD      HFS description
19.F8   *SHRCV     SH recovery object
19.F9   *SNMTBL    system program name table
19.FA   *X4O       X400 object
19.FB   *CNVTBL    system conversion table
19.FC   *PTCSPC    protected space
19.FE   *UBPSPC    usage based pricing space
1A.90   *QDPCS     complete piece PCS
1A.EF   *QTPCS     temporary process control space
1B.01   *AUTL      authorization list
1B.C1   *AUTHLR    authority holder
1C.01   *SPADCT    spelling aid dictionary
1D.01   *NWSD      network server description
1E.01   *STMF      stream file
1E.02   *SYMLNK    symbolic link
1E.03   *SOCKET    local socket
1E.04   *M36       ??
1E.05   *BLKSF     block special file
1E.52   *MCBSF     ??
1E.A0   *DLSTMF    document library stream file
1E.B1   *SMBSF     ??
1E.ED   *OPTSTMF   optical stream file
1F.01   *DSTMF     distributed stream file
1F.02   *DDIR      distributes directory
20.01   *SOMOBJ    system object model
20.02   *OOPOOL    ??
21.50   *JVAGRP    java group
81.00   *MCHCTX    machine context
85.A0   *STREAM    stream object

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