I could think of a few uses. 1. I have a buffer I am using that, currently, is 1000 bytes. I've used up 500 bytes so far. I want to add an element that's 600 bytes. Rather than add 100 bytes to the end, re-allocate 600 bytes from byte 501. 2. I have a buffer of records that are 100 bytes each, and I have 10 so far, for 1000 bytes. I want to add a record into the middle. Rather than add the 100 bytes at the end and shift the records from 5 to 10 to the next record, just add 100 bytes in the middle. 3. I want to delete a record in the middle as the above scenario. I'm not saying I would do anything like this, but I could see how it would be useful. Regards, Jim Langston I -----Original Message----- From: Walden H. Leverich [mailto:WaldenL@TechSoftInc.com] OK, I've used pointer-based languages for many years and I've never wanted to allocate more memory in the middle of an allocation. Maybe that just because I couldn't so my brain doesn't work that way, but why would you want to do such a thing? Are you planning on having the allocation work like a linked list where you're inserting a new element in the middle of the list? -Walden
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